OCTOBER 2003婴城
Since issued in print (October 2003), this booklet has been amended, latest in April 2006.
See the reference to “Amendments and Corrections” on the next page.
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DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-erty and the environment, at a and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy rvices relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out rearch in relation to the functions.
DNV Offshore Codes consist of a three level hierarchy of documents:
—Offshore Service Specifications. Provide principles and procedures of DNV classification, certification, verification and con-sultancy rvices.
—Offshore Standards. Provide technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general u by the offshore industry as well as
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—Recommended Practices. Provide proven technology and sound engineering practice as well as guidance for the higher level
Offshore Service Specifications and Offshore Standards.DNV Offshore Codes are offered within the following areas:A)Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology B)Materials Technology C)Structures D)Systems
E)Special Facilities F)Pipelines and Rirs G)Ast Operation H)Marine Operations J)Wind Turbines
Amendments and Corrections
This document is valid until superded by a new revision. Minor amendments and corrections will be published in a parate document normally updated twice per year (April and October).
For a complete listing of the changes, e the “Amendments and Corrections” document located at: /technologyrvices/, “Offshore Rules & Standards”, “Viewing Area”.
The electronic web-versions of the DNV Offshore Codes will be regularly updated to include the amendments and corrections.
Amended April 2006,Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F103, October 2003 e note on front cover Page 3
1.1Introduction (5)
1.2Scope (5)
1.3Objectives and u (6)
1.4Structure of document (6)
1.5Relation to DNV-OS-F101 and other DNV
documents on pipeline corrosion control (6)
2.1DNV (Det Norske Veritas) (7)
2.2EN (European Standards) (7)
2.3ISO (International Organisation for
Standardization) (7)
4.1Abbreviations (7)
4.2Symbols for CP design parameters (7)恍惚意思
5.1General (8)
5.2Calculation of mean current demand for
cathodic protection (8)
5.3Calculation of Final Current Demand for
Cathodic Protection (9)
5.4Calculation of total anode net mass to
meet mean current demand (9)
5.5Calculation of total anode current output to
meet final current demand (10)
5.6Distribution of anodes (10)
5.7Documentation of completed CP
detailed design (12)
日本海棠6.1General (12)
6.2Manufacturing procedure specification (12)
6.3Pre-production qualification testing (PQT) (13)
6.4Quality control of production (13)
6.5Materials and casting (13)
6.6Inspection and testing of anodes (13)
6.7Documentation and marking (14)
6.8Handling, storage and shipping of anodes (14)
7.1Design of anode attachment (14)
7.2Installation procedure specification (14)
7.3Pre-production qualification testing (PQT) (15)
7.4Quality control during production (15)
7.5Receipt and handling of anodes and materials for
installation (15)
7.6Anode installation (15)
7.7Inspection and testing of anode installation (15)心英文
7.8Documentation (15)
Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F103, October 2003Amended April 2006, Page 4e note on front cover
Amended April 2006Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F103, October 2003 e note on front cover Page 5
1. General
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Submarine pipelines are designed with an external coat-ing as the primary system for corrosion control. Still, a cathodic protection (CP) system is normally provided as a back-up to account for any deficiency in the coating system. Such deficiencies may include holidays during coating manu-facturing, damage to the coating during transportation and installation of coated linepipe, and mechanical damage or other coating degradation during operation of the pipeline. In defining the required capacity of the CP system, the design of the pipeline coating system is the prim
ary factor.
Guidance note:
Pipeline coatings may have other objectives in addition to corro-sion control, including mechanical protection, thermal insulation and/or anti-buoyancy. In its widest n, the term “pipeline coating” includes “linepipe coating” (or “factory coating”) applied on individual pipe joints in a factory, “field joint coating”
(FJC) and “coating field repairs” (CFR). In addition to the design of the coating system, the quality control of its application is esntial for its performance and thus also for CP design.
1.1.2 Cathodic protection of pipelines can be achieved using galvanic (or “sacrificial”) anodes, or impresd current from rectifiers. For submarine pipelines, galvanic anode systems are most commonly applied. Such systems have traditionally been designed as lf-contained systems with all anodes installed directly on the pipeline itlf (bracelet type anodes). However, the CP design in this document (as in ISO 15589-2) allows for CP by anodes installed on adjacent structures electrica
lly con-nected to the pipeline such as platform sub-structures, suba templates and rir bas.
