研究结果表明,通过制定合理的爆炸焊接工艺、确定最佳的工艺参数,解决了Ni-Ti合金在常温条件下爆炸焊接时产生的爆炸脆断问题,成功实现Ni-Ti合金/Ni-Ti 合金、Ni-Ti合金/黄铜板及Ni-Ti合金/不锈钢板的爆炸焊接。焊接结合面周期性波形、熔化层、扩散层等微观组织性能的分析结果表明,在复板和基板的基体组织性能仅在结合面发生微小变化前提下,实现爆炸焊接的冶金结合。此项研究成果,为Ni-Ti形状记忆合金的焊接技术提供了一种切实可行的新途径。
Ni-Ti shape memory alloy is a new type of metal functional material developed in recent years. The structure and shape memory function in the thermal-effected zone is often changed by traditional high-temperature molten welding. Therefore, it is very important and emergent to rearch the welding technology of Ni-Ti alloy that the structure and shape memory function are unchanged.With different mechanics from molten welding, the metallurgical bonding between metals can be achieved
by exploding welding at the precondition of the structure and property of metal unchanged. This study is supported by Beijing Haoyu Industry and Trade Co Ltd Explosion Processing Mill.
The experimental rearch on welding Ni-Ti shape memory alloy was done by exploding welding in this paper. Ni-Ti alloy belongs to low impact-toughness material, how to solve the problem of brittle failure in exploding at normal temperature is a key to realize the exploding welding.
Aiming at the problem of Ni-Ti alloy brittle failure in exploding at normal temperature, the main rearches were done as follows:
1.By the test of mechanical properties and obrvation of pha structures of Ni-Ti alloy, the reason of brittle failure was analyzed.
2.The reasonable exploding welding technology was arranged and optimal exploding experimental parameters were determined.
3.The exploding welding experiment of Ni-Ti shape memory alloy was done.
4.The exploding welding experiments of Ni-Ti alloy/brass and Ni-Ti alloy/stainless steel plate were done.
5.By the optical microscope and TEM and FM-700 miautomatic digital micro- sclerometer, the microstructure and properties of Ni-Ti alloy in the bond interface were tested and studied. Additionally, the pha structures of Ni-Ti/brass and Ni-Ti/stainless steel plate in the bond interface were analyzed.
The results show that, through the reasonable arrangement of exploding welding technology and determination of exploding experimental parameters, the brittle failure
problem of Ni-Ti alloy by exploding welding at normal temperature was solved and the exploding welding of Ni-Ti alloy/Ni-Ti alloy, Ni-Ti/brass and Ni-Ti/stainless steel were realized successfully. The analysis results of periodic waveshape in the bond interface and the structures and properties in the melting layer and diffusion layer show that, at the precondition of the structures and properties of flyer plate and ba plate changed little in the bond interface, the metallurgical bonding of exploding welding was achieved. This rearch provides a new practical way for the welding of Ni-Ti shape memory alloy.
Key words:Explosive welding;Ni-Ti alloy;Shape memory effect;Interface analysis
目 录
摘要 (1)
广东省景点ABSTRACT (2)
第一章绪论 (1)
1.1 引言 (1)
1.2 形状记忆合金 (2)
1.2.1 形状记忆合金发展概况 (2)
1.2.2 形状记忆合金形变机制 (3)
1.3 N I-T I形状记忆合金 (6)
仓储管理的内容1.3.1 N I-T I形状记忆合金的主要性能及应用 (6)
行尸走肉81.3.2 N I-T I形状记忆合金焊接技术的国内外发展概况 (7)
1.3.3 N I-T I形状记忆合金断裂情况的研究现状 (8)
1.4 本文研究的主要内容及意义 (10)
第二章爆炸焊接技术 (11)
2.1 爆炸焊接技术的理论研究概况及应用 (11)
2.2 爆炸焊接原理 (12)
2.2.1 爆炸焊接过程 (12)
2.2.2 爆炸焊接的流体力学机理 (12)
2.2.3爆炸焊接特点 (17)
2.3 爆炸焊接对材料力学性能的要求 (18)
2.4 爆炸焊接工艺参数的选择 (19)
2.4.1 爆炸焊接参数之间的关系 (19)
2.4.2 爆炸焊接可焊性窗口 (23)
第三章 NI-TI合金板爆炸焊接试验研究 (25)
3.1 前言 (25)
圣诞节的英语作文3.2 试验材料 (25)
儿童画画入门3.2.1 母材化学成分及加工工艺 (25)
3.2.2 母材金相显微组织 (26)
3.2.3 N I-T I合金的性能分析 (29)
3.3 爆炸焊接工艺设计 (33)
3.3.1 爆炸焊接工艺流程 (33)
3.3.2 爆炸焊接工艺参数 (33)
3.3.3 爆炸焊接的安装与起爆方法 (37)自我介绍一分钟
3.4 试验方案 (39)
3.5 试验结果分析 (40)
3.5.1 焊接界面显微组织 (41)
3.5.2 焊接界面的扫描电镜分析 (43)
3.5.3 焊接前后母材金相组织的对比分析 (46)
3.6本章小结 (48)
第四章 NI-TI合金与异种金属爆炸复合试验研究 (49)
4.1 前言 (49)
4.2 N I-T I合金与异种金属爆炸焊接试验研究 (50)