
更新时间:2023-05-18 13:00:40 阅读: 评论:0

AA Always afloat 永远漂浮
AAA Always afloat,accessible 永远漂浮,可进⼊/到达
AAR Against all risk 针对所有风险
ABS American bureau of shipping 美国船级社
英语旅游手抄报ABT About ⼤约
ACC Accept/Acceptance 接受
获得荣誉ACCDG According to 根据
ACCT Account 帐,租家
ACOL After completion of loading 装货结束后
ADV Advi 告知
AFLOWS As follows 如下
AFMT After fixing main terms 确定主条款之后
AGT Agent 代理
AGW All goes well ⼀切顺利
AHPS Arrival harbour pilot station 到达港⼝引航站
A/O And/or 和/或
AOH After office hours ⾮⼯作时间
APS Arrival pilot station 到达港⼝引⽔站
AP Additional premium 附加保险费
ARVL Arrive/Arrival 到达
ASAP As soon as possible 尽快,尽可能快的
ASBA Association of shipbrokers and agents (美)船舶经济⼈和代理⼈协会
ASPS Arrival a pilot station 到达海引⽔站
ASF As following 如下所述
ATA Actual time of arrival 实际到达时间
ATD Actual time of departure 实际开航时间
ATDNSHINC Any time, day, night, sunday, and holiday included 任何时间包括⽩天,夜间,周六和节假⽇ATDNSHEX Any time, day, night, sunday, and holiday excepted 任何时间,⽩天,夜间,周六和节假⽇除外ATS All time saved 所有节省时间
AWIWL Always within institute warrant limits 总在保险协会保障的区域内
AWTSBE All working time saved both ends 所有两港节省的⼯作时间
AWTSDO All time saved discharging only 所有卸港节省的⼯作时间
AWTSLO All time saved loading only 所有装港节省的⼯作时间
BB Ballast bonus 空放奖⾦
BBB Before breaking bulk 在开舱卸货前
BBY Bombay 孟买
BCZ Becau 因为
B/D Breakdown 故障
BENDS Both ends 两头(装港及卸港)
B4 Before 在...之前
BIMCO Baltic international maritime conference 波罗的海国际航运公会BIZ Business 业务
B/L or BS/LBill of lading/bills of lading 提单
B/M Below mentioned 如下所述
BOD Bunker of delivery 交船存油
BOR Bunker of redelivery 还船存油
BSS Basis 基于
BT Berth terms 泊位条款
BTW By the way 顺便问⼀下
B/W/A Berth/Wharfage/Anchorage 泊位/码头/锚地
CAPA Capacity 容量,仓容
CBF Cubic feet ⽴⽅英尺
CBM Cubic meter ⽴⽅⽶
CGO Cargo 货物
CLC Civil liability convention 国际油污损害民事责任公约
CNFM Confirm 确认
CHOPT Charterer's option 租船⼈的选择权,租家选择
CHTR Charterer 租船⼈
COA Contract of affreightment 包运合同
COGSA Carriage of goods by a act 海上货物运输法
CONS Consumption 消耗,耗量
C/P Charter party 租约
CQD Customary quick despatch 按港⼝习惯速度速遣(指装卸货)CTL Constructive total lost 推定全损CTM Cash to master 船长借⽀
D/D Dry docking ⼲坞,⼊⼲坞
sympathDELY Delivery 交船(⼀般⽤于期租或航次期租)
DEM Demurrage 滞期,滞期费
DEP Departure 离开,离港
DEM/DES Demurrage/Despatch 滞期,滞期费/ 速遣,速遣费
DEV Deviation 绕航
DF Dead freight 空舱费
DHD Despatch half demurrage 速遣费是滞期费的⼀半
DISCH Discharge 卸货
DISPORT Discharge port 卸货港
DLOSP Dropping last outward a pilot 最后⼀程离港海引⽔下船(之时)DNV Det norske veritas 挪威船级社DOP Dropping outward pilot 离港引⽔下船(之时)
DOSP Dropping outward a pilot 离港海引⽔下船(之时)
D/O Dilivery order 提货单(⼩提单)
DTG Distance to go (离⽬的港)还要⾏驶的距离
DTLS Details 细节
DUR Duration 期间,持续时间
DWCC Deadweight cgo capacity 可载货物吨容量
DWT Deadweight tons 载重吨
