P. Hanks (Ed.)
Lexicology: Critical Concepts in Linguistics
Routledge, 2007
Volume 1: Philosophy and Word Meaning
1.1 Foundations物理公式高中大全
1. Aristotle (4th century BC), 'Meaning and Esnce’, Excerpts from
Aristotle's writings, lected, arranged, and edited by Ekaterini Stathi (Berlin, 2005), translations from classics.mit.edu, 48 pages.
2. Porphyry [Porphyrios of Tyre] (3rd century AD), ‘Eisagogē’ (Introduction
to Aristotle's Categories), translated by J. Barnes (Oxford, 2003), 5 pages.
3. John Wilkins (1668), Excerpts from Essay towards a real character, and a
Philosophical Language, (London: The Royal Society), 15 pages.
4. John Locke (1690), 'Of the signification of words', Chapters 1 to 5 from Book III of
the Essay Concerning Human Understanding, and Table of Contents of Book III,
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975), pp. 402-428; 29-34.
5. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1704), ‘Table of Definitions’, Excerpts from ‘Table de
definitions’, in Louis Couturat, ed., Opuscules et fragments inédits de Leibniz,
(Paris: Felix Alcan, 1903; reissued: Hildesheim: Olms, 1963), lected by Donald
Rutherford, translated by Emily Rutherford, 14 pages.
6. Louis Couturat (1903), Excerpts from The Logic of Leibniz, translated by Donald
Rutherford and Timothy Monroe, Published on the Internet (1997-2002).
7. Bertrand Rusll (1921), 'Words and Meaning', in Bertrand Rusll, The Analysis of
Mind, (London: Allen & Unwin, 1922), pp. 135-144.
1.2 Beyond Necessary Conditions
8. Ludwig Wittgenstein (1951), Excerpts from Philosophical Investigations, lected
and edited by Yorick Wilks, (Oxford, 2005), 15 pages.
9. Willard van Orman Quine (1940), 'U Versus Mention', in Willard van Orman
Quine, Mathematical Logic, (New York: Norton) [Reprinted in Farhang Zabeeh, E.
D. Klemke, and Arthur Jacobson, eds., Readings in Semantics, (Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois Press, 1974), pp. 89-94.]
10. Willard van Orman Quine (1960), Excerpts from Word and Object, (Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 1960), pp. 51-57; 80-95; 114-134.
11. Hilary Putnam (1970), ‘Is mantics possible?’, in H. Kiefer and M. Munitz, eds.,
Languages, Believe and Metaphysics, Volume I of Contemporary Philosophic
Thought: The International Philosophy Year Conferences at Brockport. [Reprinted in Mind, Language and Reality, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975),
pp. 139-152.]
12. Hilary Putnam (1975), 'The meaning of "meaning"', in K. Gunderson, ed.,
Language, Mind, and Knowledge, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science,
VII, (University of Minnesota Press). [Reprinted in Mind, Language and Reality
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 215-271.
13. J. L. Austin (1963), ‘Performative-constative’, in Charles E. Caton, ed., Philosophy
and Ordinary Language, translated from the French by G. J. Warnock, (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press), pp. 22–54.
1.3 Variability and Vagueness
14. Jorge Luis Borges (1964), ‘The Analytical Language of John Wilkins’, in Jorge Luis
Borges, Other Inquisitions: 1937-1952, translated by Ruth L. Simms, pp. 101-105.
最温顺的蛇15. William Labov (1973), 'The boundaries of words and their meanings', in C.-J. Bailey
and R. Shuy, eds., New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English, (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press), pp. 340-373.
16. Anna Wierzbicka (1986), 'Precision in Vagueness', Journal of Pragmatics, 10, pp.
17. Anna Wierzbicka (1987), 'Introduction' (1-9, 12) and 'The Promi Group', in
English Speech Act Verbs, (Sydney: Academic Press), pp. 1-26; 30-32; 205-213.
18. Timothy Williamson (2001), 'Vagueness, Indeterminacy and Social Meaning', in
Colin B. Grant and Donald McLaughlin, eds., Language - Meaning - Social
Construction: Interdisciplinary Studies, (Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi), pp. 61-76.
Volume 2: Lexical Semantics and Structures
2.1 Semantic Field Theory
19. Jost Trier (1934), ‚The linguistic field. An investigation’, English translation by Elke
Gehweiler of 'Das sprachliche Feld: eine Auinandertzung', Neue Jahrbücher
für Wisnschaft und Jugendbildung, 10, pp. 428-449.
20. Walter Porzig (1934), ‚Intrinsic mantic relations’, English translation by Elke
Gehweiler of 'Wenhafte Bedeutungsbeziehungen', Beiträge zur deutschen
Sprache und Literatur, 58, 1934, pp. 70-97.
