篇一:说服性演讲 演讲论题: 同性恋婚姻
Homoxual marriage should be banned
Recently I have read really a lot of articles and ments on hether homoxual marriage should be legalized or not. It gives me a headache. Let’s e hat ill happen if homoxual marriage is permitted by la.
秋葵怎么烧According to the international investigation, by 2016, the proportion of gay is around to to five percent of the hole population. And this ratio has been on the ri ever since, especially in the last fe years. We kno, many countries, such as the US, China, Russia, India and so on, are no confronted ith the problem of aging population caud by lo birth rates. Once it’s
alloed to get married ith someone of the same x, they don’t have their on kids, and then the birth rates may even be loer. And hat’s more, once homoxual marriage is legalized, many potential gays ill join the rank ithout scruple. Then the situation ill be more rious than no. If this is the ca, a ries of social problems may be created folloing the aging-population problem, such as heaver social burdens, greater demand for
expenditure for social curity and so forth…. Life ill be more difficult for our son.
Some may say there ARE ays to solve the problem of children. By adopting, going to a sperm bank or borroing uterine, or doing hatever can be done ith science and technology. But not to mention moral problems or traditional conceptions, the technology is far from mature. And it increas the risk of variation. Even if they have a healthy baby ultimately, ill the kids turn out to be ell? Will the kids accept the fact that both his parents are men or omen? Will they feel it abnormal to gro up in a strange family and be able to endure the pressure of public opinion? Or ill they turn out to be homoxuals, either, becau their groing environment tells them it is normal. The truth is it is not decent, not right, not norm
央求是什么意思al. The prent homoxual population is already plagued by the sick dia; ho can e risk our next generation?
Some may also say true love should not be represd. Everyone is entitled to true love regardless of gender. True love is not guilty: this may be the reason hy some people are in favor of homoxual marriage. But are you sure you really kno this kind of love? The American xologist Junky said that many homoxuals resulted from the mental distortion. Homoxuality, more often than not, is a result of psychological problems, hich may have
stemmed from the unfortunate experience in childhood, having been hurt in a heteroxual love, rongly pursuing the xual pleasure or some other psychological problems. Legalization of homoxual marriage ill mean our tolerant attitude to a mental dia like depression. We ill be leaving this sickness to luck. Then it is inhumanity and brutality. Could e just stand by and atch it die its on cour? Of cour not.
For all of the reasons, ho could e ignore the mental illness of
homoxuals to legalize homoxual marriages? Ho could e disregard the happiness and health of our next generation to legalize homoxual marriages? Ho could e leave the development of our society to legalize homoxual marriages? As long as e have n of responsibility, the anr should be definitely Not.篇二:persuade speech 劝说性英语演讲范文 Stop the Rumor With Wisdom
正方形对角线公式Dear classmates, I believe most of us have heared about at least 3 internet rumors. Such as: the orld ould end in 2016, the iodine in salt can protect people from nuclear radiation. In fact, e may have en more rumors than e thought, that is becau on the one hand, ith the help of internet, rumors are increasing sincemaking and spreading them is getting more and more convenient. On the other hand, some of them ere disguid ithauthority or science or even friendly reminder, hich make it more difficult to e through.
In this situation, e must do something to stop internet rumor. Becau it mislead people, fright peopleand damage the peaceof society, As apart of morden times internet munication, I highly remend us to do 3 things to prevent internet rumor.
Firstly, e should never be the source of rumors. I kno most of us on’t make rumors on purpo, but e can’t ensure hat e said on’t be ud by other individuals intentionally, or our original meaningson’t be the internet is open and free, that doesn’t mean e can say hatever e ant ithout a cond thought.
Secondly, e shouldn’t help the spread of internet rumors. Becau the ilder the rumor spreaded, the more damage it ill cau. We all kno thatthree people spreading reports of a tiger make you believe there is one around. Thanks to the internet, no e can spread the rumor ith only one share button. Even though e didn’t take the rumor for real hen e push the button, it is possible for others to believe the rumors becau they trust us. In the orst situation, our reputation may be destoried by this reckless behavior.