考试内容为Vocabulary, Clo(A),Translation,基于教材《新世纪研究生公共英语教材阅读C》学生用书总结,希望对大家考试有所帮助。内容为百度文库最全版,望积极下载!
1. They decided to perpetuate the memory of their leader by erecting a statue.
2. After young people step into the society, they will be bet with various temptations.
3. The gypsy girl swayed her hips in a nsuous way as she danced.
4. The protestant uttered a few commonplace about peace and democracy.
5. The elephant’s trunk is a unique form of appendage.
6. By making a remark about the weather unobtrusively, she kept the conversation going.
7. His Hamlet was a(an) revelation to the critics.
8. When little Tommy could not get his way, his behavior became perver and contrary.
9. Someone must have rummaged about among my papers, for my drawer is in a mess.
10. When choosing a job, don’t be swayed just by promis of high earnings.
11. You have to e the changes in contest: they’re part of a larger plan.
12. She strongly denounced the government’s hypocrisy in dealing with the Israeli-Palestine issue.
13. He hopes to gain her favor by pandering to her desire for continuous prai.
14. The rain nt all the farmers who were working in the fields scurrying for shelter.
15. The police questioned the veracity of the suspect’s statement.
16. Each morning the priest spent an hour in quiet contemplation.
17. If one aids and abets a criminal, he is also considered culpable.
18. To put it bluntly, this article is too verbo, we must edit it.
19. Even though the evidence is overwhelming, if one juror is still skeptical, the ca must be retried.
20. Although we are in different parties, his ideas on politics are exactly in line with mine.
21. The report make out its ca for incread spending on education.
22. Celebrated the world over for his writing, he still refud to put himlf in the foreground.
23. Producers of pornographic material often claim that they are cater to a psychological need.
24. By dint of sheer toughness and real courage, the expeditioners lived through the jungle difficulties and dangers.
25. “Could I impo on you for a little help with this letter? I don’t quite know the best way to phra it without causing offen.”象形识字
26. Racial discrimination and injustice are ubiquitous and deeply 天官印ingrained in this country.
27. Compared with modern satellite dishes, ordinary TV aerials look positively antiquated.
28. Common n and creativity are some of the intangible we’re looking for in an employee.
29. His parents had ttled in the crowded ghettoes of the big city, surrounded by desperate poverty and anarchic violence.
30. The Prime Minister had an in-depth exchange of views and reached broad agreement with his European counterpart on questions of protecting environment for human survival and combating international crimes.
31. Graduates who intend to get on in state system have, in their own interests, to conform to the rules and take the additional one-year cour that is provided for them.
32. Do you think that Joy will get the award for this year’s best fashion designer? She is hard working and able, but no genius.
33. The new fashion soon lost its appeal, awaiting the next cycle.
34. Her pul started throb when she saw there were books scattered over the carpet and a bowl of ros was overturned.
35. It was a large hou containing a spacious sitting-room, four parate bedrooms and a communal kitchen.
36. The big Yorkshire combine, John Smith’s Tadcaster brewery, was reported to merge with Warwick and Richardson, the brewers of Newark, Notts.
37. The increasing tempo of the new economic world could no longer afford to disper with mechanics, hydrostatics, optics, navigation, etc.
38. This is an ambitious 人物描写片段scheme to rai such a big sum of money in such a short time.
39. His reluctance to admit the failure outraged public opinion.21用英语怎么写
40. In some ways it will be a testing occasion for him, although some think his position unassailable simply becau there is no one el in sight to supplant him.
41. Rome was not built in a day: strongholds of tradition reinforce by stubborn religious conviction, often biad and prejudiced, could not be broken down in a moment.
42. All the publicity stunts in an advertising campaign were contrived圣地亚哥旅游 to promote the sales of the products.
43. 时光故事When truth is mingled with falhood, truth is no longer taken as truth.
44. Equally important have been the Hobhou journals, a vast mass of material partly in the British Muum ,partly in the posssion of the Hobhou family in Somert.