DA (Documents Attached)附凭单转自学易网
DAF (Delivered at Frontier) 边境交货
DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货
DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货
DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货
DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货
E/D ( Export Declaration) 出口申报单
EXW (Ex Works) 工厂交货
F.A.Q. (Fair Average Quality) 良好平均品质
F.O.B. (Free o-n Board) 装运港船上交货价格
FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人
FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货
G.A. (General Average) 共同海损
L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证
L/G (Letter of Guarantee) 担保书,保证书
L/T(LetterofTrust) 委托书
LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货
M/T( Mail Transfer) 信汇
M/T( Metric Ton) 公吨转自学易网
NTB (Non Tariff Barrier) 非关税避垒
O.B/L (Ocean Bill of Lading) 海运提单
O.No. (Order Number) 定单号数
P.A. (Particular Average) 单独海损
QA(QualityAssurance) 质量保证
毛葱RAM(RegisteredAirMail) 航空挂号邮件
S/D (Sight Draft) 即期汇票
S/O (Shipping Order) 装货单(俗称下货纸)
STL(Style) 式样
T/R (Trust Receipt) 信托收据
T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) 电汇
T/T(TelegraphicTransfer) 电汇
TDO(TranshipmentDeliveryOrder) 转船提货单
TEU(Twenty-footEquivelentUnit) 20英尺集装箱等量单位
TW(TotalWeight) 总重量
U. L. (Underwriter Laboratories inc.) 美国保险人公会所设的检验机构
W.P.A. (With Particular Average) 水渍险
W.R.(W/R) (War Risk) 战争险,兵险转自学易网
W.W. (Warehou to Warehou) 仓至仓
W/L(WovenLabel) 编织标签
W/M (Weight or Measurement) 重量或体积
XL(ExtraLarge,ExtraLong) 超大、超长
XPRD(ExperationDate) 失效日期
Yd(s) (Yard(s)) 码
1.Consignee(Name and address) 收货人(名称或地址)
2.Contract NO. 合同?shy;议号
3.Currency of ttle ment 结算货币名称(币制)
4.Country of origin of goods 商品?shy;产国
5.Consignor 发化人
6.description of goods 商品名称
快乐的英文7.deposit 押金,保证金
8.duty -paying value 完税价格
9.duty -free price 免税价格
10.duty suspension 暂缓纳税
结业论文11.duty paid proof 完税凭证青春的词语
12.duty paid certificate 收税单
13.dumping duty 倾销税(为反对倾销而征的税)
14.Documents against payment at sight(D/P sight) 即期付款交单
15.detail freight list 货物明细单
16.destination 目的地(港)
17.dispatch note 发运单
18.delivery terms 交货条款
19.delivery port 交货口岸(港)
20.delivery order 交货单,出货单
21.delivery date 交货期(日期)
22.delivery and customs agent 提货
23.Delivered Duty Paid(DDP) 完税交货
24.declare goods 申报货物
25.declare at the Customs 报关
26.declaration formalities(customs formalities) 报关手续
27.Declaration for the Exit of Transit cargo 过境地货物出境报关单
28.Declaration for Entry of Transit cargo 过境地货物入境报关单
29.debenture(customs drawback certifica) 海关(退税)凭单
30.damage als affixed by th Customs 损坏海关封志
31.dead -weight 船舶载重量
32. documents against payment 付款交单
< for dutiable goods 应纳税商品进口报关单
< for free goods 免税货物进口报关单
< in to 与……订约,开始
< 报关手续,报单,进入,入口
39.forge 伪造转自学易网
40.Foreign Trade Zone 对外贸易区
air bill of loading 空运提单
air freight 空运费
air waybill 航空运单
airport of departure 始发站
airport of destination 目的站
bill of loading 提单
cargo in bulk 散装货
cargo insurance 货物运输保险
ca NO. 箱号
letter of credit 信用证
cash against delivery 货到付款
certificate of origin 产地证明明
certificate of quality 质量证书取消自动关机
clean bill of loading 清洁提单
consignee 收货人
consignment contract 寄售合同
人力资源管理是干什么的consignment note 发货通知书
consignor 发货人
container bill of lading 集装箱提单
cost insurance and freight 到岸价
description 品名,商品名称
爸爸妈妈的话成长手册export licen 出口许可证
export permit 出口许可证
exporter 出口商
flight number 航班号码
free on board 船上交货(价) 离岸价
full container load(FCL)一整集装箱
gross weight 毛重
invoice 发票
letter of credit (L/G) 信用证
measurement 尺码
net weight 净重
number of packages 包装件数
packing list 装箱单请示报告的格式及范文
packing 包装
pallet 托盘
port of discharge 卸货港
port of dispatch 发货口岸
port of shipment 起运地
quantity 数量
sales contract NO售货合同编号
shipment date 装船曰期/装运期
shipper 托运人
specification 规格
total amount总价,总金额
waybill 运单
import进口 export出口
n import & export corporation(Corp.)
n import & export business(enterpri entitled to do import and export business)
n export drawback出口退税
n import & export licence
n processing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工