摄影协会>三臣丸The swimming of the mandarin fish Synchropus picturatus (Callionyiidae: Teleostei)期刊名称: Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 作者: R.,W.,Blake
李昱桦年份: 1979年中国祝福你
危废处置期号: 第2期
希望歌曲摘要:In order to gain a general understanding of the problems of fish locomotion and appreciate them in an evolutionary context, it is important that we have information available on the kinematics, hydrodymamics and energetics of the swimming of as wide a range of fish as possible. At prent, most of our knowledge of fish locomotion is restricted to the swimming of streamlined, pelagic and nektonic teleosts, capable of high speeds and accelerations, that are either neutrally buoyant or have a buoyancy clo to neutral (e Lighthill (1969), Webb (1975), Bone (1975) for reviews).