Chapter 3
【以下为老版教材(John F. Wakerly著)的题号】
4.4 Prove theorems T8': (X+Y)·(X+Z) = X+Y·Z using perfect induction.
4.5 According to DeMorgan’s theorem, the complement of W·X+Y·Z is W咏鹅拼音版'+X'·Y'+Z'. Yet both functions are 1 for W·X·Y·Z = 1110. How can both a function and its complement be 1 for the same input combination? What’s wrong here?
4.6 U switching-algebra theorems to simplify each of the following logic functions:
(a) F = W馄饨皮千层饼·X·Y先的反义词·Z·(W·X·Y·Z' + W·X'后勤管理规章制度·Y·Z + W'·英热单位X商铺出租合同范本·Y镜中我·Z + W·X·Y'·Z)
(b) F = A·B + A·B·C'·D + A·B·D·E' + A'·B·C'辽宁有几个机场·E + A'·B'·C'·E
4.8 Write the truth table for each of the following logic functions:
(h) F = X·Y' + Y·Z + Z'·X
4.9 Write the canonical sum and product for each of the following logic functions:
(a) F = (b) F =
4.10 Write the canonical sum and product for each of the following logic functions:
(c) F = (f) F = A'·B + B'·C + A
4.12 If the canonical sum for an n-input logic function is also a minimal sum, how many literals are in each product term of the sum? Might there be any other minimal sums in this ca?
4.14 Using Karnaugh maps, find a minimal sum-of-products expression for each of the following logic functions. Indicate the distinguished 1-cells in each map.
(a) F = (e) F =
4.15 Using Karnaugh maps, find a minimal sum-of-products expression for each of the following logic functions. Indicate the distinguished 1-cells in each map.
(b) F = (c) F =
4.18 Using Karnaugh maps, find a minimal sum-of-products expression for each of the following logic functions. Indicate the distinguished 1-cells in each map.
(a) F = ∑W,X,Y,Z (0,1,3,5,14) + d(8,15)
4.19 For each of the following logic expressions, find all of the static hazards in the corresponding two-level AND-OR or OR-AND circuit, and design a hazard-free circuit that realizes the same logic function.