"I'm a bit jealous. Until two days ago someone told me I am the most famous Korean in the world. Now I have to relinquish. I have no regrets," Ban said. 潘基文说;“我有点嫉妒他,直到两天以
The two lavished prai on each other at UN headquarters Tuesday, with Ban even risking a few of Psy's trademark dance moves from the viral smash video Gangnam Style. 这两位周二在联合
BBC News with Julie Candler.
标题:air quality to deteriorate for next 2 days, forecasters say 来自上海日报 12。
5。正文:Shanghai will enjoya day of good air quality today after moderate pollution yesterday, but the city will be hit by further pollution tomorrow and Thursday , said the Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center。
The air quality index was expected to between 55 and 90today, indicating good air quality。Tomorrow , slow wind and accumulation of local air pollutants, mainly nitrogen dioxide, were expected to push the air qualityindex between 85 and 105, indicating slight pollution。Weather forecasters expect another cold front to hit the Yangtze River Delta region on Thursday until the weekend, causing slight to moderate pollution in some areas in the region。 shanghai's air quality index was forecast to be between 105 and 125, indicating slight pollution from the cold front。
The major pollutant was expected to be PM2。5。
"We still need obrvation to tell whether the next round of pollution will affect Shanghai's air quality after Thursday," said the Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center。 The previous round of air pollution in Shanghai, caud by pollutants carried by a cold front from the north, raid the city's air quality index to 192, or moderately polluted, at 10am yesterday。
PM2。5 was the major pollutant。
Today we have arrested Ratko Mladic. Extradition pross is on the way. This is the result of full cooperation of Serbia with The Hague tribunal. We can always believe in our strategy and the work of every one involved in this pross. Today we clod one chapter。
Indications that unemployment continues to ri is grim news for leaders heading to the G-20 summit in the United States next week. The Paris-bad Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development reports unemployment reached its highest level among industrialized nations丁仕源
拂袖而去的意思of 8.5 percent in July. OECD unemployment division chief Stephan Scarpetta says the number of jobless among the OECD's 30 member countries is expected to climb even higher next year, to nearly 10 percent. That translates into 57 million people out of work. "Unfortunately, despite the most recent indicators that suggest the [economic] recovery may be in sight somewhat earlier than we were expecting only a few months ago, it will take far [longer] for the recovery to materialize in terms of significant improvement in the labor market," he said. The United States, Spain and Ireland are among tho countries with the fastest rising unemployment. All three were affected by the collap of high housing prices. The damage spread to other ctors of the economy. Scarpetta says young people are among the hardest hit. In Spain, for example, more than one in three young workers are unemployed. So as world leaders discuss the financial and economic crisis during their meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Scarpetta says it is important they also address the social dimensions of the crisis - like unemployment. "The good news is that countries have already acted quite quickly and decisively, I would say," he said. "Part of the stimulus packages have been additional resources for labor markets and social policies." But efforts by governments to extend and prolong unemployment benefits, and to offer more job counling and training have not kept up with the rising numbers of jobless. Scarpetta says that means countries will need to target their resources more lectively and to ensure that the most vulnerable members of the labor force benefit 您正在看的文章来自ennest英语窝,原文地址:/read.php?tid=3654。
航空公司申称飞机安全性不会受到损害。 2. 维吉尼亚洲边公路上发生枪击车辆事件,造成两名摩托车驾驶员受伤。
交通现已畅通,警方正在调查此次枪击的责任人。 3. 美国外交官正在巴格达避难,他们被警告必须停留在安全防御地带以防起义军火箭炮袭击。
4. 弗洛克第一次向外面张望了一下。这只德国北极熊早上已经出来散过步了,它正在为它下月举行的首次公众登台表演做准备。