相关模型的WinBUGS输入数据格式代码(Input data format of WinBUGS code ud in the model)
This document contains a ction describing the data t, followed bya ction describing the input data format required by our WinBUGSmodel fitting program.
algorithm,statistic,WinBUGS,MCMC method,
design of the algorithm
Input data format of WinBUGS code ud in the model
This document contains a ction describing the data t, followed by
a ction describing the input data format required by our WinBUGS model fitting program.
--------------------- SECTION 1: THE DATA SET -------------------
The data t analyzed in the paper, kindly provided by P. Pezzotti
and G. Rezza, Istituto Superiore della Sanita', Roma, Italy,
originates from the multicenter Italian Seroconversion Study.
The following three references to the Study may be uful: REFERENCE 1: Rezza, G., Lazzarin, A., Angarano, G. et al (1989):
保卫婚姻The natural history of HIV infection in intravenous drug urs:
risk of dia progression in a cohort of roconverters. AIDS,
3, 87-90.
REFERENCE 2: The Italian Seroconversion Study (1992):
Dia progression and early predictors of AIDS in HIV-roconverted injecting drug urs. AIDS, 6, 421-426.
REFERENCE 3: Pezzotti, P., Pappagallo, M., Phillips, A.N., Boros,
S., Valdarchi, C., Sinicco, A., Zaccarelli, M. and Rezza, G. (2001): Respon to highly active antiretroviral therapy according to
duration of HIV infection. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 26, 473-479.
钟表王国The data have been generated by the follow-up of 457 HIV-positive Italian homoxual men.
The ISSDATA.TXT data file available on this site is an ASCII flat
file containing a rectangular data matrix, where each row corresponds
to a single CD4 measurement on a specific subject. Conquently, the
the number of rows in the matrix equals the total number of CD4 measurements in the analysis. The columns are parated by blank spaces and correspond (in the order) to the following variables: COLUMN 1: subject rial number (integer number)
COLUMN 2: rial identifier of the obrvation within the subject (integer number)
COLUMN 3: total number of CD4 measurements within the current subject (integer number)
COLUMN 4: date of roconversion for the current subject, as an alphanumeric string ("ddmmyyyy"). This date was taken to be the middle point between the subject's last documented negative HIV test result
and his first documented positive result.
COLUMN 5: date of birth for the current subject, as an alphanumeric
string ("ddmmyyyy")
COLUMN 6: ethnic group for current subject (irrelevant to our analysis). COLUMN 7: date of AIDS ont as an alphanumeric string ("ddmmyyyy"). This date was defined in a way which is independent of CD4 level.
Tho AIDS ont dates which are unavailable due to censoring are reprented as "."
COLUMN 8: Censoring indicator, which takes value 1 if AIDS ont
has been obrved in the current subject, and value 2 otherwi. COLUMN 9: last date at which the subject was en AIDS-free
(if censored) or AIDS ont date (if the subject is uncensored).
This column is motivated by the fact that in certain subjects
who were last en AIDS-free much later than their last CD4 measurement. COLUMN 10: date of current CD4 measurement
COLUMN 11: obrved CD4 count
COLUMN 12: date started on mono-therapy
COLUMN 13: date started on dual therapy
COLUMN 14: date started on HAART therapy.
-------------- SECTION 2: WINBUGS INPUT DATA FORMAT --------------
The data contained in the ISSDATA.TXT file must be procesd and
re-formatted for analysis by our WinBUGS program. In our analysis,
the processing was carried out by special-purpo SPLUS routines,
and involved a number of steps. First, we eliminated the small subt
of obrvations taken after AIDS ont (we have left them in the file).
宝刀不老的意思We also eliminated from subquent analysis very few subjects
with a single CD4 obrvation. Finally, the data information was converted into suitable data structures for input to WinBUGS
analysis. The structures are described in the following.
First we describe the format for CD4 measurement data and then
the format for event history data information.
CD4 measurement data are arranged as shown in the table below,
who three columns contain subject identifiers (IDENT), log CD4 measurements and CD4 measurement times (CUM.TIME). The first line
in the table, for example, indicates that the obrved log CD4 level
in subject 1 at time 2 was 6.38. Line 12 indicates that the obrved
高考出分log CD4 level in subject 2 at time 27 was 6.2, and so on. Measurement times are, in general, irregularly spaced.
观看长津湖有感(1) (2) (3)
1 6.38 2
1 5.81 4
1 6.31 6
1 6.34 7
1 5.6
2 8
1 5.9
2 10
1 5.77 11
1 6.08 12
1 5.8
2 14
1 5.67 15
1 5.78 16
2 6.2 27
2 6.1 28
2 5.9 29
2 5.68 32
2 5.8
3 34
2 5.68 36
3 6.7
4 41
3 6.13 42
.. ...... ......
In the above table, the third column reprents time measured along
a single, linear, scale called CUMULATIVE time. This is described
by the diagram below, where the the total (pre-AIDS) person time
of obrvation is subdivided into a quence of disjoint gments,
each gment reprenting the pre-AIDS obrvation period of a subject: |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-v-|-> cumulative time
|<--- subject 1 --->|<--- subject 2 --->|<--- ....
小叶紫檀盆景怎么养Event history data include information about failure times and about HAART treatment intervals. In our analysis the "failure" is defined to
be the time of ont of AIDS. The data are arranged as shown in the table below. Every row of the table corresponds to a specific time interval (indicated in column "TIME SINCE SEROCONVERSION
") of the the pre-AIDS (post-roconversion) history of a specific subject, identified by column "IDENT". Column "CENS" indicates whether that subject in that interval developed AIDS (CENS = 1) or not (CENS = 0). Column "HAART" indicates whether that subject in that interval
received HAART (HAART = 1) or not (HAART = 0). For example, the first 11 rows of the table below tell us that subject 1 was obrved for
11 time intervals post-roconversion, during which he did not
develop AIDS. Subject 1 was started on HAART during interval 8. Subject 2 was followed up for the full time to AIDS ont, which occurred in his 6th time interval before HAART could be started. Column "NEWSUBJECT" marks transitions from one subject to the next.
(4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1 0 0 1 1 1
1 0 0
2 2 0
1 0 0 3 3 0
1 0 0 4 4 0
1 0 0 5 5 0
1 0 0 6 6 0
1 0 0 7 7 0
1 0 1 8 8 0
1 0 1 9 9 0
1 0 1 10 10 0
1 0 1 11 11 0
2 0 0 12 1 1
2 0 0 1
3 2 0
2 0 0 14
3 0
2 0 0 15 4 0
2 0 0 16 5 0
2 1 1 17 6 0
3 0 0 18 1 1
3 0 0 19 2 0
... ... ... ... ... ...
Finally, the following data table reports, for each subject in study,
the time at which HAART treatment was started (THAART), meeasured from the subject's roconversion, and the estimated log CD4 level
at that time (BASELINECD4):
(9) (10)
1 8 5.78
2 6 5.68
3 0 5.04
4 10 6.56
5 12 6.0
... ... ...
Tho columns of the above tables which have been numbered (1)-(10) are reprented in the BUGS program by the
following linear vectors:
酝酿的意思(2) LOGCD4.MEAS
The following quantities must also be provided to BUGS as part of
the input data:
NCD4: number of rows of the first table illustrated above
BINCOUNT number of rows of the cond table illustrated above NSUBJECTS: total number of subjects in the analysis
BINMAX: maximum length of an individual subject's obrvation period 数据预览: