Text A
1. Two professors combined the theories of opposites attract and similar attract into a single model of love “filters”, which bore out the theory of complementary needs.
2. 第三页, equity theory 部分的 第二句。 从 relationships 到 around them。
Text A
1.这是一个开放题 你怎么看待 自恋 这个现象
2.Yes, the best possible person you an only be when you love yourlf completely. The very same thing will happen to you when you compliment yourlf.
Text A
1. 21~22; 28 or later.
2.22页 第一段 第三句 从this knowledge 到 are planned。
Text B
1. 26页 第一段 从 it’s crucial 到 checkbook。
2.主观题。对婚姻 以及 事业 的展望。
只有两个问题。这两个问题 第一个是对 课文中十个特点进行排序。第二个问题 是给出 你排序的理由。
Chapter 5
Text A
1. The three types of misconceptions are romanticizing, martyring and manipulating.
romanticizing: imagining or fabricating many qualities of the person we want to love. It has often been confud with erotic love. And it is also involves many myths. While partners can work to change romanticizing into loving, this can be difficult to accomplish.
martyring: it involves maintaining relationship by giving others more than one receives in return. While it sounds noble, there’s a catch to martyring.
manipulating: eking to control the feelings, attitudes, and behavior of one’s partner or partners in undercover ways rather than by asrtively stating one’s ca. 小学运动会加油稿Manipulators, like martyrs, do not believe that they are lovable or that others can “really” love them; that is why they feel a continual need to their partner.
2. Martyring and manipulating. They complement each other. Martyrs and manipulators are 老王杨绛原文often attracted each other, forming symbiotic relationships. So I think the two misconceptions are most the most common phenomenon.
3. Yes. Manipulating, martyring, and romanticizing are0 all sometimes mistaken for love. But they are not love, and the reason is not hard to identify. So we should help the others or ourlves out of dilemma.
Text B
1. Stage is necessarily fleeting. Over time satiation dilutes the inten pleasure the partners originally found in being together. Stage can leave a couple a valuable legacy-the knowledge that they can create pleasure together-that will help them to keep their relationship a source of satisfaction to them both.
2. The most concentrated do of approval people usually get comes when they复姓大全’re falling in love. A major proof of the rightness of a new relationship is the fact that the partner “makes me feel so good”. But gradually, the appreciation turns to criticism.
3.A Stage couple has brought their expectations for their relationship into some kind of equilibrium with their everyday lives. Frustrations and anxieties don’t stop, but the no longer trigger doubts about their future as a couple.
4. The Stage couple has learned to accept themlves as lovable people. Known, and 优秀教师事迹材料appreciated, a person is free to become most fully himlf or herlf. H荡气回肠是什么意思e can trust his partner, and the slow accumulation of trust over the years spent together enables the Stage couple to share an unrivaled intimacy, an intimacy not of illusion, but of achieved, earn knowledge.
Chapter 6
Text A
1.第一问 p54 17行至末尾;第二问为主观题,论述性协调的重要性,可从后文分点中引用。
A couple only have xual compatibility can have a harmonious family. If a married couple are unaware the importance of 性和谐 and they are unhappy in x, the wife and husband are very likely to have an affair. In a word, xual incompatibility may lead to divorce.
Text B
1. 问性是不是一辈子婚姻誓言的标志和庆祝,如果是的话,可以举基督教的例子(拒绝婚前性行为),也可以说在我国还是有很多人认为性是在许下誓言之后才有的;如果不是的话,可以举例说现在许多年轻人ONS,喜欢潇洒放纵之类的….
2. 尼玛又是主观题如果同意的话,就从前面黑体的五段里面转述;如果不同意的话,可以补充要保护身体,控制数量,不能纵欲过度…或者要三思而后行,自尊自爱,不能贪图享乐而进行性生活。
Chapter 7
Text A
1. 开放题,讲述失恋经历,怎么处理的…就转移注意力什么的呗,上课讨论过的。
2. 分手的方式…上课也讨论过的,可以赞同文中打黑点的内容,如果要再提建设性意见可以从个人经历对其中观点反驳。比如分手后仍然做朋友,可以说如果保持亲密的朋友关系容易死灰复燃,但是不合适的人还是不合适,只是因为习惯在一起的话是不长久的。
Text B
1. 开放题
2. 开放题
Chapter 8
没问题 - -。
Text B
2.第3段问题之后[One significant event ….politics and business, etc.],第4、5、6、7、8、10段第一句。第11段的2、3句。之后再谈谈自己对single life的看法,属于开放题。
第二个问题的答案:81页第2段[in general, they…in the past]以及[Occasionally parent
s…relatives think]以及文章最后一段的最后一句。