A: I got really angry.扫大街
a. I was angry with him becau he lied to me.
b. She’ll be very angry if she finds you did this without her permission.
c. He shouted to her in anger.
d. I blew up when I heard about that.
e. I left the meeting in a fury.
f. He lost his temper but later was sorry about it.
g. She was mad becau she wasn’t invited to the party.
h. The man’s attitude drove me mad.
i. I really saw red when he began to blame me for the accident.
j. Whenever he found his papers in disorder, he would throw a tantrum.
k. Everybody became furious when the airlines’ reprentative refud to accept their request.
l. The public is indignant about the high inflation rate.
m. 四有三者We were outraged when we found we had been cheated out of our money.
n. I’m about to explode!
o. You’re making my blood boil!
B: a: My blood is boiling.
b. Calm down and tell me what’s wrong.
a: the telephone company just turned off my phone.
b: It’s ridiculous. How could they do that?
a: They said I hadn’t paid my bills for three months in a row. I explained to them it must h
ave been a mistake, but they didn’t em to listen. I never felt so insulted. I was truly infuriated about this.
b: maybe you should sue the phone company and demand a huge amount for damages. You should teach them a lesson.
a. Hi, tom. When is your friend John going to marry Viola?
b. There will be no marriage. John ‘s furious with Viola. He says she’s the meanest person in the world. He wants to e her dead.
a. My god! What are you talking about?
b. Viola said she would marry John and told him to transfer 250,000 dollars to her account for the expenditure of building a new home. She said it would be ud to cover the cost of their dream hou.
a. Did John give the money to her?
b. Of cour he did. If you knew how deeply he loved her, you wouldn’t have to ask.
a. What happened then?
b. Nothing. Viola’s gone, along with thee money. I don’t dare to think about what John would do if he saw Viola again.
A: I’m so happy for you and your wife.
a. It’s so nice to hear the good news.
b. She was very happy to hear of your recovery.
c. It gave him so much happiness to e the cheerful smile on the baby’s face.
d. He was on the top of the world when he got a promotion.
e. Mary was extremely delighted to e her college friends after so many years.
f. The Kanes are thrilled about their daughter’s upcoming marriage.
g. Miss Wang’s very plead to know her TOFEL score is in the top 10%.
h. They are very satisfied with the result.
i. We had an unforgettable time in china and we really enjoyed our visit there.
j. All of us were in high spirit.
B: I’m sorry about your accident.
a. She’s feeling very sad about her friend’s bad luck.
烧海参的家常做法b. He felt blue becau he didn’t do very well on one of his college entrance tests.
c. They were very sorrowful at the death of their beloved teacher.
d. There is no sorrow like my sorrow.
e. Everybody was down in the dumps about the defeat.我为什么写作
f. It’s a pity you misd the chance.
g. We’re sorry for the suffering of the poor people.
h. I feel really terrible about what happened to them.
a. Guess what! My sister had the winning lottery number and won a lot of money.
b. That’s great. How much was it?
a. You won’t believe it. It’s two million dollars to be paid over twenty years.
b. Wow, she must be the luckiest person in the world. What’s she going to do with the money?
a. 虫儿飞舞蹈Pretty soon, you’ll e her in her new hou with a brand new car in her garage.
a. What are you smiling about?
b. I’m in a great mood. I’ve just received a notice of acceptance from Harvard University. They’ve given me a full scholarship.
a. Congratulations! I’m really happy for you.
b. Thank you. I hope you’ll receive yours soon.
Conversation 3
a. You’re all smiles. Something good must have happened to you.
b. You’re absolutely right. I got a great job at Microsoft.
a. How wonderful! What do you do there?
b. I’m in rearch and development. It suits me perfectly.
Conversation 4
a. Susan looks like she’s on cloud nine.
b. Yes , she is. She’s been looking for an apartment for two months and she finally found the perfect place.
a. Terrific. I’m so excited for her.
女生适合什么职业Conversation 5
a. You look a little down. What’s the matter with you?
b. I lost my wallet and my whole month’s salary was in it.
a. That’s too bad. Where did you lo it?