
更新时间:2023-05-19 02:41:19 阅读: 评论:0

I. There are four choices of each statement, try to choo the best one and mark A 、B 、C or D in the brackets
(  )1. The capital of U.K. is_____. 
A. London
B. Dublin 
C. New York 
D. Wales 
(  )2. The main problem in Northern Ireland is_____. 
A. bitter natural condition 
B. conflicts between Protestants and Catholics
C. the gap between rich and poor 
D. the paration from the mainland 
(  )3. The highlands in Britain refer to____. 
A. North and South 
B. East and South  C  North and West  D. North and East 
(  )4.The Hundred Years ’ War was between England and_____. 
A. America 
B. Spain        C . France          D. Holland 
(  )5.____built the Commonwealth between 1649 and 1660 . 
A . Cromwell  B. King Charles  C. Roundheads    D. George Monck 
(  )6.Which country is the birth place of Industrial Revolution? 
A. France 
B. America      C
Britain        D. Germany (  )7. The earliest and quickest of Industrial Revolution occurred in_____. 
A. hardware 
B. pottery      C chemicals      D . textiles
(  )8.During the first World War, the “Central Powers ” are Germany and_____. 
A. America 
B. Britain      C . 
Austria-Hungary  D. France (  )9. After the first World War, _____was assigned. 
A . Treaty of Versailles  B. Treaty of Paris  C. Treaty of New York  D. Treaty of Geneva 
(  )10. In Britain, _____pass ntence (as in all trials)? 
A. jury  B . judge    C. the Hou of Lord  D. the Queen 
(  )11.The most typically English sports is_____. 
A. football 
B. baball  C . 
cricket    D. hor racing (  )12. There are _____states in America. 
A. 49 
C.53  D .50
(  )13. Which river has been called “old man river ”. 
A. Thames 
B. the Mississippi
C. Missouri 
D. Ohio 
黄天泽(  )14.____is the only one of the five Great Lakes entirely in the U.S. A. Lake Erie  B. Lake Ontario  C . Lake Michigan  D. Lake Superior 
(  )15.In Britain, _____ is free and compulsory. 
A. A. higher higher higher education education  B . Elementary education    C. C. private private private school school  D. D. community community 
(  )16. The “devils in skirts ” refers to______. 
A. England soldiers 
B. Scottish soldiers
C. Welsh soldiers 
胡萝卜素馅饺子D. Northern Island soldiers
(  )17. )17. The 
The The ____policy ____policy ____policy became became became the the the official official official policy policy policy of of of America America America towards towards towards the the the Soviet Soviet Soviet Union Union Union until until 1989. 
A. mutual cooperation 
B. containment
C. cold war 
D. tolerant 
(  )18.The ancestors of the Welsh are________. 
A. the Celts
B. the Romans 
C. the Angles 
D. the Normans 
(  )19.____promid a “new deal ” to get America out of the depression in the 1920s. 
A. President Wilson 
B. President Truman
C. President Kennedy 
D. President Roovelt
(  )20. The term “Watergate Scandal Watergate Scandal”” was ud to refer to American president______. 
A. Johnson 
B. Nixon 
C. Kennedy 
D. Truman 
(  )21.Britain is a(n)___country. 
A. inland 
B. island
C. agricultural 
D. colonial 
(  )22.Wars of the Ros were between the two great Hous:____and York. 
A. Northern Island 
B. Lancaster 
C. Norman 
D. Tudor 
(  )23.The Renaissance began in_____ in the early 14th  century. 
A. France    B, Britain  C. Italy    D. Spain 
(  )24.____, )24.____, a a a dramatist dramatist dramatist and and and poet, poet, poet, is is is generally generally generally regarded regarded regarded as as as the the the greatest greatest greatest writer writer writer in in in the the the English English language. 
A. Ben Johnson 
B. Marlowe 
C. William Shakespeare
D. Spenr 
(  )25.During the British civil war in 1624, the supporters of Parliament were called____. 
A. Roundheads
B. Cavaliers 
C. Nobles 
D. Lords 
(  )26.British ______is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history. 
A. independence war 
B. religious reform 
C. civil war 
(  )27.Cromwell became _____ of the Commonwealth of England in 1653. 
