11.1 Casing Operations
The drilling program or a supplemental procedure shall contain running guidelines and requirements for each casing string. Unless otherwi noted in the drilling program or a supplemental procedure, the casing operating guidelines in this ction shall apply. It is the responsibility of the Drilling Supervisors to ensure that the casing running operation is conducted according to the guidelines and requirements in this manual and/or the approved casing program.
杏鲍菇炒鸡肉11.2 Casing Running
11.2.1 Casing Preparation Guidelines
1. Immediately after unloading casing, the number of joints shall be counted and compared with the cargo manifest. Any discrepancies shall be noted and recorded.
2. The internal diameter of the casing shall be checked to ensure that the proper weight casing was delivered.
太阳和月亮一起出现3. Thread protectors shall be removed and the threads cleaned and oiled to prevent flash rusting. The casing, threads and couplings shall be visually inspected for any signs of damage.
4. Casing shall be drifted while on the pipe rack.
5. All casing shall be numbered and tallied with thread protectors removed.
Note: U care when tallying buttress threaded casing as the threads make up only to the diamond (1-2 inches before the thread run-out on the pin end). This can result in the casing shoe being deeper than anticipated if measurements are made to the thread run-out.
6. A casing tally report shall be prepared for every casing string run, showing the number of joints, joint type (weight, grade), joint length, joint depth, and location of major casing string components (float equipment, pup joints, crossovers, wellhead attachments, etc.). A copy of the report shall be kept on the rig for reference during logging, production testing, completion, P&A operations, etc.
7. At least two independent people shall check and verify the casing tally.
8. When running production casing, pup joints shall be placed above the tops of possible productive zones, in order to facilitate future wireline correlation runs.
11.2.2 Cementing Accessory Guidelines
1.Unless specified otherwi in the drilling program, two joints of casing (shoetrack) shall be run between the float shoe and the float collar for all casing and liner strings.
2. All shoetrack connections up to and including the float collar shall be threadlocked. It is important that the coupling of each shoe joint is also bucked-off so that the bottom end of the coupling is thread-locked as well. This operation is best done ahead of time in the casing running rvice contractor’s workshop, and the shoe joints then delivered to the location, prior to the casing running job. Generally do not thread-lock more joints than can be racked back in the derrick.
3. Consider using mechanical cement scratchers on production casing strings across the pay zone, when strong and/or thick mud filter cakes are expected, due to high permeability formation.
4. On surface casing strings, two cement baskets shall be installed at ± 30 m below ground level to aid in performing a top cement job if cement is not circulated to surface.
5. Unless specified otherwi in the drilling program, or casing and cement program, the recommended minimum number of centralizers to be run is as follows:
A. Surface Casing (13⅜" or 9⅝" Casing):
One bow-spring centralizers per joint for each of the shoe track joints, installed mid-joint over a stop ring. One per joint over a stop collar in the middle of the next 3 to 5 joints above the float collar. One inside the conductor, installed over a collar, to help centralize the wellhead joint.
B. Intermediate or Production Casing or Liner (9⅝" & 7" Casing):ps怎么复制图层
•As above if no hydrocarbons are prent.
•In vertical, or low deviated wells, if hydrocarbons are prent, one bowspring centralizer per joint for the shoe track joints, and one per joint from the float collar to two joints above the hydrocarbon zone, each installed over a stop ring at mid joint.
•In deviated wells, if hydrocarbons are prent, two bow-spring centralizers per joint for the shoe track joints, and one per joint from the float collar to two joints below the hydrocarbon zone, followed by two per joint until 2 joints above the top of the hydrocarbon zone, each installed over a stop ring at mid joint. After the electric line caliper log is run, a centralizer placement program shall be run by the cement contractor to achieve a minimum of 80% standoff. •In highly deviated wells, two centraliz
ers may be installed on all joints from the shoe to two joints above the hydrocarbon interval. In addition, the u of rigid centralizers rather than bow-spring may be considered, but only if hole conditions allow. After the electric line caliper log is run, a centralizer placement program shall be run by the cement contractor to achieve a minimum of 80% standoff.
Note: It is important to avoid installing bow-spring centralizers over collars on joints which will be run into the open hole. Bow-spring centralizers are designed to collap all the way against the OD of the pipe body where tight hole is encountered, and if installed over a collar, they are not able to do so. Rather, the centralizers should be installed over stop rings at midjoint. Stop rings should be the premium type only, attached to the pipe by a ries of t screws around the entire circumference of the ring. Nail-type and friction-band type stop rings are inferior and usually result in the centralizer sliding up to the top of the joint in tight hole, where the collapsing feature of the centralizer may be impeded by the casing collar. It is most efficient to install the stop collars on the casing while it is still on the racks, prior to the casing job.
Note: Actual centralizer quantities and spacing must be provided in the drilling program or casing and cement program for all casing strings.
11.2.3 Casing Running Guidelines
1. Prior to running casing, a planning meeting shall be held with personnel that are directly involved with the casing job to ensure that key personnel understand the job procedure and their particular responsibilities.
2. The casing hanger shall be carefully inspected and rviced prior to running the casing.
3. The drill string shall be strapped out of the hole by SLM on the trip prior to logging and checked against the logging depth. If a significant discrepancy exists, the pipe shall be strapped in the hole on the wiper trip after logging.
4. Prior to pulling out of the hole on the wiper trip after logging, the drilling fluid shall be conditioned to ensure that it is virtually free of cuttings and is of uniform density, with acceptable properties.