EIU Even if ud 即使已使⽤
ERLOAD Expected ready to load 预计准备装货
ETA Expected time of arrival 预计抵达时间
ETB Expected time of berth 预计靠泊时间
ETCL Expected time of commence loading 预计开始装货时间
ETCD Expected time of completion of discharge 预计卸货完毕时间
ETD Expected time of departure 预计离港时间
螃蟹死了可以吃吗ETR Expected time of redelivery 预计还船时间
E/V/C Eentertainment/victualling/cables 招待/通讯(交通)费
FCC First class charterer ⼀流的租船⼈
FD Freight and demmurrage 运费和滞期费
FDD Freight and demmurrage and dispatch 运费,滞期费和速遣费
FHEX Fridays and holidays excluded 星期五和节假⽇除外
FHINC Fridays and holidays included 包括星期五和节假⽇
FILO Free in liner out 租船⼈承担装货费,船东承担卸货费
FIO Free in and out 租船⼈承担装卸货费
FIOS Free in and out and stowed 租船⼈承担装卸货费,和堆装费
FIOST Free in and out and stowed and trimmed 租船⼈承担装卸货费,和堆装费,平仓费FIOT Free in and out and trimmed 租船⼈承担装卸货费,和平仓费
FLWG Following 下列
FM From 从
FOC Flag of convenience ⽅便旗
FRT Freight 运费
FW Fresh water 淡⽔
FWD Forward 向前
FYG For your guidance 供你指导
FYI For your information 给你提供信息
FYR For your reference 供你参考
G/A General average 共同海损
GLESS Gearless ⽆吊货设备
教学评价的作用GMT Greenwich mean time 格林威治时间
GRD Geared 有吊货设备
GRT Gross registered tonnage (船舶)登记⽑重
HA/HO Hatchs/holds 舱⼝/舱
HC Hatch coaming 舱⼝围
H+M Hull and machinery 船壳及机械设备
HMM Hyundai Merchant Marine 现代商船
HSS Heavy grain, soyas, sorghum 重粮,黄⾖,⾼粱
IAGW If all going well 如果⼀切进⾏顺利
ILOHC In lieu of hold cleaning 替代(最后)扫舱(⼯作)
IMM Immediately ⽴即
IMO International maritime organization 国际海事组织
INFO Infomation 信息,消息
INT Intention 意向
ITF International transport worker federation 国际海运劳⼯联盟
KAO Kaohsiung ⾼雄
KEE Keelung 基隆
KTS Knots 节/海⾥
LAT Latitude 纬度
LYCN Laydays and cancelling date 船舶受载期及解约⽇
L/C Letter of credit 信⽤证
LCL Local 当地的
LDG Loading 装,装货
LIFO Liner in and free out 船东承担装货费,租家承担卸货费
LOA Length overall (船舶)全长
LOI Letter of indemnity 保函
LONG Longitude 经度
L/S/D Lash/Separate/Dunnage 绑扎/分票/垫舱
LTBENDS Liner terms both ends 船东承担装卸费
MED Meditteranean a 地中海
网名大全女MOLCO More or less on chaterer's option 租船⼈选择或多或少
MOLOO More or less on owner's option 船东选择或多或少
MOM Moment ⼀会,⽚刻
MPP Multi purpo 多⽤途
M/R Mate's receipt ⼤副收据
NA Not applicable 不适⽤
NAABSA Not always afloat but safty aground 不永远漂浮,但可以安全搁浅
NBR Number 数⽬,数量
NDFCAPMQS No deadfreight fr chtr's acct provided minimal quantity supplied 即使租家提供了最⼩的货量也不⽤⽀付亏舱费NK Nippon kaiji kyokai ⽇本船级社
中国文NOR Notice of readiness 装卸准备就绪通知书
NORA Notice of readiness accpted 接受装卸准备就绪通知书
NORT Notice of readiness tendered 递交装卸准备就绪通知书
NRT Net registered tonnage (船舶)登记净重
NTC Not count 不计数,不算
NTD Noted 知道了
NXT Next 下⼀个
NYPE New york produce exchange 纽约⼟产

本文发布于:2023-05-18 13:00:40,感谢您对本站的认可!



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