A. Lord Protector 
B. King 
C. Lord 
D. Parliament member 
(  )28.____modified and improved the design in 1765 and produced a very efficient steam engine. 
A. Richard Arkwright 
B.John Kay 
C. Edmund Cartwright 
D.James Watt 
(  )29.During the first world war, the “Allies Allies”” referred to Britain, France and _____. 
A. Spain 
B. America 
C. Russia 
D. Holland 
(  )30..After the first World War, _____was assigned. 
A. Treaty of Versailles 
B. Treaty of Paris 
C. Treaty of New York 
D. Treaty of Geneva 
(  )31.The British Parliament consists of the Hou of Lords, the Hou of Commons and ____. 
A. the Queen 
B. the Sovereign 
C. the King 
D. the judge and the jury 
(  )32.The Prime Minister in Britain is appointed by_____. 
A. the Parliament 
B. the Hou of Lords 
C. the Hou of commons 
D. the Queen 
(  )33. The song that is sung at a rugby match held in Wales is_______and it has almost become a national anthem for Wales. 
A. God Save Our Queen 
B. Land of My Fathers 
C. Auld Lang Syne 
D. My Red Red Ro 
(  )34.The )34.The person person person who who who crushed crushed crushed various various various rebellions rebellions rebellions in in in Ireland Ireland Ireland and and and ttled ttled ttled English English English and and and Scottish Scottish Protestants there by giving them land was_______. 
A. Oliver Cromwell
B. King Charles I 
C. William III 
D. William the Conqueror  (  )35.____is the fourth largest country in the world in size. 
A. China 
B. Russia 
C. the United States 
D. Canada 
(  )36.Of all the states in America, ___is the largest in area. 
A. Alaska科学逻辑
B. Rhode 
C. Texas 
D. Washington 
(  )37.In February 1972, President _____ visited China and met Chairman Mao Zedong. 
A. Roovelt 
B. Carter 
C. Kennedy 
D. Nixon 
(  )38. England became a Protestant country in_______ 
A. the 16th  century
B. the 14th  century 
C. the 15th  century 
D. the 17
th  century (  )39. Which of the following is not considered a characteristic of the Englishman? 
A. rerved
B. tough
C. shy of strangers 
D. suspicious of change 
(  )40. Independence Day in America is celebrated on _____. 
A. 14th  July 
B.4th  July 
C. 14th  June 
D. 4
th  June (  )41.When is the date of Halloween______. 
A. the last day of September 
B. the last day of October
C. the first day of October 
the last day of November 
( )42. Which region is the birth of American industry revolution______. 
A, the Midwest    B. the South C. the New England D. the Great Plains 
( )43. Which city in America is known as the automobile capital of the world______. 
A. Chicago 
B. New York 
C. Detroit
D. Washington D.C. 
( )44. Which is the largest part in Britain______. 
A. Wales 
B. Scotland 
C. England
D. Northern Ireland 
( )45.In_____, China and America established diplomatic relations. 
A. 1972 
B. 1979
D. 1974 
( )46.In________the Norman Conquest take place. 
A. BC 1066 
B. AD 1066
C. AD 1600 借款条怎么写
D. 55 BC 
( )47. In the year 1066, William the Conqueror invaded England from France, defeating the Saxon King Harold at________. 
A. the Battle of Crecy 
B. the Battle of Agincourt 
C. the Battle of Hastings
D. the Battle of Waterloo 
( )49. One of the following did not take place during the Middle Ages. It was________. 
A. the Norman Conquest 
B. the Hundred Years War 
C. the Crusades 
D. the “Gunpowder Plot”
( )50. The defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navy took place during_________. 
A. the Middle Ages 
B. the “grab for Africa”
C. the Elizabethan age
用只要就造句D. the Victorian age 
( )51.The king was condemned to death during the English Civil War was_______. 
A. Henry VIII 
B. Charles I
C. James I 
D. James II 
( )52. How often does British General Election take place? 
A.at least every 3 years 
B. at least every 4 years 
C. at least every 5 years
D. at least every 6 years 
( )53.In Britain, the executive power is in the hands of ________. 
A. Parliament 
B. the Hou of Commons 
C. the Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister
D. the Queen 
( )54. The real centre of Power in British Parliament is_________. 
