1.A/P accoun tingperiod会计期间
2. A/P advise and pay 付款通知
3.A/R accoun t receiv able应收帐款
A/R at the rate of 以……比例
a/r all risks(保险)全险
Arr. arrival s, arrive d 到货、到船
A/S, a/s aftersight见票即付
A/S,acc/s accoun t sales承销帐、承销清单,售货清单
ASAP as soon as possib l e 尽快
ASR accept ancesummary report验收总结报告
ass. asssm ent估征、征税
assimt. assign ment转让、让与
ATC averag e total cost 平均总成本
ATM at the money仅付成本钱
ATM Automa tic Teller Machin e 自动取款机(柜员机)
ATS automa ted tradesystem自动交易系统
ATS automa tic transf er rvic e 自动转移服务
Attn. attention 注意
Atty. attorn ey 代理人
auct. auctio n拍卖
Aud. audito r 审计员、审计师
Av. averag e 平均值
a.w. all wool 纯羊毛
A/W air waybill 空运提单
A/W actual weight实际重量
什么口红牌子最好BA bank acceptance银行承兑汇票
bal. balance 余额、差额
荣耀怎么隐藏应用banky. bankru ptcy破产、倒闭
Bat battery电池
b.b. bearer bond 不记名债券
B.B., B/B bill book 出纳簿
B/B bill bought买入票据、买入汇票
b&b bed & breakf ast 住宿费和早餐费
< blindcopy 密送的副本
BC buyercredit买方信贷
在线唱歌B/C billsf or collection托收汇票
B.C. bank cleari ng 银行清算
b/d brough t down 转下页
Bd. bond 债券
B/D billsdiscou nted已贴现票据
B/D bank draft银行汇票小炒油麦菜
b.d.i. both datesinclusive, both days inclusive 包括头尾两天
B/E bill of entry报关单
<, B/E bill of exchan g e 汇票
BEP breakeven point保本点、盈亏临界点
b/f brough t forwar d 承前
BF bonded factory保税工厂
Bfcy. Benefi ciary受益人
B/G, b/g bonded goods保税货物
BHC Bank Holdin g Compan y银行控股公司
BIS Bank of Intern ation al Settle m ents国际清算银行
bit binary digit两位数
Bk. bank 银行
Bk. book 帐册
b.l., B/L bill of lading提货单
B/L origin al bill of lading origin al 提货单正本
bldg. buildi ng 大厦
BMP bank master policy银行统一保险笑话的英语
BN bank note 钞票
BO branch office分支营业处
BO buyer’s option买者选择交割期的远期合同
BOM beginn ing of month月初
< bill of materi als 用料清单
BOO build-operat e-own 建造—运营—拥有
BOOM build-operate-own-mainta in 建造—运营—拥有—维护BOOT build-operat e-own- transf er 建造—运营—拥有—转让b.o.p. balanc e of paymen ts 收支差额
BOT balanc e of trade贸易余额
BOY beginn ing of year 年初
b.p., B/P billspayabl e 应付票据
Br. branch分支机构
BR bank rate 银行贴现率
<, B/R billsreceiv able应收票据
Brok. broker or broker age 经纪人或经纪人佣金
b.s., BS, B/S balanc e sheet资产负债表
B/S bill of sales卖据、出货单
B share B share B 股
B.T.T. bank telegr aphic transf er 银行电汇
BV book value票面价值
b.l., B/L bill of lading提货单
B/L origin al bill of lading origin al 提货单正本
bldg. buildi ng 大厦
BMP bank master policy银行统一保险
BN bank note 钞票
BO branch office分支营业处
BO buyer’s option买者选择交割期的远期合同
BOM beginn ing of month月初
< bill of materi als 用料清单
BOO build-operat e-own 建造—运营—拥有
BOOM build-operate-own-mainta in 建造—运营—拥有—维护BOOT build-operat e-own- transf er 建造—运营—拥有—转让b.o.p. balanc e of paymen ts 收支差额
BOT balanc e of trade贸易余额
BOY beginn ing of year 年初
b.p., B/P billspayabl e 应付票据
Br. branch分支机构
BR bank rate 银行贴现率
<, B/R billsreceiv able应收票据
Brok. broker or broker age 经纪人或经纪人佣金
b.s., BS, B/S balanc e sheet资产负债表
B/S bill of sales卖据、出货单
B share B share B 股
B.T.T. bank telegr aphic transf er 银行电汇
BV book value票面价值
C/- ca;curren cy 现金、息单
C/A capita l accoun t 资本帐户
Cat catalo g ue 目录
C.B cash book 现金簿
C/D custom e declartion现金账
