
更新时间:2023-05-19 02:21:32 阅读: 评论:0

从源代码转变为可执⾏代码的过程,具体可分为 4 个过程,分别为预处理(Preprocessing)、编译(Compilation)、汇编(Asmbly)链接(Linking)
⼀. GCC常⽤编译命令选项
东北家常菜菜谱@localhost train]$ gcc --help
Usage: gcc 
章台路-pass-exit-codes Exit with highest error code from a pha
--help                  Display this information
--target-help            Display target specific command line options
-help={common|optimizers|params|target|warnings|[^]{joined|parate|undocumented}}[,...]                          Display specific types of command line options
(U '-v --help' to display command line options of sub-process)
--version                Display compiler version information
-dumpspecs              Display all of the built in spec strings
-dumpversion            Display the version of the compiler
-dumpmachine            Display the compiler's target processor
-print-arch-dirs      Display the directories in the compiler's arch path
-print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library
-print-file-name=<lib>  Display the full path to library <lib>
-print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>
-print-multiarch        Display the target's normalized GNU triplet, ud as
a component in the library path
合作协议合同-print-multi-directory  Display the root directory for versions of libgcc
-print-multi-lib        Display the mapping between command line options and
multiple library arch directories
-print-multi-os-directory Display the relative path to OS libraries
-print-sysroot          Display the target libraries directory
tribon-print-sysroot-headers-suffix Display the sysroot suffix ud to find headers
-Wa,<options>            Pass comma-parated <options> on to the asmbler
-Wp,<options>            Pass comma-parated <options> on to the preprocessor
-Wl,<options>            Pass comma-parated <options> on to the linker
-Xasmbler <arg>        Pass <arg> on to the asmbler
Xpreprocessor <arg>    Pass <arg> on to the preprocessor
-Xlinker <arg>          Pass <arg> on to the linker
-save-temps Do not delete intermediate files
-save-temps=<arg>        Do not delete intermediate files
-no-canonical-prefixes  Do not canonicalize paths when building relative
prefixes to other gcc components
-pipe                    U pipes rather than intermediate files
-time                    Time the execution of each subprocess
-specs=<file>            Override built-in specs with the contents of <file>
-std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>
--sysroot=<directory>    U <directory> as the root directory for headers
and libraries
-B <directory>          Add <directory> to the compiler's arch paths
-v                      Display the programs invoked by the compiler
-###                    Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed
-E                      Preprocess only; do not compile, asmble or link
-S                      Compile only; do not asmble or link
-c                      Compile and asmble, but do not link
-o <file>                Place the output into <file>
-pie                    Create a position independent executable
-shared                  Create a shared library
-x <language>            Specify the language of the following input files
Permissible languages include: c c++ asmbler none
'none' means revert to the default behavior of
guessing the language bad on the file's extension
成都旅游景点攻略指令格式为 gcc [options] file…
[options] 指令
file 操作⽂件
1. ⽆选项编译链接 按照默认输出
默认情况下,gcc 指令会⼀⽓呵成,直接将源代码历经这 4 个过程转变为可执⾏代码,且不会保留各个阶段产⽣的中间⽂件
⽤法:#gcc test.c
2. 选项 -o Place the output into
⽤法:#gcc test.c -o test
3. 选项 -E Preprocess only; do not compile, asmble or link
⽤法:#gcc -E test.c -o test.i
#gcc -E test.c 即可预处理test.c⽂件
使⽤ -o 把预处理结果输出为test.i⽂件
所谓预处理操作,主要是处理那些源⽂件和头⽂件中以 # 开头的命令(⽐如 #include、#define、#ifdef 等),并删除程序中所有的注释// 和/* … */。
值得注意的是,默认情况下 gcc -E 指令只会将预处理操作的结果输出到屏幕上,并不会⾃动保存到某个⽂件。因此该指令往往会和 -o 选项连⽤,将结果导⼊到指令的⽂件中
4. 选项 -S -S Compile only; do not asmble or link
⽤法:#gcc -S test.i
-S 选项的功能是令 GCC 编译器将指定⽂件处理⾄编译阶段结束。这也就意味着,gcc -S 指令可以操作预处理后的 .i ⽂件,也可以操作源代码⽂件
5. 选项 -c -c Compile and asmble, but do not link
⽤法:#gcc -c test.s
-c 会进⾏编译并且进⾏汇编,-o把结果输出为 ⽂件
gcc 指令添加 -c 选项(注意是⼩写字母 c),即可让 GCC 编译器将指定⽂件加⼯⾄汇编阶段,并⽣成相应的⽬标⽂件。
c 选项只是令 GCC 编译器将指定⽂件加⼯⾄汇编阶段,但不执⾏链接操作
6. ⽆选项链接
⽤法:#gcc test.o -o test
7. 选项-O