21. Helmut Gipper (1959), ‚Sesl oder Stuhl?* A contribution to the definition of word
面试评价contents in the object world’, English translation by Elke Gehweiler of ‘Sesl oder Stuhl? Ein Beitrag zur Bestimmung von Wortinhalten im Bereich der Sachkultur’, in Helmut Gipper, ed., Sprache: Schlüsl zur Welt; Festschrift für Leo Weisgerber,
(Düsldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann), pp. 271–292
22. Wolfgang Wildgen (2000), 'The history and future of field mantics: from Giordano
Bruno to dynamic mantics', in L. Albertazzi, ed., Meaning and Cognition: a
Multidisciplinary Approach, (Amsterdam: John Benjamins), pp. 203-226.
2.2 Structuralist Semantics
23. Louis Hjelmslev (1958), 'Dans quelle mésure les significations des mots peuvent-
elle être considerées comme formant une structure?', in Eva Sivertn et al., eds., Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Linguists, (Oslo: Oslo
University Press), pp. 636-654.
24. Bernard Pottier (1964), 'Vers une sémantique moderne', in Travaux de linguistique
et de Littérature, 2:1, pp. 107-137.
25. Eugenio Coriu (1964), 'Towards a Structuralist Diachronic Semantics', English
translation by Patrick Hanks of 'Pour une sémantique diachronique structurale' in
Travaux de linguistique et de littérature, published by Centre de Philologie et de
Littératures Romanes de l'Université de Strasbourg, II/1, pp. 139-186.
26. John Lyons (1968), 'Semantic Structure', Chapter 10 of Introduction to Theoretical
Linguistics, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 443-481.
2.3 Componential Analysis of Kinship
27. Ward H. Goodenough (1956), 'Componential analysis and the study of meaning',
Language, 32, pp. 195-216.
28. Floyd G. Lounsbury (1964), 'The Structural Analysis of Kinship Semantics', in
Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Linguists, Cambridge MA 1962,
(The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter), pp. 1073-1090.
2.4 The Lexicon in Early Generative Grammar: Markere
29. Jerrold J. Katz and Jerry Fodor (1963), 'The structure of a mantic theory',
Language, 39:2, pp. 170-210.
30. Dwight Bolinger (1965), 'The atomization of meaning', Language, 41:4, pp. 555-
31. Manfred Bierwisch (1967), ‘Some Semantic Universals of German Adjectivals’,
Foundations of Language, 3, pp. 1-36.
3.2 The Lexicon in Modern Generative Theory
32. James Pustejovsky (1991), ‘The Generative Lexicon’, Computational Linguistics,
17:4, pp. 409-441.
33. Ray Jackendoff (2002), 'What's in the lexicon?', in Sieb Nootebom, Fred Weerman,
Frank Wijnen, eds., Storage and Computation in the Language Faculty, (Dordrecht: Kluwer), pp. 23-58.
Volume 3: Core Meaning, Extended Meaning
3.1 Primes and Universals
34. Andrzej Boguslawski (1970), 'On mantic primitives and meaningfulness', in A. J.
Greimas, R. Jacobson, M. R. Mayenowa et al., eds., Sign, Language, Culture, (The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter), pp. 143-152.
35. Jurij D. Apresjan (2000), ‘On the language of explications and mantic primitives’,
Chapter 8 of Systematic Lexicography, (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 215–
23. [Published in Russian in 1994.]
36. Anna Wierzbicka (1995), 'Universal mantic primitives as a basis for lexical
mantics', Folia Linguistica, 29, 1-2, pp. 149-169.
37. Stephen G. Pulman (2005), 'Lexical decomposition: for and against', in John I. Tait,
ed., Charting a New Cour: Natural Language Processing And Information
Retrieval: essays in honour of Karen Spärck Jones, (Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic/ Springer), pp. 155-174.
38. Danielle Corbin and Martine Temple (1994), 'Le monde des mots et des ns
construits: catégories sémantiques, catégories référentielles’, Cahiers de
lexicologie, 65, pp. 213-236.
39. Cliff Goddard (2005), 'Lexico-mantic universals: a critical overview', Linguistic
天猫销售数据Typology, 5:1, pp. 1-66.台湾特色美食
3.3 Polymy
40. Jurij D. Apresjan (1973), 'Regular Polymy', Linguistics, 142, pp. 5-32.
41. Jiwei Ci (1987), 'Synonymy and Polymy', Lingua, 72, pp. 315-331.
42. Paul D. Deane (1988), 'Polymy and Cognition', Lingua, 75, pp. 325-361.
43. Adrienne Lehrer (1990), 'Polymy, conventionality, and the structure of the
lexicon', Cognitive Linguistics, 1-2, pp. 207-246.
