(1)推定全损constructive total loss
(2)委托代理人commission agent
(3)积载因数stowage factor
(4)共同海损general average
(5)固定缺陷inherent vice
(6)迟延交付delayin delivery
(8)出口舱单export manifest
(9)装运期shipment date
(10)航次租船合同voyage charterparty
(11)可转让单据negotiable documents
(12)保险凭证insurance certificate
(13)指定货物运价specific commodityrate
(14)通讯系统communication system
(15)知识产权rightofin telligence
(16)海运提单oceanbill of lading
(17)运输整合transportation integration
(18)客户需求customsre quirements
(咳嗽头疼是怎么回事19)库存战略inventory strategy
(20)集拼服务consolidation rvice
(1)Grain capacity
(3)Business correspondence
(4)Constructive total loss
(5)Subject matter insured
(6)Measurement ton
(7)Time charter
(8)non-vesl operating common carriers (NVOCC)
(9)Document of title
(10)Contract of affreightment
(11)General cargo rates
(12)Finished product
(13)Foreign exchange transaction
(14)Financial activity
(15)Import manifest
(16)Inherent vice
(17)Inland waterway transport
(18)Natural calamities
(19)Utmost good faith
(20)Insufficient packing
1. The Customs General Administration 海关总署
2.Customs establishment 海关关点
3.Import and Export tariff 进出口税则
4. Appointment and removal 任命和免职
5. Tariff reduction and exemption 关税减免
6. enact statute 颁布法令
7. inward and outward luggage 进出境行李
8. over-landed cargo 溢卸货物
9. short-landed cargo 短卸货物
10. shut-out cargo 退关货物
11. damaged cargo 破损货物
12. examine and relea 查验与放行
13. shipping order 装货通知
14. transshipment goods 转运货物
15. through goods 通运货物
16. transit goods 过境货物
17. supervision and control 监管
18. collection of duty 征税
19. compile statistics 编制海关统计
20. legal commodity inspection 法定商品检验
21. inspection certificate 检验证书
22. animal and plant quarantine 动植物检疫
23. Import and Export licence 进出口许可证
24. the State Council 国务院
25. Customs valuation 完税价格
26. duty memorandum 税款缴款书
27. short-levied duty 短征的关税
28. over-levied duty 溢征的关税
29. administrative consideration行政审议
30. regulations on Import and Export Tariff 进出口关税条例
31. general rate 普通税率
32. preferential rate 优惠税率
33. The State Tariff Commission 国家关税委员会
34. obligatory duty payer 义务纳税人
35. file a suit 提起诉讼
36. Duty Exemption and Entitlement Certificate 享受关税减免资格证书
37. temporary duty exemption 暂时关税减免
38. Customs and exci office 海关与货物税务署
39. financing cost 融资成本
40. home consumption 时代发展的潮流国内销售
41. bonded warehou 保税仓库
42. scheme of initial levy and subquent refund 先征后退制度
43. port authority 港务局
44. economic quantity 经济批量
45. criminal gangs 犯罪团伙
46. Anti-Drugs Alliance 反毒品联盟
47. sniffer dog 缉毒犬
48. Classification of Goods in Customs tariff 海关税则商品分类目录
49. the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 商品名称及编码协调制度
罗尔斯的正义论50. document title 物权凭证
51. straight bill of lading 记名提单
52. order bill of lading 指示提单
53. on-board bill of lading 已装船提单
54. clean bill of lading 清洁提单
55. direct bill of lading 直达提单
56. transshipment bill of lading 转船提单
57. through bill of lading 联运提单
58. negotiable bill of lading 可议付提单
59. shipping mark 唛头
60. description of goods 货物描述
61. maritime transport 海上运输
62. general cargo ship 普通货船
动画图片头像男 63. combined carrier 兼用船
64. lash-lighter 子母船
65. liner in charter 班轮运输
66. tramper in charter 租船运输
67. shipping circle 海运界
68. charter party 租船合同
69. dead weight tonnage 载重吨
70. air cargo tariff 航空货物运价表
72. general cargo rate 普通货物运价
73. specific commodity rate 特殊货物运价
74. class rate 等级货物运价
75. minimum charge 最低运价
76. normal rate 正常费率
77. full container load 整箱货
78. less than full container load 拼箱货
79. container freight station 集装箱货运站
80. container yard 集装箱堆场
81. intermodel cargo transport 多式联运
82. the Hague Rules 人间天堂海牙规则
83. the Hague Visby Rules 海牙-维斯比规则
84. the Hamburg Rules 汉堡规则
85.gross weight 毛重
86. net weight 净重
87. blank endord 空白背书
88. Customs formality 海关手续
89. documents for declaration 报关单据
90. Customs supervision territory 海关监管区
91. detention ticket 扣留物品凭证
92. booking reference handbook 加工贸易手册
93. ATA Carnet 暂准进口单证册
94. Re-exportation 复出口
95. import and export procedure 进出口程序
96. FPA (free from particular average) 平安险
97. WPA(with particular average)水渍险
98. All risks 一切险
99. SRCC (strike, riots and civil commotions) 罢工、暴动和民变险
100. insurance policy 保险单
1)transit country 2) trade terms 3) general cargo 4) special cargoes 5) the Forwar
ders’ Certificate of Receipt 6) the Forwarders’ Certificate of Transport 7) trade contract 8) relevant documents 9) take delivery of the goods 10) mode of transport
答案: 1)转口国 2)贸易条款 3)杂货 4)特殊贸易 5)货运代理收货证书 6)货运代理运输证 7)贸易合同 8)相关单据 9)提货 10)运输方式
1)货运代理人 2)外汇 3)信用证 4) 清关 5)委托代理人 6)转运国 7)货物的运输 8)舱位 9)提单 10) 国际贸易
答案:1) freight forwarder 2) foreign exchange 3) letter of credit 4) customs clearance 5) commission agent 6) country of transshipment 7) movements of goods 8) shipping space 9) bill of lading 10) International Trade
Irrevocable documentary credit
Number: LC123-258866
Date: August 24,2003
Date and place of expiry : October 30, 2003, Qingdao, China
Advising bank: Bank of China
Beneficiary: China XYZ import and export corp.
Applicant: UVW corporation.
Shipment from: Qingdao China
To: Osaka Japan
At the latest: October 15, 2003
Description of goods: 100% Cotton Towel as per S/C No. CH200
Total quantity: 8000 pieces packing: 800 Cartons
Total gross weight: 20000 KGS
Total measurement: 30CBM
Price term: CIF Osaka
Following documents required:
+Signed commercial invoice in three copies.
+Full t of clean on board ocean bill of lading made out to order and endord in blank and marked “freight prepaid” and notify applicant.
+Insurance policy for 110 PCT of the invoice value covering the Institute Cargo Claus (A), the Institute War Claus.
Ocean Vesl: “Golden Star” Voy. No.: 018E
Container No GSTU3156712/20’
Marks & Nos : ITOCHU OSAKA NO.1-800
Laden on board the vesl : October 14,2003
B/L date: October 14,2003
B/L signed by BBB shipping agency
Carrier: AAA Shipping Co.