2. 数据与资料 Data and Information
总长 Length overall(LOA)
垂线间长 Length bet. perpendiculars (LBP)
首、尾垂线 Forward and after perpendiculars
型宽 Moulded breadth
型深 Moulded depth
建造日期 Date of build
签订建造合同日期 Date of building contract
龙骨安放日期 Date of keel laid
交船日期 Date of delivery
解疑释惑下水日期 Launching date
重大改建 Major conversion
Date on which keel was laid or ship was at a similar stage of construction
签订改建合同日期 Date of conversion contract
改建完工日期 Date of completion of conversion
船舶所有人 Owner
经营人 Operator
承租人 Charterer
船舶编号或呼号 Distinctive number or letters
航行区域 Navigation areaService areaTrade area
曾用过的船名 Former Name
姐妹船 Sister Ship
总吨位 Gross tonnage
净吨位 Net tonnage
排水量 Displacement
载货量 Cargo weight
载重量 Deadweight
空船重量 Light(-ship) weight
吃水(首、尾、平均) Draft ( fwd, aft, mean)
稳性 Stability
完整稳性 Intact stability
破舱稳性 Damaged stability
分舱(抗沉性) Subdivision
初稳性高度 Metacentric height
衡准数 Criterion numeral
剖面模数 Section modulus
惯性矩 Moment of inertia
纵总强度 Longitudinal strength
局部强度 Local strength
去新加坡留学方形系数 Block coefficient
静水弯矩 Still water bending moment
重心垂直高度 Vertical height of centre of gravity
屈服应力 Yield stress
标准舷弧 Standard sheer
防火分隔 Fire division
航区限制 Navigation area restriction
海况限制 Sea state restriction
天气限制 Weather restriction
最大抗风暴能力 Max. weatherliness
储备浮力 Rerve buoyancy
续航力 Endurance
渗透率 Permeability
盲区 Blind area
共振区域 Resonance region
容许载荷 Permissible load
核定载客数 Number of persons certified to carry
干舷: Freeboard
热带干舷 Tropical freeboard
夏季干舷 Summer freeboard
冬季干舷 Winter freeboard
北大西洋冬季干舷 Winter North Atlantic freeboard
热带木材干舷 Timber tropical
夏季木材干舷 Timber summer
冬季木材干舷 Timber winter日的诗句
北大西洋冬季木材干舷 Timber winter North Atlantic freeboard
淡水宽限 Allowance for fresh water
减少干舷的B型船舶 Type B with reduced freeboard
增加干舷的B型船舶 Type B with incread freeboard
载重线: Load line
载重线标志 Loadline marks
缺陷 defects, deficiencies
制造中缺陷 defects in(during) manufacturing
潜在缺陷 latent (potential 可能的) defects
金属分层 lamination
金属疲劳 fatigue
金属疏松 porosity
The inner surface of cyl. liner was found porous about XXxXX in area.
found to have porosity in strips.
gas porosity
自我反思300字>尿酸酶空泡 cavity
气孔 gas cavity不按规定车道行驶怎么处罚
疏松 slag(熔渣) cavity
砂眼 sand cavity
Propeller blades pitted riously due to cavitation erosion.
缩孔 shrinkage hole
The material at the broken surface was visually examined and found with defects of 7 slag cavities and 2 Φ10mm shrinkage holes.
冷隔 cold shuts
结疤 scabs
误差 error
未装 not fitted
L.O. pressure in branch pipes was incapable of being regulated due to no regulating valves being fitted in branch pipes from the output side of main L.O. pump.
未备有 not provided,not available
No stop valves was provided in branch pipes from air vesls to each diel generating t.
不齐全、不完整 incomplete
不足 insufficient
不足、缺少 deficient
One refrigerator in the Chief Engineer’s cabin was deficient in cool capacity.
The insulation of the refrigerating chamber in No.4 cargo hold was deficient so that much condend water appeared on the aft bulkhead of No.3 cargo hold
缺少 short of
The working platform at the upper ends of the 4 kingpost ladders was short of hinged covers.
Two wire reels for the heavy derrick, their brake devices were short of lub. oil filling holes.
The alkaline battery, which was short of one unit, should be completely provided.
遗漏、省去 omitted
The inrts of the partial navigation instruments in the wheelhou and the Captain’s cabin omitted in way of the fitting parts.
遗漏、疏忽 neglected
遗失 missing, lost
The locking pin for the control lever of clutch was missing and had been replaced with one bolt.
The std side chain cables were broken at its 1st length and the std side anchor lost.
冲走 washed overboard
易于 liable to, apt to
Cargo blocks and guide blocks for the light derricks, 24 pcs in total, the steel wire rope is liable to be caught due to excessive play between the sheave and the cheeks.