For pipelines in CRA's susceptible to hydrogen induced stress cracking (HISC) by CP, this concept has the main advantage that the installation of anodes on the pipeline itlf can be fully avoided for shorter lines.
Guidance note:
Apparently all failures of CRA pipelines due to HISC have been related to the welding of anodes to the pipeline causing stress concentrations, susceptible microstructure and defect coating.
The concept of installing anodes on adjacent structures also has the advantage that the complete anode surfaces are expod to awater, increasing the anode electrochemical performance and the anode current output compared to tho for anodes partly or fully covered by abed diments. Moreover, the potential for damage to the pipeline coating during installation is reduced.
1.1.3 The design of pipeline CP systems is mostly carried out in two steps; conceptual and detailed CP design. The ‘concep-tual CP design’ will typically include lection of anode mate-rial, tentative n
et mass and dimensions of anodes, and concept for fastening of anodes. The conceptual design shall further take into account potential detrimental effects of cathodic pro-tection such as the pipeline materials’ intrinsic susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement by CP and the magnitude of local stress induced during installation, commissioning and oper-ation of the pipeline that may lead to damage by HISC. For this conceptual CP design, reference is made to the applicable c-tions of DNV-OS-F101 and ISO 15589-2 (e 1.3.1). During the ‘detailed CP design’ (i.e. as covered in this document), the final net anode mass and dimensions of anodes, and their dis-tribution on the pipeline are defined.
1.2 Scope
1.2.1 This Recommended Practice (RP) has been prepared to facilitate the execution of detailed CP design and the specifica-tion of galvanic anode manufacturing and installation. While the requirements and recommendations are general, the docu-ment contains advice on how amendments can be made to include project specific requirements. The document can also easily be amended to include requirements/guidelines by a reg-ulating authority, or to reflect the pipeline operator’s general philosophy on pipeline corrosion control.
Guidance note:
It is recommended that any additional conrvatism is introduced by u of a “design factor” rather than modification of one or more of the many design parameters ud for CP calculations.
For example, it may be specified that the design life shall be bad on the maximum estimated lifetime of the pipeline multi-plied with some constant larger than 1 (one).
1.2.2 The document covers the detailed design of CP for sub-marine pipeline systems (e 1.3.1) using galvanic anodes, either Al - or Zn -bad, and the manufacturing and installation of such anodes. For CP of suba manifold templates, rir bas and other suba structures where components of a pipe-line system are electrically connected to major surfaces of structural C-steel, u of DNV-RP-B401 is recommended for CP design (e 1.5.3). For conceptual CP design, Sec.5 is applicable to preliminary calculations of the anode net mass and anode distribution. This RP is bad on the ctions in ISO 15589-2 that are applicable (e 1.3.1). For compliance with the general philosophy in DNV-OS-F101, primarily with respect to procedures for quality control, or for the purpo of clarification and guidance, some amendments are given. This RP further contains some formula for calculation of CP protec-tive range from adjacent structures and minimum distance
between pipeline anodes that are not included in the ISO stand-ard. Default values for galvanic anode performance and design current densities that do not require any special qualification or field testing are also recommended.
1.2.3 By referring to specific pipeline coating systems for linepipe, field joints and field repairs in DNV-RP-F102 and DNV-RP-F106, and implementing the detailed requirements for the quality control of their manufacturing as defined in the documents, specific design parameters for calculation of current demands for CP are recommended in this RP. This is to enable a CP design without any arbitrary allowance for deficiencies associated with the design and quality control of such coatings, reducing the need for excessive conrvatism in the design. In this RP, and contrary to ISO 15589-2, the current demands for cathodic protection are calculated for specific combinations of linepipe and field joint coating.
Guidance note:
In ca certain deviations from the requirements to coating design and/or quality control of manufacturing in DNV-RP-F106 and DNV-RP-F102 are identified, the CP design parameters associated with pipeline coatings in this document (i.e. “coating breakdown factors”) may still be appl
icable. However, the ur of this document should then carefully asss the significance of any such deviations.
1.2.4 Full conceptual design of CP (e 1.1.3 and 1.2.2), detailed design of impresd current CP systems, testing of galvanic anode material for the purpo of either qualification or quality control, and the operation of pipeline CP systems are not addresd in this document. For the items, reference is made to the general guidelines in DNV-OS-F101 and the more detailed recommendations in ISO 15589-1, -2.
1.2.5 Although considerations related to safety and environ-mental hazards associated with galvanic anode manufacturing and installation are of great importance, such are never-the-less beyond the scope of this document.