the name of torrent adventure sounds exciting. it gives me a feeling the thrill of is horrible! torrent exploration was originally propod by lin lei, but his mother didn't agree but, my mother, my mother unexpectedly said: "let the child exerci courage, sizhe, you go to sit!" "in this ca, let lin lei go!" then, wang yufan and zhang zhenyu said they would go, "zhang sizhen, do you want to go?" "i, i......"
i'd like to say no, after all, it's a very dangerous thing to rush down such a steep slope but before, i boasted in front of them that i was not afraid of anything. if i didn't go, wouldn't i have to show up? what's more, it's too shameful to say that everyone is going and i'm not going? i, i'm going out! "i'll go who am i? zhang sizhen is not afraid of heaven and earth! " i don't forget to blow before i die
in this way, we went to the execution ground bravely填充前景色快捷键
the staff are afraid that we will get wet by the water. they dress us up like antenna babies with raincoats. although it's funny, i can't laugh becau, becau i'm afraid!
关于故宫的资料 to get on the bus, the staff let me and wang yufan two girls sit in the back people are afraid it's brave to sit next to a boy now my dear fan fan and i have to live together
it's going uphill. jiga, jiga, it's fun! huh? going downhill right now? why is it so steep? it's much steeper than i thought! ah, dear mother, ah, dear flag, ah, dear willow, ah, dear lemon before i finished the farewell ceremony, i began to go downhill god! the wind is pouring into the ear heart in the air (to paraphra a famous saying: my heart, tile cool the brain is blank paralysis of the nsory system the body is completely out of balance i almost worship you
iphone怎么设置铃声 the car rushed into the water, splashed a lot of water, forming a huge rain curtain. the scene is spectacular! although i was shocked, i still enjoyed the magnificent sight
婴儿绿便的原因有哪些 慢上车了,我的一颗伤势的心脏终于从半空中安全迫降了……
get out of the car soon, my injured heart finally landed safely from the midair
街头搭讪 “刚才就是谁在尖叫声啊?”林磊反问,“不是我啊!”“喂食。林磊,听到着怎么想要就是你在尖叫声啊?”“我,就是我吗?就是我吗?”“明明就是你啊!”西西,认为惧怕的不仅仅就是我一个人啊!
"who was screaming just now?" lin lei asked, "it's not me!" "hello. lin lei, what do you think you are screaming? " "me, is it me? is that me? " "it's you!" xixi, it ems that i'm not alone!