Poetry is one of the three major types or genres of literature, the others being pro and drama. Poems are often divided into lines and stanzas.
Types of poetry include narrative poetry(叙事诗)such as ballads(民谣), epics, metrical romances; dramatic poetry(戏剧诗)like dramatic monologues(独白诗)and dramatic dialogues; lyrics(抒情诗)such as sonnets, odes(颂歌), elegies(挽歌)and love poems.
A sonnet is a fourteen-line lyric poem with a single theme, usually written in iambic pentameter.
2 kinds of sonnet:
The Petrarchan or Italian sonnet皮特拉克或意大利十四行诗
:an 8-line octave and 6-line stet with the octave rhyming abba abba , the stet cde cde. The octave rais a question, states a problem and the stet answers the question, solves the problem.
The Shakespearean or English sonnet: 3 4-line quatrains and a 2-line couplet rhyming abab cdcd efef gg. Each of the three quatrains usually explores a different variation of the main theme. The couplet prents a summarizing or concluding statement.
Ode a lyric poem of some length that honors an individual, a thing or a trait dealing with a lofty theme in a dignified manner. The English odes are of three types.
Ode to the West Wind is of the horatian type: with stanza of uniform length and arrangement. It consists of five 14-lined stanzas of iambic pentameter, each of thetotal翻译
stanza containing four tercets and a closing couplet. The rhyme scheme is aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ee.
A.An extended narrative poem with a heroic or superhuman protagonist engaged in an
action of great significance in a vast tting (often including the underworld and engaging the gods).叙事体长诗,以宏大华丽的风格来颂扬某传奇英雄的伟业。
B.Examples: Edmund Spenr's The Faerie Queene, John Milton's Paradi Lost, William
Wordsworth's The Prelude, and T. S. Eliot's The W aste Land.
Poetry stress on rhythm, imagery, emotion and imagination.
1. Meter 韵律
A fixed arrangement of accented and unaccented syllables in a foot。
中国饮食文化特点主要有The iamb抑扬格/trochee扬抑格, anapest抑抑扬格, dactyl扬抑抑格
Foot 音步指诗歌保持节奏的不断重复的音节组合。
The number of feet:
Monometer 1 foot
Dimeter 2 feet
Trimeter 3 feet
Tetrameter 4 feet
Pentameter 5 feet
Hexameter 6 feet
Heptameter 7 feet
Octameter 8 feet
五步抑扬格Iambic pentameter
Iambic pentameter is a meter in poetry. It has an unrhymed line with 5 iambs or feet.
Iambic means the stress is on the cond syllable, an example is the word repeat.
Pentameter shows us that a line has 5 feet or clusters of two syllables adding up to 10 syllables a line. The feet are marked like this Hello/hello/hello/hello/hello.
2. Rhyme压韵
Rhyme is the identity of sound between words of ver lines.
A rhyme begins in an accented syllable. From the accented vowel of that syllable to the end, the words intended to rhyme must be identical in sound, but the letter or letters preceding the accented vowel may be unlike in save, grave.
End rhyme occurs when rhyming words appear at the ends of lines.
Internal rhyme occurs when rhyming words fall within a line.
Exact rhyme is the u of identical rhyming sounds, as in love and dove.73年属什么的
Approximate, or slant rhyme, is the u of sounds that are similar but not identical, as in prove and glove.
A RHYME SCHEME韵脚is a regular pattern of rhyming words in a poem or stanza. To indicate a rhyme scheme, assign each final sound in the poem or stanza a different letter. In other words, it is the pattern of end rhymes or lines.
The following lines from Charlotte Bronte’s on the death of Anne Bronte have been marked: There’s little joy in life for me, a
And little terror in the grave ; b
I’ve lived the parting hour to e a
Of one I would have died to save b
The rhyme scheme of this stanza is abab.
3. 头韵Alliteration
Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words.
eg: sweet smell of success;
“Now B eowulf b ode in the b urg of the Scyldings, L eader be l oved, and l ong he ru l ed”
A stanza is a group of lines in a poem, en as a unit. Many poems are divided into stanzas that are parated by spaces. Stanzas often function like paragraphs in pro. Each stanza states and develops one main idea.
Stanzas are commonly named according to the number or lines found in them, as follows:
1. couplet: a two-line stanza
2. tercet: a three-line stanza
3. quatrain: a four-line stanza
4. cinquain: a five-line stanza
5. stet: a six-line stanza
6. heptastich: a ven-line stanza
7. octave: an eight-line stanza
5. Blank ver 无韵诗(素体诗)
Poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter lines.虎头蛇尾造句
6. Free ver 自由诗
Poetry not written in a regular rhythmical pattern or meter.
Elements of Fiction
Fiction is a literary work who content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily bad on fact.
The protagonist-----the central character
铁面无私的近义词The antagonist -----the character against whom the protagonist struggles or contends To describe the relative degree a character was developed, critics refer them as
A flat character who is built around with a single trait or quality or idea.
A round character ----they change and grow and thus they are dynamic. Often they
exhibit contradictory traits and like real human beings, they frequently surpri us. (2)Methods of Ch