一、GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (1 point each, 15 points in all)Complete each of the following 15 ntences with the most likely answer. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet.
1、The teacher asked the students to hand in their papers when they the test.
A.had finished
B.would finish
C.would have finished
D.were finishing
2、It ems very unlikely to happen, but if it, we need to be well-prepared.
3^ He heard an unusual noi from the tire and guesd that the brakes needed.
三、PARAPHRASING Choo the clost paraphrad version after each of the following ntences or the italicized part. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 10 points in all)
1、If such a work is hundreds or thousands of years old and is still admired, there is probably something to it.
A.... something must be done about it.
神奇大冒险B.... some magic power must be behind it
C.・・・ there must be something valuable in it
D. •••it must be a quite strange phenomenon.
2、A cross respon signals that the parents are in inner conflict.
A.Different respons from parents indicate their confusion.
B.If parents respond angrily, it shows uncertainty in their hearts.
C.The anger of parents reveals that they are under great pressure.
D.If parents quarrel with each other, the disagreement becomes obvious.
3、Then he (Hughie) had tried lling dry sherry. That did not answer, the sherry was a little too dry.
A.Selling sherry didn''t solve his problem, becau the
sherry was not good enough.
B.That was not whal he wanted to do becau dry sherry was not to his taste.
C.The job of lling sherry didn''t improve his life becau it was very boring.
D . Customers didn''t come becau alcoholic drink was forbidden.
4、I had only to hold out this one more day, and the whole nightmare for me would be over, though it would go on and on for millions of others.
A.The trouble bothered not only me, but also others. Thus, I had to stay there one more day.
矿产资源开发B.The danger would be got rid of if others were willing to help me out, although it was horrible.
C.Things would get better if I could endure one more day. However, for others the horror would last.
D.Things wou 1 d get wor if I was delayed there one more day, though for others it might be different.
5、The hands spoke of the stubbornness of mankind.
A.This pair of hands expresd people' s strong feelings.
B.This pair of hands reprented the persistence of human beings.
C.The workmen complained about the inflexibility some people have.