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论文中的引用格式 (用“夹注”的格式)

  发表日期:2009年3月4日  出处:中国论文网        【编辑录入:yxh
A.  如果引用只涉及一个作家的某本专著或文章,而作家的名字在自己的行文中没有出现,将该作家的姓氏和出版的时间用括弧括起来,放在句子结尾,注意该括弧算作句子的一部分,标点符号应放在括弧之后。
: It has been argued that teachers’ role is to provide the students with optimal conditions which can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar results (Bloom, 1976).
B.  如果引用所涉及到的作家的名字已经出现在行文中,只需要在名字后面加上括弧,填入出版时间即可。
例:Gould (1988) attributes Darwin’s success to his gift for making the appropriate metaphor.
C.  如果引用涉及到的作家和著作的出版时间在行文中已出现,那就不再需要单独的夹注了。
例:In a 1988 article, Gould explores some of Darwin’s most effective metaphors.
D.  如果引用涉及到的著作是由两位作者合著,则每次引用时都需把两位作者的姓氏注出来,在夹注中用“&”,在行文中则用“and”连接两个作者。
例:The disadvantages of the multiple regression analysis are that it cannot show the complex interrelations between independent variable (Bryman & Cramer, 1990). Bryman and Cramer also pointed out that
E.  如涉及到的作者超过两人,第一次加夹注时,写出所有作者的姓氏,以后每次引用只需写出第一作者的姓氏,其后加上“et al”即可。
例:Scientists have isolated a gene connected to circadian rhythms in plants (Millar, Straum, Chory, Chua, & Kay, 1995: 1163) . . . . They identified the mutations that activated light-dependent pathways (Millar, et al., 1995: 1165)
F.  如果引用涉及到的著作由多位作者合著,加注时只需写出第一作者的姓氏,其后加上“et al.”即可。
例:Naiman et al.1978found a similar relationship, although this ca effort on the part of the learners was also associated with instrumental motivation (subquent citations) (Ellis, 1954: 512).
例:(Halliday, 1978, 1992);(Halliday, 1967a, 1967b
例:Conceptually, motivation is en asthe combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitude toward learning language(Gardner, 1985: 10).
Bad on different findings, it is propod that “the type of motivation and its strength are likely to be determined less by some generalized principle and more by ‘who learns what in what milieu’” (Lar-Freeman & Long, 1993: 174).
Raymond William explains that the word career has all but lost its original meaning.
Career is now so regularly ud to describe a person’s progress in life, or, by derivation from this, his profession or vocation that it is difficult to remember, in the same context, its original meaning of a recour and a gallop—though in some contexts, as in the phra “Careering about,” the survive… (1986: 10).
1.3转引(the quotation from a source other than the original)
描写建筑物的成语如果你的引用不是从原著中获得,而是来自二手资料,你就需要在引用完后用圆括弧注明来源,在来源前加上“qtd in”的字样。在参考文献目录部分,你就按引用的实际出处撰写条目。
例:Gothe wrote thatit takes more culture to perceive the virtues of The Magic Flute than to point out its defects(qtd in Newman, 1958: 104).
(参考文献目录部分: Newman, E.1958. Great operas: The definitive treatment of their history, stories, and music. Vol.2. New York: Vintage.
Bibliography (4号,居中,段前、后设置为12)
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