A. the Queen 
B. the Hou of Commons
C. the Hou of Lords 
D. the Cabinet 
( )55.The real power of the British government lies in____________. 
A.the Hou of Commons
B. the Hou of Lords 
C. the Prime Minister 
D. the Queen 
( )56. Among the following four great English poets, who does not belong to the trio of English poetry giants? 
A. Chaucer 
B. Milton 
C. Shakespeare 
D. Shelley
( )57. The King James Bible was_________. 
A. written by King James I 
B. translated under the order of King James I
C. translated by King James I 
D. directed by King James I 
( )58. What flourished in Elizabethan age more than any other form of literature? 
A. Drama
B. Poetry 
C. Novel 
D. Essay 
( )59. Which of the following is a tragedy written by Shakespeare? 
A. Twelfth Night 
B. The Tempest 
微博钱包在哪里C. Othello
D. Richard II 
( )60.Which of the following is generally considered as one of the masterpieces by Milton? 
A. Samson Agonistes
桌球室艳遇B. Canterbury Tales 
C. King Lear 
D. Don Juan 
( )61.When did English literature begin? 
A. Around 700 
C. B. After the Norman Conquest C.
( )62.The supreme holy authority of the Roman Catholic Church is ________. 
A. the Bible 
B. the King 
C. the Pope in Roman
D. Jesus Christ 
( )63.The only non-Christian religion that is widespread in Britain is that of_________. 
A. the Jews
B. the Buddhists 
C. the Muslims 
D. the Spiritualists 
(  )64.To other Europeans, the best known quality of the British and in particular of the English is________.    A. rerve  B. n of humour  C. modesty  D. sportsmanship 
(  )65.In Britain, the great majority of parents nd their children to_________. 
A. public schools 
B. State schools
C. private schools 
D. voluntary schools  (  )66. The “eleven plus ” is the exam taken by children in their last year at________. 
A. nurry school 
B. prep school 
C. primary school
D. condary school 
(  )67.When did Columbus land on one of the Bahama Islands? 
A. 1000 
B. 1492
C. 1453 
D. 1607 
(  )68. Which of the following was not one of the authors of the Constitution? 
A. Thomas Jefferson
B. Benjamin Franklin 
C. George Washington 
D. James Madison 
(  )69. When was slavery legally abolished? 
A. in 1803 
B. in 1865
C. in 1863 
D. in 1776 
(  )70. In the Progressive Movement, which president ended a coal strike by siding with workers? 
A. Franklin Roovelt 
B. Woodrow Wilson 
法国别墅C. Theodore Roovelt
D. Andrew Johnson 
II .Fill in the blanks
1. The full name of the United Kingdom is (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland) 2. All the kings of the Middle Ages in Britain spoke (French) as their mother tongue, and after the Hundred 
Y ears ’ war, the (English) language took its place. 3. Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith in Britain in the reign of (Elizabeth I)
4. Most people associate the Elizabethan age with two things. The first is  (literature), the other is , the other is  (adventure
on the a)
5. After After World World World War War War II, II, II, the the the first first first two two two colonies colonies colonies of of of the the the old old old British British British Empire Empire Empire that that that became became became free free free were were (India) and 
6. A A General General General Election Election Election in in in Britain Britain Britain takes takes takes place place place at at at least least least every every (5) years, years, and and and in in in each each each General General General Election, Election, (635)
members of Parliament are elected. 7. Parliament Parliament in in in Britain Britain Britain consists consists consists of of of three three three elements: elements: (the Crown), ( the Hou of Lords), (the Hou of
8. (Britain) is the first industrialized nation in the world. 
9. The study of English literature usually begins with  (Beowulf)
10.  In the 16th  century, the most famous writer was (Thomas More ) who wrote a book called (Utopia) telling of 
a journey to an imaginary island. 
11.  Jesus Christ was a Jew who lived in (Palestine) 2000 years ago and is accepted by Christians as (the son of
12.  The The holy holy holy book book book of of of Christianity Christianity Christianity is is (Bible); ; it it it consists consists consists of of of two two two parts:parts: (the Old Testament) and (the New
13.  In Britain, the schools run by the State is officially called (county schools)
14.  Two states are parated from continental US: Hawaii in the (Pacific Ocean) and  ( Alaska)
to the northwest of Canada. 
