物料标识卡 Crete is an island in the southern part of Greece. Cretan maze,was built by the order of Minos, king of Crete, to hou2 the Minotaur.
Sea god Poidon once gave Minos a snow white bull ud for the ceremony3 of sacrifice(祭祀abab四字词语), but Minos liked it too much to sacrifice it, and he kept it alive in his stable (牛棚).As a punishment,Poidon made Pasiphae, wife of Minos, fall in love with it. Her child by the bull was the Minotaur.The Minotaur had the body of a man and the head of a bull.He was a maneating monster(怪物) living on human flesh(肉). Minos placed him in the maze built by a wonderful craftsman (工匠,手艺人) called Daedalus, and kept feeding him with an annual tribute4 of ven young men and ven young maidens(菠萝米饭的做法少女).
Theus was the son of Aegeus,king of Athens. The prince was outraged(激怒) by this and volunteered5 to go and slaughter(屠宰) the monster. He told his father that if he achiev
力量素质新年主题ed his goal successfully, he would show a white sail(帆,篷) on his return trip, if not, a black one.