导弹missil es
洲际导弹intercontin ental missil e
中程导弹mediurn-range missil e
巡航导弹cruise mi ssil e
核弹头nuclea rwerh ead
地对地导弹surface to-surface missil e
地对空导弹surface-to-air missil e
舰对空导弹ship-to-air missil e
空对空导弹air-to-air missil e
空对地导弹air-to-surface missil e
反幅射导弹anti-radiati on missil e
春节将至反舰导弹anti-ship missil e
反潜导弹anti-submari ne missil e
自导鱼雷homing torpad o
弹翼missil e wing
减速伞drag parach ute
制导装置guidan ce device
弹体guided missil e doby
固体火箭发动机solidpropel lant rocket 尾翼tail fin
发射制导装置launchi ng guidan ce device 发射管launchi ng tube
反弹道导弹anti-ballis ti c missil e
集束炸弹bomb-cluste r
地下井missil e silo
移动式井盖slidin g silo door
火箭发射场rocket launchi ng site
发射塔launchi ng tower
勤务塔rvic e tower
核武器nuclea r weapon s
燃料库fuel depot; fuel rerv oir
指挥室comman d post
通气道air vent; ventil ation shaft
多级火箭multis tage rocket
再入大气层飞行器re-entryvehicl e
原子弹atomic bomb
氢弹hydrog en bomb
引爆装置ignite r
热核燃料fusion ablemateri al
蘑菇状烟云mushro om cloud
冲击波shock wave; blast wave
放射性落下灰尘radioa ctive fallou t
核爆炸观测仪nuclea r explosi on obrv ation device
辐射仪radiati on gauge
辐射级仪radiati on leveli ndica tor
军事卫星milita ry satell i te
侦察卫星reconn aissa nce satell ite
屈指可数预警卫星earlywarnin g satell ite
电子侦察卫星electroni creconn ai ssa n ce satell ite
导航卫星naviga tionsatell ite
测地卫星geodesi c satell ite
军用通讯卫星milita ry communi cati ons satell ite
军用气象卫星milita ry meteorologi c al satell ite
卫星通信车satell i te communi cati ons vehicl e
宇宙空间站spacestatio n
警戒雷达warnin g radar
引导雷达direct or radar
制导雷达guidan ce radar
目标指示雷达target radar
测高雷达height findin g radar
三坐标雷达three-dimensi onal radar
弹道导弹预警相控阵雷达ballis tic missil e early-warnin g phad-arrayradar导航雷达naviga tionradar
机载截击雷达airborne intercept radar
炮瞄雷达gun-pointi ng radar
对空警戒雷达aircra ft-warnin g radar
航海雷达marine radar好听的歌词大全
对海管戒雷达naval warnin g radar
侦察雷达reconn aissa nce radar
卫星通信天线satell ite communi cati on antena
驱逐舰destro yer
歼击机fighte r plane; fighte r
空速管airspe ed head; pilottube
无线电罗盘radiocompas s
平视显示机head-up displa y
火箭弹射座椅ejecto r at
副翼ailero n
燃油箱fuel tank
垂直尾翼tail fin; vertical stabil izer
阻力伞舱drag parach ute housin g
水平尾翼horizo ntal stabil izer
液压油箱hydrau li c oil contai ner
副油箱auxili ary fuel tank
主起落架main landin g gear
机翼整体油箱integral wing tank
机炮machin e gun; cnnon
前起落架frontl andin g gear
空气数据计算机air-data comput er
迎角传感器angleof attack nsor
进气口头锥air-inletno cone
战斗机combat aircra ft
强击机attack er
歼击轰炸机fighte r-bomber
轻型轰炸机light bomber
战略轰炸机strate gic bomber
电子战机electroni cfighte r
高速侦察机high-speedreconn ai ssa n ce plane
空中加油机tanker ai rcra ft
运输机transp ort plane; air-freigh ter
水上飞机apla ne; hydroplane
反潜巡逻机anti-submari ne patrol aircra ft
教练机traine r aircra ft; traine r
垂直起落飞机vertic al take-off and landin g
无尾飞机taille ss aircra ft
隐形轰炸机stealt h bomber
可变翼机adjust able wing plane
动力滑翔机power glider
扫雷直升机mine-sweepi ng helico pter
机身fula ge
抗扭螺旋桨anti-torque tail rotor
航空炸弹aerobo mb
钢珠弹bomb with steel balls; contai ner bomb unit 化学炸弹chemic al bomb
主战坦克capita l tank
中型坦克medium tank
水陆两用坦克amphib i ous tank
喷火坦克flame-throwi ng tank
架桥坦克bridge tank
扫雷坦克mine-sweepi ng tank
坦克推土机tankdo zer
侦察坦克reconn aissa nce tank
无炮塔坦克turretless tank
坦克牵引车recove ry tank
坦克修理后送车repair-rvic e tank
反坦克障碍物anti-tank obstacl e
桩寨pile stocka de
反坦克断崖anti-tank ditch
反坦克崖壁anti-tank precip i ce
反坦克三角锥anti-tank pyrami ds
坦克兵tank soldie r
清烟器fume extrac tor
瞄准镜gun sight
发动机散热窗radiat or grille
备用油箱rerv e fuel tank
主动轮drivin g wheel
负重轮loadin g wheel
烟幕弹发射筒smokebomb discha rger诱导轮induce r
鱼雷torped oes
电动机鱼雷electri c torped o
航空鱼雷aerial torped o
火箭助飞鱼雷rocket-assist ed torped o
线导鱼雷wire-guided torped o
发射机transm i tter
自导控制组件lf-directi ng unit
装药和电子组件charge and electron unit 待发装置actuat or
指令控制组件comman d contro l unit
陀螺控制组件gyro-contro l unit
电源控制组件power-supply contro l unit 燃烧室combustor
推进器propel ler
潜艇submari ne
鱼雷舱torped o room
鱼雷发射管fi ring tube
操纵线contro l wire
水雷submari ne mine
自航式水雷mobile mine
锚雷moorin g mine
触发锚雷moored contact mine
雷索mine-moorin g cable
沉底水雷ground mine
漂雷floati ng mine
深水炸弹depth charge; depthbomb
航空母舰aircra ft carrie r
核动力航空母舰nuclea r-powere d aircra ft 阻拦装置arrest er
飞行甲板flight deck
雷达天线radar antenn a
升降机口aircra ft lifts; elevat ors
舰载机起飞弹射装置catapul ts
油料舱fuel bunker
弹药舱ammuni tion store
贮存舱storag e hold
通信中心室communi cati on center
核反应堆nuclea r reacto r
生活舱accomm odati on
巡洋舰cruise r
护卫舰escort vesl; frigat e
导弹护卫舰mi ssil e frigat e
战列舰battle ship
护卫艇corvet te
供应舰tender ship; depot ship
舰队补给舰fleet depot ship
海上补给船a depot ship
运输舰transp ort ship
汽油运输船gasoli ne transp o rt ship
扫雷舰mine sweepi ng vesl
鱼雷艇torped o boat
导弹快艇missil e speedb oat
导弹潜艇guided-missil e submari ne
核动力潜艇nuclea r-powere d submari ne 潜艇救护舰submari ne lifegu ard ship
猎潜艇submari ne char
登陆舰landin g ship