5. Any tight spots are to be reamed, as necessary, on the wiper trip prior to running casing.
6. When running production casing or liner, change top pipe rams to match casing size.
7. The annular preventer shall be ud as the contingent barrier for well control during casing
running operations, and the mud or water in the hole will be the active barrier.
8. The bore protector/wear bushing must be pulled before running casing.
9. Ensure that the ratings of the spiders, elevators and links are sufficient when including the total casing string weight at total depth plus 250,000 lbs. of overpull.
10.Ensure that the safety valve on the casing-by-drill pipe crossover is a full opening ball valve such as a TIW valve.
11.Ensure that the appropriate sized wear bushing for the casing size and thread, and the top drive connection, is available on the rig floor.
12.Ensure that clamp-on type thread protectors are available in sufficient quantity, and in good working order. Do not allow crew to drag casing joints up the Vdoor without protectors on the pin threads.
13.The inside of float joints shall be checked for trash just prior to making up.
14.The float equipment shall be checked for proper operation after running the float collar and one joint of casing by filling the casing with fluid and picking up to ensure that the fluid drops out of the casing and does not re-enter the pipe when running it back in the hole.
15.The casing shall be filled on a regular basis while picking up the next joint and the fill is to be confirmed at regular intervals. The casing shall be filled with the drilling fluid ud while drilling the hole. Of special importance at the beginning of the job is to assure that each joint is filled to the top of every joint until enough pipe has been picked up to overcome the buoyancy effect, which could dislodge the casing from the slips.
16.Returns shall be monitored and running speed adjusted to minimize drilling fluid loss to the hole. Any limitations on casing running speed shall be specified in the Drilling Program.
野木耳17.If tight spots are encountered while running in hole, a wear bushing should be made up to the top joint of casing and the top drive made up to it. Working through the tight spot (reciprocation only – do not rotate) while circulating mud can then proceed. Alternatively, a casing swage or the cementing head can be made up for circulation while latching onto the casing with the elevators to reciprocate the pipe.
11.2.4 Casing Connection Make-Up
1.Make-up torque shall be specified in the drilling program bad on the connection type, mill coating or field oil on the threads, and the thread compound to be ud. For API connections, API re
commended torque values shall be ud. For premium connections, connections shall be made up per the manufacturer's recommended procedure. For modified API connections (buttress), it is necessary to make up the joints to the ba of the triangle stamped on the pipe body.
2.Thread compounds rated for the appropriate rvice temperature and conforming to API specifications shall be ud. Different thread compound compositions, as well as mill coatings or field oil on threads shall be considered when determining the proper make-up torque.
3. Thread compound is to be applied to the box end only. Ensure adequate and complete coverage of all threads, but without applying excessive amounts of compound. Do not mix diel, or any other compound or material, with the API thread compound. If BTC threaded casing is not making up all the way to the ba of the triangle, the most likely cau is improper thread compound application.
4. A standard torque gauge shall be ud for making up connections on casing with API connections.
5. A torque-turn / JAM unit will be ud for making up connections on casing with
premium-proprietary threads.
6. When running BTC threaded casing, it is convenient to record the torque required to make up the
蜃影first 10 joints of casing to the ba of the triangle, and then take the average of the 10 torque readings. The casing tong operator can then make up the remaining joints to the average torque value, while the crew watches to ensure that the connection is made up to, or near to, the ba of the triangle.
7. Any casing joints which become galled,cross-threaded, or show any other indication of not making up properly must be backed out and laid out.
11.3 Casing Checklists
1. Is condition of casing acceptable? Yes/No
2. Is size and condition of casing drifts adequate? Yes/No
3. Has casing been drifted, strapped and tallied? Yes/No
4. Is condition of casing threads acceptable? Yes/No
5. Is enough excess casing on location? Yes/No
6. Is numbering of casing joints correct? Yes/No
7. Is lubricant type and quantity acceptable? Yes/No
1. Are theoretical returns and casing fill up volume calculations correct? Yes/No
2. Are fill-up and displacement volumes correct? Yes/No
3. Is the reduction of the hydrostatic pressure due to spacer volume a problem? Yes/No
4. Is as much rig up completed as possible during logging operations? Yes/No
5. Are drill floor and catwalk clear of non-esntial equipment? Yes/No
6. Has a safety meeting been held prior to rigging up equipment? Yes/No
7. Is hole monitored on trip tank while completing rig up?Yes/No
8. Does Driller know proper casing running speed? Yes/No
Casing Running Equipment
1. Is all casing running equipment on location and in acceptable condition? Yes/No
Are casing slips the correct size and in good condition? Yes/No
Are the ratings of spiders/elevators/links acceptable for the casing job? Yes/No
Are tong dies the correct size and in good condition? Yes/No
Are clamp-on protectors the correct size and quantity on location acceptable? Yes/No
Does the casing/drill pipe crossover thread match the casing? Yes/No
腱子肉2. Does the water bushing thread match the casing? Yes/No
3. Is the safety valve with proper crossover attached on the rig floor? Yes/No
Cementing Equipment/Accessories
1. Is cementing head the correct size, threads, and in good condition? Yes/No
2. Are casing subs and swedges the correct size, threads, and in good condition? Yes/No
3. Is Drilling Supervisor's visual inspection of all other threads complete? Yes/No
4. Is float equipment the correct size, weight, and threads? Yes/No
5. Are centralizers the correct size, number, with adequate stop rings? Yes/No
6. Is there enough Thread-Lok and Threadkote or equivalent for casing job? Yes/No
7. Are float shoe and float collar clean and free of debris? Yes/No