15.  The state of (Alaska) us the largest in area while California is the biggest in (population)
16.  The first shot of the American War of Independence was fired at (Lexington) on April 19, 1775. 
17.  To deal with the Depression, President Franklin Roovelt rushed through Congress a program called (New
18.  The US continent is roughly divided into the major parts: (New England), (the Mid-Atlantic Area), (the
South), (the Middle West) , (the Great Plains States
) and the Western and the Pacific coast states. 19. In May 1775,the American Continental Army and Navy was founded under the command of (George
Washington )
20.As the Republican candidate , (Abraham Lincoln )won the election and became president of America in 
21.In 1861,after Abraham Lincoln was elected President , (the Civil War )began 。
III .Explanation
1. The Wars of the Ros
In order to dominate the British government at home , the two Hous ,Lancaster ,symbolized by red ro and York, by the white, fought with each from 1455 to 1485.Thirty years later ,Henry Tudor, from the Hou of York, united the two hous and put the country of Britain under the rule of the Tudors. 
2.Restoration in Britain
When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, and was succeeded by his son, Richard, the regime began immediately to collaps collap. e. e. One One One of of of Cromwell’s Cromwell’s Cromwell’s generals, generals, generals, George George George Monck,Monck, occupied occupied London London London and and and arranged arranged arranged for for for new new new parliamentary parliamentary 
elections. The Parliament thus elected in 1660 resolved the crisis by asking the late King’s son to return from his long exile in France as King Charles II, this was called the Restoration. 
3.The Glorious Revolution in Britain
In 1688, the English politicians rejected James II and appealed to a Protestant king, William of Orange and his wife, wife, Mary Mary Mary to to to come come come to to to London London London and and and take take take the the the English English English throne. throne. throne. This This This takeover takeover takeover was was was relatively relatively relatively smooth, smooth, smooth, with with with no no bloodshed bloodshed nor nor nor any any any execution execution execution of of of the the the king. king. king. This This Thi
s became became became known known known as as as the the the Glorious Glorious Glorious Revolution. Revolution. Revolution. Thus Thus Thus the the the age age age of of constitutional monarchy, of a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament began. 
4.British Agricultural enclosure
During During the the the late late late 18th 18th 18th and and and early early early 19th 19th 19th centuri centuri centuries es es the the the “open “open “open--field” field” system system system ended ended ended when when the the Enclosure Acts Enclosure Acts 
enabled wealthier landowners to ize any land to which tenants could prove no legal title and to divide it into enclod fields 。
5.British Industrial Revolution
The The industrial industrial industrial revolution revolution revolution refers refers refers to to to the the the mechanization mechanization mechanization of of of industry industry industry and and and the the the conquent conquent conquent changes changes changes in in in social social social and and economic economic organization organization organization in
 in in Britain Britain Britain in in in the the the late late late 18th 18th 18th and and and early early early 19th 19th 19th centuries. centuries. centuries. Britain Britain Britain was was was the the the first first first country country country to to industrialize and was called “workshop of the world ”. 
6.The British Constitution
(1)It is unwritten (2)Its components include Acts of Parliament , the Prerogative of the Crown , Conventions 
of the Constitution , Common Law and Parliamentary Privilege (3) It is more flexible than the written ones in other countries 
7.Christopher Columbus
(1)He was a 15th  century sailor from Italy who believed that he could reach the Far East by sailing west from 
Europe (2)In 1492, he persuaded the king and queen of Spain to finance his voyage to the East (3)Instead of of reaching reaching reaching Asia Asia , he he landed landed land
ed on on on one one one of of of the the the Bahama Bahama Bahama Islands Islands Islands in in in the the the Caribbean Caribbean Caribbean Sea Sea Sea and and and explored explored explored most most most of of of the the Caribbean area (4)After his discovery , Europeans began to explore and colonize the New World 。
8.American Progressivism
The The Progressive Progressive Progressive Movement Movement Movement occurred occurred occurred at at at the the the turn turn turn of of of the the the 20th 20th 20th century. century. century. It It It is is is a a a movement movement movement demanding demanding demanding government government 

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