C.d cum dividen do 附股息报关单
Cert certif ieate说明书
C./F carrig e forwar d 转下页
Cge carria g e 运费
C.H custom hou海关
C/i certif cateof insura n ce 保险说明书
C&I cost insura nce 保险费在内价
C.I.F 到岸价格
C/O cost order现金汇票
C/o cash of carrie d over 转交
Com coummerical商业;佣金
Cont contra ct 合同
Cr credit;credit or 货方
Ctge cartag e 车费
Curt curren t 本月,现金
Cy curren cy 货币
D degree; draft度、汇票
D/A deposi t accoun t 存款帐户
D/A document agains t accept ance承兑交单
d/a days afteraccept ance承兑后......日(付款)
D. A. debit advice欠款报单
D. B day book 日记帐、流水帐
DB method declin ing balanc e (deprec iatio n) method递减余额折旧法
D. C. F. method discou n tedcash flow method现金流量贴现法
D/D documentary draft跟单汇票
D. D.; D/D demand draft即期汇票
D/d; d/d days afterdate 出票后......日(付款)
d. d. dry dock 干船坞
DDB method double declin i ng balanc e (deprec iatio n) method双倍递减余额折旧法
D. D. D deadli ne delive ry date 交易最后日期
def. defici t 赤字、亏损
dem. demurr age 滞期费
Depr. depreci atio n折旧
d. f; D. F.; d. frt. dead freigh t 空舱费
D. G danger ous goods危险货物
diff. differ ence差额
Dis. discou nt 折扣、贴现
dish'd; dishddishon ored不名誉、拒付
D. I. T double income-tax(relief) 双重所得税(免征)
div.; divd dividen d 红利、股息
D-J Dow Jones& Co. 美国道—琼斯公司
DJIA Dow JonesIndust rial A verag e (StockIndex)道—琼斯工业股票指数DJTA Dow JonesT ransp ortation Averag e 道—琼斯运输平均数
DJUA Dow JonesUtility Averag e 道—琼斯公用事业平均数
DK Don't know 不知道
DL direct loan 直接贷款
DL discre tiona ry limit无条件限制
DLD deadli ne date 最后时限
Dls. ; Dol(s); Doll(s) dollar s 元
DM Deutsc h e Mark; D-mark; Deutsc hmark; 德国马克
DMCs develo pingmember countri es 发展中国家
DN date number日期号
DN; D/N debitn ote 借记通知单
DNR do not reduce不减少
do.; dto. ditto同上、同前
D/O delive ry order发货单
Doc(s) documents 凭证、单据、文件
doc. att. documen ts attach ed 附单据、附件
Doc. code documen t code 凭证(单据)编号
D. O. G. days of grace宽限日数
DOR date of reques t 要求日
DP; D/P documen t against paymen t 交单付款
DPI dispos ableperson al income个人可支配收入
DPOB date and placeof birth出生时间和地点
DPP damp proofi ng 防潮的
Dr. debit借记、借方
D. R.; DR discou n t rate 贴现率、折扣率
Dr debtor债务人
DR deposi t receip t 存单、存款收据
食物单词dr. drawer借方
DS; d/s days aftersight(days' sight)见票后.......日(付款)
ds.; d's days 日
dstn. destin ation日的地(港)
DTC Deposi t taking compan y接受存款公司
DTC Deposi t Trust Compan y储蓄信托公司
dup.; dupl.; dupte. duplic ate 副本
DVP delive ry versus paymen t 付款交货
dy.; d/y day; delive ry 日、交货
ea. each 每,各
< E.E. errorexcept ed 错误除外
EEC The Europe an Econom ic Commun ity 欧洲经济共同体
< exempli gratia (for exampl e) 例如
EIB Export-Import Bank 进出口银行
enc., encl. enclosu re 附件
E.&O.E. errors and omissi ons except ed 错误和遗漏不在此限
Esq. Esquir e 先生(信内尊称)
ETA estima ted time of arrival预计到达时间
etc., & c. et cetera (and so forth)等待
ex out of, withou t 自,无,交货
ex. exampl e, executive, exchan g e, extract 例子,执行官,外汇,摘要
f feet 英尺
F dealtin flat 无息交易的
f. following (page) 接下页
皮里阳秋的意思f. fairs定期集市
F. A. face amount票面金额
F. A. fixedasts固定资产
F. A freigh t agent货运代理行
FA free alongside 启运港船边交货
FABB Fellow of the Britis h Associ ation of Accoun tants and Audito rs 英国会计师和审计师协会会员