1.European culture is made up of many elements, two of the elements are considered to be more enduring and they are the Greco-Roman(希腊罗马的) element and the Judeo-Christian (犹太教与基督教的)element.
2.Greek culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century.
3.In the cond half of the 4th century B. C., all Greece was brought under the rule of Alexander, king of Macedon.
4.In 146 B. C. the Romans conquered Greece.
5.Revived in 1896, the Olympic Games have become the world’s foremost amateur sports competition.
功亏一篑6.Ancient Greeks considered Homer to be the author of their epics.
7.The Homer's epics consisted of黄渤简介 Iliad and Odysy .
8.The Iliad deals with the alliance of the states of the southern mainland of Greece, led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of Troy.
9.The Odysy deals with the return of Odysus after the Trojan war to his home, island of Ithaca.
10.The reprentation form of Greek Democracy is citizen-asmbly.(公民大会)
11.Of the many lyric poets of ancient Greece, two are still admired by readers today: Sappho and Pindar.
12.Sappho was considered the most important lyric poet of ancient Greece.
玩雪13.Pindar is best known for his odes celebrating the victories at the athletic games, such as the 14 Olympic odes.
14.The three great tragic dramatists of ancient Greece are Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Eu
15.Aeschylus wrote such plays as Prometheus Bound, Persians and Agamemnon.
16.Sophocles wrote such tragic plays as Oedipus the King(俄狄浦斯王), Electra(伊莱克特拉(谋杀其母及其情人者), and Antigone. Oedipus complex(恋母情结)and Electra complex(恋父情结) derived from Sophocles’ plays.
17.Euripides(欧里庇得斯) wrote mainly about women in such plays as Andromache, Medea, and Trojan Women.
18.Comedy also flourished in the 5th century B. C.. Its best writer was Aristophanes, who has left eleven plays, including Frogs, Clouds, Wasps and Birds.
19. Euripides _ is the first writer of "problem plays". 神话传说有哪些
20.Herodotus(希罗多德) is often called “Father of History”. He wrote about the wars between Greeks and Persians.
21.Thucydides(修西得底斯) described the war between Athens and Sparta and between Athens and Syracu, a Greek state on the Island of Sicily.
22.Pythagoras(毕达哥拉斯) was a bold thinker who had the idea that all things were numbers.
23.Pythagoras was the founder of scientific mathematics.
24.Heracleitus(赫拉克利特) believed fire to the primary element of the univer, out of which everything el had arin.
25. The greatest names in European philosophy are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
26.In the 4th century B. C., four schools of philosophers often argued with each other, they are the Cynics(犬儒学派), the Sceptics(怀疑论学派), the Epicureans(伊壁鸠鲁学派), and the Stoics(斯多葛学派).
27.Euclid(欧几里得) is well-known for his Elements《几何原本》, a textbook of geometry.
海贼图片28.To illustrate the principle of the level, Archimedes is said to have told the king: “Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world.”
29.Greek architecture can be grouped into three styles: the Doric (多利安式)style which is also called the masculine style; the Ionic(爱奥尼亚式) style which is also called the feminine style; and a later style that is called the Corinthian(科林斯式) style.
30.The Acropolis at Athens(雅典卫城)别那么骄傲歌词 and the Parthenon(万神殿) are the finest monument of Greek architecture and sculpture in more than 2000 years.
31.The burning of Corinth in 146 B. C. marked Roman conquest of Greece, which was then reduced to a province of the Roman Empire.
32.The Roman writer Horace said: “Captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive”.大意:征服者反被被征服者所征服。
33.In 27 B. C. Octavius(屋大维)took supreme power as emperor with the title of Augustus(奥古斯都).
34.The Romans enjoyed a long period of peace lasting two hundred years, a remarkable phenomenon in history known as the Pax Romana(罗马的和平).
喝一点酒35.In the 4th century, the emperor Constantine moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium, renamed it Constantinople (modern Istanbul ).
36.In 476 the last emperor of the west was depod by the Goths(哥特人) and marked the end of the West Roman Empire.
37.The East Roman Empire collapd when Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453.
38.Julius Caesar recorded what he did and saw in the various military campaigns he took part in and the writings, collected in his Commentaries(《高卢战记》), are models of succinct Latin.
39.Virgil was the greatest of Latin poets and wrote the great epic, the Aeneid.
40. The Pantheon is the greatest and the best prerved Roman temple, which was built in 27 B. C. And reconstructed in the 2th century A. D..