1.militerate:a.mi-educated;having only an elementary level of reading and writing ability半文盲的,有初等文化的mi-:half or partly
2.dropout:n.a personwho leavesschool before finishing a cour(尤指中学的)退学学生
3.do-gooder:n.sb.who does things that they think will help other people,although the other people might not find their actions helpful一个总是试着帮助别人的人(通常是贬义);不实际的社会改革家(指幼稚的理想主义者,支持善心或博爱的事件的改革者)
6.charmer:n.a personwho hasgood qualities that make you like him/her讨人喜欢的人,有魅力的人,有迷惑力的人(尤指迷人的女人)
< by:to be able to deal with a situation with difficulty,usually by having just u need,suchas money过得去
9. fail an exam or courof study不及格
11.parade:n.a riesof peopleor things that appearone after the other
12.at stake:to be won or lost;risked受到威胁,面临危险
13. move quickly and effortlessly投入
16. ain to do or experiencesth.unpleasant注定
17.follow through:to continue a stroke,motion,plan,or reasoningthrough to the end 将动作、计划等进行到底
18.I flunked my condyearexamsandwas lucky not to be thrown out of college.
19.The managementdid not emto consideroffice safetyto be a priority.
20.Thousandsof lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.
21.I think therewas a conspiracy to keep me out of the committee.
1.propo:v.[to sb.]to aska personto marry one提亲;求婚
2.knockoff:n.a copy or reproduction of a madeillegally假货;赝品
3. clean with a kind of detergentby the brand of Windex用Windex牌清洁剂清洗
4.takethe plunge:to take a decisive first step,commit onelf irrevocably to a cour
of action冒险尝试
5.bridesmaid:n.a girl or unmarried woman attending the bride at a wedding女傧相;伴娘
6.maid of honor:a principal bridesmaid女傧相
7.pastel:a.a pale andsubduedshadeor color轻淡柔和的色彩
8.taffeta:n.a plain-weave glossysilk塔夫绸
13.publicist:n.a personwho promotesor advertissomething宣传人员;宣传代理人
by oneirrational tof ideas对某事狂热的;偏执狂的
15.pharmacist:n.a personskilled or engagedin pharmacy;a personwho preparesor
dispens medicine药剂师
16. utter a subduedhigh-pitched prolonged cry of distressor complaint 哀诉;诉怨
17. run counter to,go against,oppo,hinder阻挠;阻止;对……构成阻力
18.cathedral:n.any important,large and imposing church总教堂;大教堂
19. isolate someoneor something that hasjust arrived from overas
or hasbeenexpodto infection对……进行检疫隔离
20.petite:a.of small stature,chiefly of a woman or girl(女孩和妇女)娇小的
21.brim:v.[with]to be or becomefull to the edge注满
22. direct,manage,steer给船舶、飞机等引航;导航
25.drab:a.dull or lifeless无生气的;乏味的;单调的摈斥
行也思君27.dank:a.unpleasantlydamp and cold阴湿的;阴冷的
28. or ragged破烂的;衣衫褴褛的
29.prognosis:n.a prediction of the likely outcome of a dia预后(指医生对疾病结果的预测)
< drip or run with tears滴;淌;细流
31.decadent:a.declining or decaying(from a stateof excellenceor prosperity)堕落的;颓废的
32.incision:n.a division madeby cutting,as onemadeduring surgery切开;切口
33. support and strengthen支持;鼓励(某人);改善;加强(某事物)
34.chemo:n.the treatment of dia,esp.infection or cancer,by means of
35. cook an egg without the shell in simmering,or over boiling,water水煮(荷包蛋)
38. extendor stick out伸出;突出
40.matrimonial a.of or pertaining to marriage婚姻的
41.We should be truly thankful to Mr.Deng Xiaoping for taking the plunge and
initiating the economic reform in China.
42.What is the uof whining about your bad luck?It is more important to find the
real cauof your misfortune.
43.The rising real estateprices thwarted his ambition of owning a houof his own
in the big city.Disappointed,he returnedto his hometown.
44.He writes clearly and lightheartedly about the100best rivers and gives his expert
adviceon how to navigate their reaches.