44. Dirk Geeraerts (1993), 'Vagueness's puzzles, polymy's vagaries', Cognitive
Linguistics, 4, pp. 223-272.
45. David Tuggy (1993), 'Ambiguity, Polymy, and Vagueness', Cognitive Linguistics,
4, pp. 273-290.
肺结核有什么症状幼儿园简历3.4 Cross-Linguistic Comparative Lexicology
46. Cecil H. Brown (2001), 'Lexical typology from an anthropological point of view', in
Sprachtypologie und Sprachuniversalien, (Berlin, New York: De Gruyter), pp. 1178-1190.
47. Cliff Goddard (2002), 'Thinking' across languages and cultures: six dimensions of柔力
variation', Cognitive Linguistics, 14:2/3, pp. 109-140.
Volume 4: Syntagmatics
4.1 Syntagmatics: The Firthian Tradition
48. Michael Halliday (1966), 'Lexis as a linguistic level', in C. E. Bazell, J. C. Catford, M.
A. K. Halliday, and R. H. Robins, eds., In Memory of J. R. Firth, (London:
Longman), pp. 148-162.
49. John Sinclair (1966), 'Beginning the study of lexis', in C. E. Bazell, J. C. Catford, M.
A. K. Halliday, and R. H. Robins, eds., In Memory of J. R. Firth, (London:
Longman), pp. 410-430.
50. Eugene O. Winter (1978), 'A look at the role of certain words in information
structure', in K. P. Jones and V. Horsnell, eds., Informatics 3: proceedings of a
conference held by the Aslib Co-ordinate Indexing Group, pp. 85-97.
51. John Sinclair (1998), 'The Lexical Item', in Edda Weigand, ed., Contrastive Lexical
Semantics, (Amsterdam: John Benjamins), pp. 1-24.
52. Michael Hoey (2004), 'The textual priming of lexis', in Guy Aston, Silvia Bernardini,
and Dominic Stewart, eds., Corpora and Language Learners, (Amsterdam: John
Benjamins), pp. 21-41.
53. Alan Partington (2004), '"Utterly content in each other's company". Semantic
prosody and mantic preference', International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 9:1, (Amsterdam: John Benjamins), pp. 131-156.
4.2 Lexicon Grammar
54. Maurice Gross (1993), 'Constructing lexicon-grammars', in B. T. S. Atkins and A.
Zampolli, eds., Computational Approaches to the Lexicon, (Oxford: Oxford
University Press), pp. 213-264.
55. Christian Leclère (2002), 'Organization of the lexicon-grammar of French verbs',
Lingvisticae Investigationes, 25:1, (Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins), pp.
56. Richard Hudson (2002), 'Buying and lling in Word Grammar', in Józf Andor
and Peter Pelyvás, eds., Empirical Cognitive-bad studies in the mantics-
pragmatics interface, (Oxford: Elvier Science, in press?), 25 pages. [=Current
Rearch in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface]
4.3 Frame Semantics
57. Charles J. Fillmore (1975), 'An alternative to checklist theories of meaning’, in
Papers from the First Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, pp. 123-132.
58. Sue Atkins and Charles J. Fillmore (1992), 'Towards a Frame-bad Lexicon: the
Semantics of RISK and its Neighbors', in Adrienne Lehrer and Eva F. Kittay, eds., Frames, Fields and Contrasts: New Essays in Semantic and Lexical Organization, (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum), pp. 75-102.
59. Adrienne Lehrer (1992), 'Names and Naming: why we need Fields and frames', in
Adrienne Lehrer and Eva F. Kittay, eds., Frames, Fields and Contrasts, (Hillsdale, NJ: Laurence Erlbaum), pp. 123-141.
60. Thierry Fontenelle (2000), 'A Bilingual Lexical Databa for Frame Semantics',
International Journal of Lexicography, 13:4, pp. 232-248.
4.4 Preferences, Meaning and Context
61. Jeffrey Gruber (1967), 'Look and e', Language, 43, pp. 937-947.
62. Yorick Wilks (1980), 'Frames, Semantics and Novelty', in Dieter Metzing, ed.,
Frame Conceptions and Text Understanding, (Berlin, New York: Mouton de
Gruyter), pp. 134-163.
63. Anna Wierzbicka (1982), 'Why can you have a drink when you can't *have an eat?',
Language, 58, pp. 753-79.
64. Eugene Nida (1997), 'The molecular level of lexical mantics', International
Journal of Lexicography, 10:4, pp. 265-74.