How do you become a Dark Hor?
A “dark hor” is defined as a candidate or competitor about whom little is known but who unexpectedly wins or
Is dark hor same as underdog?
A dark hor in sports is an unknown team, or a team with unknown strengths that goes on to surpri people by winning
or doing better than everyone expected. Both of the expressions are ud to talk about people in general. Underdogs are the people in society that nobody expects to be successful.
“Underdog”是來⾃⾾狗活動,最初“Underdog”的寫法是 “Under dog”,⽽它的反義詞是“Top dog”。
那甚麼是”Underdog”和”Top dog”? ⾾狗的時候,兩隻狗互相廝殺(⾮常殘忍),打贏的狗會把輸的狗壓住,所以打贏的狗叫做 “Top dog”,打輸的叫做 “Under dog”。
後來,”Under dog”的寫法演變成“Underdog”,意思是處於弱勢的⼀⽅。
A: Which team do you think will win the game?
A: 你覺得那⼀隊會贏?
B: Team B! I’m rooting for the underdog.
B: B隊! 我⽀持弱的那⼀隊。
“Rooting for”是「⽀持」的意思。
(2) Jake was an underdog in high school, but he ended up graduating top of his class in college.
(3) Peter is an underdog in the race against Joan.
An underdog in a sporting competition is a competitor that nobody thinks will win. At the start of the ason, nobody
thought that Leicester City had a chance. They were probably the lowliest underdog in the league. This is what makes their success so remarkable.
A dark hor in sports is an unknown team, or a team with unknown strengths that goes on to surpri people by winning or doing better than everyone expected.
Both of the expressions are ud to talk about people in general. Underdogs are the people in society that nobody expects to be successful. Dark hors show surprising strengths, skills or intelligence that nobody ever imagined.
Stories about dark hors and underdogs are inspiring becau they show us that everyone has a chance to win or be successful.
天蝎和白羊Ro, Todd, and Ogi Ogas. Dark hor: Achieving success through the pursuit of fulfillment. HarperCollins, 2018.
How to Beat Your Competition: Always Bet on the Dark Hor
Embody the right mentality to triumph over your
A “dark hor” is defined as a candidate or competitor about whom little is known but who unexpectedly wins or succeeds. Personally, I’ve always aspired to be a dark hor, though I can’t say I’ve ever truly embodied one. I recently finished “Dark Hor” by Todd Ro and Ogi Ogas (of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, not the Katy Perry song). This made me reevaluate not only how I think about personal fulfillment but also how companies can succeed by adopting the dark hor mentality.
Our world is heavily rooted in the concept of standardization—all with the purpo of creating the perfect output. You can e this in asmbly lines, our education system, and how we develop careers (ever heard of climbing the corporate ladder? Puke!). Becau of this, we tell ourlves that in order to get ahead in society at large, you have to pick your path and do it better than the last person if you want to succeed.
The dark hor mentality on the other hand, according to Ro and Ogas, is rooted in the idea that in order to have a fulfilling life, you do not have to “pick” a pre-defined, standard path. Instead, you need to identify your micro-motives, choo (not “pick”) your path, create a plan, and stick to it without worrying so much about the outcome. This requires individuals to move away from the “Standardization Covenant,” a world in which we all attend the same schools and perform the same jobs, and shift focus to things that motivate you.
Place your bets
After reading the book, I was immediately drawn to the parallels in business. In short, there are three areas to consider.
1. Market Level: Build and own your category
Think of Uber, Airbnb, and Narrative Science (had to do it!). Each of the companies decided to shun the status quo (or the “standard”), find a way to do things entirely different, and, in turn, unexpectedly succeed. Talk about an easy way to beat
out your competition. At Narrative Science, our micro-motive is tied to the fact that not everybody lov
es data, but everybody needs data and everybody can understand language (welcome to data storytelling!).
2. Company Level: Free your people from mundane work
Nobody likes mundane work. By giving your people technology that gives them answers to common business problems, you can free up time to be more creative. The future of work is a world in which our people are more free-flowing and creative in their day-to-day. Companies that stifle their people with manual standard process will be left behind, while tho that find the right technology will enable cross-functional teams to be dark hors in their own right.
试问卷帘人3. Individual Level: Help your people find micro-motives
Challenge your people to think about their micro-motives. This is management 101. Find out what motivates your people, and then harness tho motivators and put your people in a position to win. It’s imperative that you know your employees’micro-motives so they can work on things that bring them the most fulfillment in their lives, at home, or at work. And don’t be afraid if tho motives are not aligned with the company’s needs. People are owed the right to choo their own path,廉洁名言
and the more we can help each other in that journey, the better and more impactful we’ll be at your company and in your life.
The definition of insanity
The next time you find yourlf doing the same thing over and over again, or doing the same thing as your peers or competitors, I encourage you to stop it. Start thinking about what truly motivates you, create a plan, and act in ways that t you apart from everybody el. Said another way, be different.
Be a dark hor.
“⿊马”被定义为鲜为⼈知但出⼈意料地获胜或成功的候选⼈或竞争对⼿。就个⼈⽽⾔,我⼀直渴望成为⼀匹⿊马,尽管我不能说我曾经真正体现过⼀匹⿊马。我最近完成了 Todd Ro 和 Ogi Ogas(哈佛教育研究⽣院的,不是 Katy Perry 的歌)的“ Dark Hor ”。这让我不仅重新评估了我对个⼈成就的看法,还重新评估了公司如何通过采⽤⿊马⼼态取得成功。
1. 市场⽔平:建⽴并拥有你的品类
想想 Uber、Airbnb 和 Narrative Science(必须这样做!)。这些公司中的每⼀个都决定回避现状(或“标准”),寻找⼀种完全不同的⽅式做事,并反过来取得意想不到的成功。谈论⼀种击败竞争对⼿的简单⽅法。在 Narrative Science,我们的微观动机与并⾮每个⼈都喜欢数据,但每个⼈都需要数据并且每个⼈都能理解语⾔这⼀事实相关(欢迎使⽤数据讲故事!)。
2. 公司层⾯:让你的员⼯从平凡的⼯作中解放出来
没有⼈喜欢平凡的⼯作。通过为您的员⼯ 提供技术 以解决常见的业务问题,您可以腾出时间来发挥创造⼒。⼯作的 未来 是⼀个我们的员⼯在⽇常⽣活中更加⾃由和富有创造⼒的世界。那些⽤⼿动标准流程扼杀员⼯的公司将被抛在后⾯,⽽那些找到合适技术的公司将使跨职能团队本⾝成为⿊马。
3. 个⼈层⾯:帮助你的员⼯找到微观动机
挑战你的员⼯思考他们的微观动机。这就是管理 101。找出是什么激励了你的员⼯,然后利⽤这些激励因素,让你的员⼯处于获胜的位置。您必须了解员⼯的微观动机,这样他们才能从事能够让他们在⽣活、家庭或⼯作中获得最⼤满⾜感的事情。如果这些动机不符合公司的需求,请不要害怕。⼈们应该有选择⾃⼰道路的权利,在这段旅程中,我们越能互相帮助,我们在您的公司和您的⽣活中就会越好、越有影响⼒。