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T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e . I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .
Q U E L L E : N O L I S
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TL 523 88: 2005-03
卡尔波普尔3 Requirements
3.1 General requirements
Approval of first supply and changes according to Volkswagen standard VW 011 55.
Emission behavior according to VW 501 80.
Colorimetric evaluation according to VW 501 90.
Avoidance of hazardous substances according to VW 911 01.
5 finished parts are required for complete testing.
3.2 Types
TL 523 88 polypropylene copolymer, talc-reinforced; optionally polypropylene, impact resistant modified and talc-reinforced圣诞礼品
TL 523 88-A polypropylene copolymer
TL 523 88-B polypropylene copolymer, talc-reinforced
TL 523 88-C polypropylene copolymer, modified with approx. 1 % carbon fiber, talc-reinforced
TL 523 88-D polypropylene copolymer, talc-reinforced; optionally polypropylene, impact resistant modified and talc-reinforced
TL 523 88-E polypropylene copolymer, modified with approx. 1 % carbon fiber, talc-reinforced
TL 523 88-F polypropylene copolymer, talc-reinforced; optionally polypropylene, impact resistant modified and talc-reinforced
TL 523 88-G polypropylene copolymer, mineral reinforced; optionally polypropylene, impact resistant modified and mineral reinforced
3.3 Material
See Section 5.1, according to type.
3.4 Identification according to VDA 260
TL 523 88 >PP/PE-TD20< or >PP+EPDM-TD20<
TL 528 88-A >PP/PE<
TL 523 88-B >PP/PE-TD20<
TL 523 88-C >PP/PE-TD20<
TL 523 88-D >PP/PE-TD15< or >PP+EPDM-TD15<
TL 523 88-E >PP/PE-TD16<
TL 523 88-F >PP/PE-TD20< or >PP+EPDM-TD20<
TL 523 88-G >PP/PE-MD10< or >PP+EPDM-MD10<
3.5 Evaluation of the measuring results
The required numerical values apply to each individual measurement.
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hilton酒店TL 523 88: 2005-03
D 4 Properties
See Table 1.
Table 1
No. Property Unit Requirement
高节TL 523 88 TL 523 88-A TL 523 88-B TL 523 88-C TL 523 88-D TL 523 88-E TL 523 88-F TL 523 88-G 1 Density acc. to DIN EN ISO 1183-1, buoyancy
g/cm3 1.05 ± 0.02 0.910 ± 0.02 1.04 ± 0.02 1.06 ± 0.02 1.02 ± 0.02 1.02 ± 0.02 1.04 ± 0.02 0.98 ± 0.02
2 Ignition residue acc. to DIN EN ISO 1172 % 20 ± 2 – 20 ± 2 16 ± 2 20 ± 2 10 ± 2倚老卖老
3 Yield stress acc. to DIN EN ISO 527-2
e Section 5.2
MPa 20 22 15 20 15
4 Elongation at yield stress acc. to
DIN EN ISO 527-2
% 4 14 – 4
5 Modulus of elasticity acc. to DIN EN ISO 178
e Section 5.3
5.1 +23 °C N/mm2 1,500 – 1,200 1,100 1,200 1,100
5.2 -40 °C N/mm2– 3,000 – 3,000 –
6 Notched impact strength acc. to DIN EN ISO
e Section 5.4
kJ/m2 14 no fracture 8 15 20 15 20
7 Impact resistance acc. to DIN EN ISO 179-1
e Section 5.5
kJ/m2– no fracture –
8 Elevated-temperature behavior
24 h at +100 °C in mechanically circulated air
No change in shape or surface.
9 Aging at elevated temperature
400 h at +150 °C
e Section 5.6
No structural changes of surface, i.e. any decomposition typical for PP.
10 Lightfastness acc. to PV 1303 Chalking and/or cracking not permissible.
10.1 For areas expod to direct sunlight
5 exposure periods
Gray-scale level 4 acc. to DIN EN 20105-A02. A color shift is not permissible.
10.2 For areas expod to indirect sunlight
3 exposure periods
Gray-scale level 4 acc. to DIN EN 20105-A02. A color shift is not permissible.
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TL 523 88: 2005-03 D
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TL 523 88: 2005-03
D 5 Notes on testing
5.1 Material
The identity test is performed using infrared spectroscopy.
5.2 Yield stress
Tensile test according to DIN EN ISO 527-2, S2 specimens according to DIN 53504; test rate v = 50 mm/min ± 10%.
5.3 Modulus of elasticity
3-point bending test: measurement in standard climate or at -40 °C in constant-temperature chamber.
Specimens: 50 mm x 10 mm x product thickness (up to max. 4 mm); support paration: 40 mm
5.4 Notched impact strength
Impact resistance test (broadside impact) according to DIN EN ISO 179-1; deviating specimen length: (50 ±1) mm; width: (6 ± 0.2) mm; thickness according to finished part thickness (up to max.
4 mm); support paration: 40 mm; test apparatus: pendulum impact tester 4J.
The specimens are given a 0.8 mm wide U-shaped notch on the broad side. The notch depth shall be 1/3 the specimen thickness. The edges adjoining the ba of the notch must have a curvature radius of < 0.1 mm.
大厦打一字Specimens taken from molded parts with one-sided graining or paint shall be notched on the grained or painted side and placed on the support so that the center of the notch is exactly in the center of the striking plane and the notch is turned away from the direction of impact.
5.5 Impact resistance
Testing according to DIN EN ISO 179-1; deviating specimen length: (50 ± 1) mm; width: (6 ± 0.2) mm; thickness according to finished part thickness (up to max. 4 mm); support paration: 40 mm, test equipment: pendulum impact tester 4J.
Specimens taken from molded parts with one-sided graining or paint shall be placed on the support of the pendulum impact tester so that the grained or painted side faces the direction of impact.
5.6 Aging at elevated temperature
Continuous aging in mechanically circulated air at (+150 -1) °C. The test is preferably performed on
complete finished parts. It is permissible to perform it on ctions of finished parts. Brittling is reached when the specimen exhibits signs of disintegration typical for decompod PP at any point (material starts to crumble).
5.7 Low-temperature behavior
Low-temperature aging of at least one finished part.
Aging temperature: (-40 ± 2) °C, aging duration: (22 +2) h.