⽤法:#gcc -O1 test.c -o test
8. gcc main.c -o main.out -lm
数学库的⽂件名是 libm.a。前缀lib和后缀.a是标准的,m是基本名称,GCC 会在-l选项后紧跟着的基本名称的基础上⾃动添加这些前缀、后缀,本例中,基本名称为 m。
链接器把多个⼆进制的⽬标⽂件(object file)链接成⼀个单独的可执⾏⽂件。在链接过程中,它必须把符号(变量名、函数名等⼀些列标识符)⽤对应的数据的内存地址(变量地址、函数地址等)替代,以完成程序中多个模块的外部引⽤。
标准库的⼤部分函数通常放在⽂件 libc.a 中(⽂件名后缀.a代表“achieve”,译为“获取”),或者放在⽤于共享的动态链接⽂件 libc.so 中(⽂件名后缀.so代表“share object”,译为“共享对象”)。这些链接库⼀般位于 /lib/ 或 /usr/lib/,或者位于 GCC 默认搜索的其他⽬录。
1. 多个⽂件⼀起编译
⽤法:#gcc testfun.c test.c -o test
2. 分别编译各个源⽂件,之后对编译后输出的⽬标⽂件链接。
#gcc -c testfun.c //将testfun.c编译成testfun.o
#gcc -c test.c //将test.c编译成test.o
#gcc -o testfun.o test.o -o test //将testfun.o和test.o链接成test
-std=gnu89:ISO/IEC 9899:1990 以及GNU扩充
-std=gnu99:ISO/IEC 9899:1999 以及GNU扩充
-trigraphs:⽀持ISO C三字符组
-O1:第⼀级别优化,使⽤此选项可使可执⾏⽂件更⼩、运⾏更快,并不会增加太多编译时间,可以简写为-O -O2:第⼆级别优化,采⽤了⼏乎所有的优化技术,使⽤此选项会延长编译时间
objdump 反汇编
Usage: objdump <option(s)> <file(s)>
Display information from object <file(s)>.
At least one of the following switches must be given:
-a,--archive-headers    Display archive header information
-f,--file-headers      Display the contents of the overall file header
-p,--private-headers    Display object format specific file header contents
-P,--private= Display object format specific contents
-h,--headers  Display the contents of the ction headers
-x,--all-headers        Display the contents of all headers
-d,--disasmble        Display asmbler contents of executable ctions
-D,--disasmble-all    Display asmbler contents of all ctions
-S,--source            Intermix source code with disasmbly
-s,--full-contents      Display the full contents of all ctions requested
-g,--debugging          Display debug information in object file
-e,--debugging-tags    Display debug information using ctags style
G,--stabs              Display (in raw form) any STABS info in the file
-W or
Display DWARF info in the file
-t,--syms              Display the contents of the symbol table(s)
-T,--dynamic-syms      Display the contents of the dynamic symbol table
-r,--reloc              Display the relocation entries in the file
-R,--dynamic-reloc      Display the dynamic relocation entries in the file
@<file>                  Read options from <file>
-v,--version            Display this program's version number
-i, --info              List object formats and architectures supported
-H, --help              Display this information
The following switches are optional:
-b, --target=BFDNAME          Specify the target object format as BFDNAME
-m, --architecture=MACHINE    Specify the target architecture as MACHINE
-j, --ction=NAME            Only display information for ction NAME
-M, --disasmbler-options=OPT Pass text OPT on to the disasmbler
-EB --endian=big              Assume big endian format when disasmbling
-EL --endian=little            Assume little endian format when disasmbling
-file-start-context      Include context from start of file (with -S)
-I, --include=DIR              Add DIR to arch list for source files
-l, --line-numbers            Include line numbers and filenames in output
-F, --file-offts            Include file offts when displaying information
-C, --demangle[=STYLE]        Decode mangled/procesd symbol names
The STYLE, if specified, can be `auto', `gnu',
`lucid', `arm', `hp', `edg', `gnu-v3', `java'
or `gnat'
-w,--wide                    Format output for more than 80 columns
-z,--disasmble-zeroes      Do not skip blocks of zeroes when disasmbling
--start-address=ADDR      Only process data who address is >= ADDR
-stop-address=ADDR        Only process data who address is <= ADDR
--prefix-address        Print complete address alongside disasmbly
--show-raw-insn      Display hex alongside symbolic disasmbly
--insn-width=WIDTH        Display WIDTH bytes on a single line for-d
--adjust-vma=OFFSET        Add OFFSET to all displayed ction address
--special-syms            Include special symbols in symbol dumps
--prefix=PREFIX            Add PREFIX to absolute paths for-S
--prefix-strip=LEVEL      Strip initial directory names for-S
--dwarf-depth=N        Do not display DIEs at depth N or greater

本文发布于:2023-05-19 02:21:32,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:编译   预处理   输出   警告   选项   汇编   优化   链接
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