1.disingenuousness:n.slight dishonestyand lack of sincerity不老实
2.withering a.(of a look or remark,etc.)scornful or contemptuous(神情、话语)尖刻的
< expressformal supportor approval赞同;认可;支持(意见、活动、某人等)
4.quentiala.following in order of time or place按次序的;相继的;构成连续镜头的;顺序的;序列的
6.nicotine n.poisonousoily substancefound in tobacco尼古丁;烟碱
7.the better part of:the majority of;the biggest part of大部分;主要部分
8.sophisticationn.quality of being sophisticated老练,复杂
9.allure n.a mysterious,exciting,or desirablequality诱惑力;魅力
11.clad a.dresd;clothed穿衣的
12.pathology n.scientific study of dias of the body病理(学)
13.perver a.deliberately or stubbornly turning away from what is reasonableor
15.tedwith the study of the way diasspread,and how
to control them流行病学的
16.landmark n.an event or development that marks a turning point or a stage里程碑,地标
17.bronchogenica.deriving from the bronchial tubes产生于支气管的;影响支气
18.surrogaten.(fml)personor thing that actsor is udinsteadof another;substitute 替代;代理
19. treatsb./sth.asfunny andnot worthy of riousattention取笑;嘲笑
22.disinformation n.fal information,intendedto mislead故意的假情报
make(sth.)confudor difficult to understand使模糊;使混乱
24. fastenor furnish with spikes把尖状物钉入
25.racketeering n.making money from illegal activities such as threatening people
or lling worthless,immoral,or illegal goodsor rvices.敲诈勒索;诈骗
26.gagglen.a group of people,especially thothat are noisy or disorganized散乱的一群,缺乏组织的团体
27.skeptic n.a personwho hasdoubtsaboutthings that other peoplebelieve怀疑者政治纪律和政治规矩
get sth.from sb.by deception;cheatsb.诈取;骗取
29.pandemicn.a diathat affects many people over a very wide area(全国或全球性)流行病;大流行病
30.advocacyn.public support for a courof action支持;拥护;鼓吹;(对某思想、行动方针、信念的)拥护;支持;提倡
31.After the police relead their report,John was exonerated from all
responsibility for the accident.
32.In a speechat the Congress,the president extolled the virtues of free enterpri
andexpresd his distastefor the blatant hegemonyin IT industry.
33.I endor everything that has been said from both sides of the Hou in support
and admiration of him and of the courageand fortitude that he and his family have displayed.
34.The poor woman was defrauded of her money by a dishonestaccountant.
favor and 1.blessing n.thing that one is glad of,thing that brings happiness;God’s
2.cur n.cauof evil,harm,destruction,etc.诅咒;咒骂;祸端
3.chitchat n.(infml.)chat;gossip闲谈;聊天
4.detritus n.a weekly hard rock and heavy metal e-zine featuring news,reviews,
rumors,special reports,andmore花边消息
5.suck v.(slang)If someonesaysthat something sucks,they are indicating that they
think it is very bad;somepeoplefind this uoffensive.令人不愉快;令人讨厌
< a.(slang)哄骗的
7. annoy(sb.)with repeatedrequests,questions,etc.harass掠夺;使…苦恼;侵掠
archor investigatein a persistentandcretiveway窥伺;打听
9.()shrink and wrinkle from heat,cold or dryness枯萎;干枯;皱缩
10.barragen.large number(of questions,criticisms,etc.)delivered quickly,one after
the other一连串的批评
关于安全的标语11.nanocond n.毫微秒(时间单位)
12.catalyst n.personor thing that causa change催化剂;刺激因素
13.mind-boggling a.(infml.)alarming;extraordinary or astonishing令人难以置信的
harass(sb.);to bother与…争辩;不断骚扰
16.irreconcilable a.that cannotbe reconciled不能和解的;不能协调的;矛盾的
18.far-flung a.spreadover a wide area;distributed widely辽阔的;漫长的;遥远的
19.visceral a.(fig.,fml.)(of feelings,etc.)not rational;instinctive(感情等)非理性的;直觉的
20. strike sth.with the beak啄;啄食
21.lust n.strong xualdesire;intendesirefor sth.贪欲;欲望;色欲
22.hierarchy n.system with gradesof authority or status from lowest to the highest 等级制度;层级;统治集团
23.untry or area between two powerful states,lesning the risk of war
24.purveyor n.personor firm that supplies goodsor rvices供应商
vomit;to ndout in a stream喷出;涌出;呕吐;吐出
26.ely disgusting;despicableon moral grounds恶劣的;简陋的;低廉的
27.lapn.a temporary lack of sth.such asconcentration or judgment暂时失去某物(如注意力、判断力等)
29.lowercaa.Lowerca letters are small letters,not capital letters.用小写字母排印等的
30.run amok:to rush about in a wild and angry frenzy横行;胡作非为;乱冲乱杀
32.snippy a.(infml)尖刻的;言语唐突的
33.archive n.(pl)historical documentsor records档案;档案馆
34.curator n.personin chargeof a muum,an art gallery,etc.博物馆长
show sorrow for or complain about(sb./sth.)悲叹;为…惋惜;认为遗憾
36. gain sth.by collecting it from other people or by drawing it from
within onelf;summon sth.up集合;收集;鼓起;激起
37.ely large numberof peopleor things多数;群众
38.spurn.thing that urgesa personon to greateractivity;incentive刺激;鞭策
39.It is certainly undemocratic,and many peopleare beginning to feel that it borders
on the unconstitutional.
sheremarks,“yet it is just the desire to explain 40.“No t heory explains everything,”
everything which is the spur of theory.”
41.The archaeologist in the film knew that there was a cur upon anyone who
enteredthe pyramid.
42.A real love song is infinitely more appropriate for Christmas than a trashy song
cookedup as a commercial gimmick.