给新手参考的 Cadence Allegro快捷键
# May u function keys F2-F12, most Alpha-numberic keys with control
# modifier (although Control - C, V and X are rerved for copy, paste and cut)
# and Navigation Keys (Home, Up arrow, Esc, etc.) The items may be modifed
# by the following:
# Modifier Indicator Example
# Shift S SF2
# Control C (function keys) CF2
# Control ~ (alpha-numeric) ~N
# Meta A AF2
拉杆式投篮# Modifiers may be combined. Some examples:
# CSF2 Control-Shift F2
# ASF2 Meta-Shift F2
楼上的邻居# CAF2 Control-Meta F2
# CASF2 Control-Meta-Shift F2
# ~SZ Control-Shift Z
# SUp Shift-Up Arrow
# CUp Control-Up Arrow
# funckey
# u the funckey when you wish to have alphanumeric keys operate
# like the Function keys when the cursor is in the Allegro canvas.
# Example -- following starts the move command without a Enter key
# funckey m move
# Bind incremental pick by grid unit functions to ctrl and shift--arrow keys
alias Up "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1"
alias Down "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 -1"
alias Left "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit -1"
alias Right "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit +1"
alias CUp "move; ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1"
alias CDown "move; ipick_to_gridunit 0 -1"
alias CLeft "move; ipick_to_gridunit -1"
alias CRight "move; ipick_to_gridunit +1"
# F1 is normally rerved by the system for Help so we don't u it
alias F2 save
alias F3 show measure #测量
alias F4 COLOR192 #颜色
alias F5 redraw #刷新
alias F6 Shape edit boundary #编辑图形
alias F7 UNRATS ALL #隐藏板上所有飞线
alias F8 RATS ALL #显示板上所有飞线
alias F9 FIX #固定物体
alias F10 UNFIX #解除固定
alias F11 zoom in #放大视图
alias F12 zoom out #缩小视图
alias SF1 reject
alias SF2 slide
alias SF3 custom smooth
alias SF4 COLOR
alias SF5 shell explorer
alias SF6 void all
alias SF7 shape add
alias SF8 swap functions
alias SF9 swap components
alias SF10 zoom fit #放大到整板视图
alias SF11 hilight
alias SF12 dehilight
alias ~A Manually
alias ~B boundary
alias ~C copy
alias ~D delete
alias ~E property edit
alias ~F zoom fit #放大到整板视图
alias ~G grid toggle
alias ~H hilight #高亮物体
alias ~I show element
alias ~J FIND
alias ~K CMGR
alias ~L add line
alias ~M mirror
alias ~N dehilight all #清除高亮
alias ~O open #打开文件
alias ~P cns show #打开约束管理器
alias ~Q Delay Tune #移动修改线与孔
alias ~R rotate #旋转
alias ~S save
alias ~T add text #增加文本
alias ~W custom smooth
alias ~Z UNDO #取消上次操作
alias ~Y REDO #恢复上次操作
alias pd padeditdb #焊盘编辑
alias jn find_by_name #查找物体
alias jc FIND component #查找元件
funckey ' ' iangle 90 #以90度旋转选中的物体
funckey + subclass -+ #跳转到下一个层
funckey - subclass -- #跳转到上一个层
# View Control
alias Pgup oops
alias SPgup pop route_from_target
alias CPgup shadow toggle
alias Home slide
alias Pgdown next
alias SPgdown angle 90shadow
alias SHome pop finish
alias End add connect
alias Del delete
alias SDel pop swap layers
alias Inrt DONE
alias SInrt TOGGLE
alias SLeft PLACE Manual
alias SRight move
alias SUp swap COMPONENTS
alias x pick
alias y pick 1
alias ix ipick
alias iy ipick 0
alias 1 FORM mini acon_line_width 1
alias 2 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.25
alias 2.5 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.25
alias 3 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.3
alias 4 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.4
alias 5 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.5