强制循环锅炉 forced circulation boiler
直流锅炉 once-through boiler
复合循环锅炉 combined circulation boiler
低循环倍率锅炉 low circulation boiler
火管锅炉 fire tube boiler
水管锅炉 water tube boiler
固体燃料锅炉 solid-fuel fired boiler
液体燃料锅炉 liquid-fuel fired boiler
气体燃料锅炉 gas-fuel fired boiler
余热锅炉 exhaust heat boiler 余热锅炉(HRSG)
电热锅炉 electric boiler
锅壳式锅炉 shell boiler
固定式锅炉 stationary boiler
蒸汽锅炉 steam boiler
电站锅炉 power station boiler
工业锅炉 industrial boiler
散装锅炉 field-asmbled boiler
常压热水锅炉 atmospheric pressure hot water boiler
低压锅炉 low pressure boiler
中压锅炉 medium pressure boiler
高压锅炉 high pressure boiler
超高压锅炉 superhigh pressure boiler
亚临界压力锅炉 subcritical pressure boiler
超临界压力锅炉 supercritical pressure boiler
超超临界锅炉 ultra supercritical boiler
自然循环锅炉 natural circulation boiler
水火管锅壳式锅炉 water-fire tube shell boiler
卧式内燃锅炉 horizontal internal-combustion boiler
错列布置管束 staggered bank
顺列布置管束 in-line bank
对流烟道 convection pass
并联烟道 parallel gas pass
风道 air duct
炉膛(燃烧室) furnace
水冷炉膛 water cooled furnace
绝热炉膛 insulating furnace
炉胆 furnace时空效应
波形炉胆 corrugated furnace
回燃室 reversal chamber
冷灰斗 water-cooled hopper bottom
燃烧器 burner
煤粉燃烧器 powdered coal burner
旋流式煤粉燃烧器 cyclone type burner
素材世界 直流式煤粉燃烧器 impellerless burner
低氮氧化物燃烧器 low nitrogen oxide burner
点火装置 flame ignitor
油燃烧器 oil burner
油雾化器 oil atomizer
流派 机械雾化油燃烧器(压力雾化油燃烧器) mechanical atomizing burner
气流雾化油燃烧器 gas atomizing burner
气体燃烧器 gas burner
调风器 register
炉排 grate
链条炉排 travelling grate stoker
链带式炉排 chain belt type grate stoker
横梁式炉排 crossgirder grate stoker
鳞片式炉排 flake type grate stoker
往复炉排 reciprocating grate
倾斜式往复炉排 inclined reciprocating grate
振动炉排 vibrating stoker 抛煤机 spreader stoker
锅筒 drum
上锅筒 steam drum
下锅筒 water drum
锅壳 shell
辐射式再热器 radiant reheater
对流式再热器 convection reheater
减温器 desuperheater、 attemperator
表面式减温器 drum type surface attemperator
喷水减温器 spray type attemperator
烟气挡板(旁路档板) smoke damper
扣税计算器 烟气再循环装置 gas recirculation equipment
汽——汽热交换器 steam-steam heat exchanger
省煤器 economizer
沸腾式省煤器 steaming economizer
非沸腾式省煤器 nonsteaming economizer
钢管式省煤器 steel tube economizer
鳍片管式省煤器 finned tube economizer
铸铁肋片管式省煤器 cast-iron gilled tube economizer
可分式省煤器(独立式省煤器) parated economizer
悬吊管 pendant tube
空气预热器 air heater
钢管式空气预热器 tubular air heater
再生式回转空气预热器 rotary regenerative air heater
受热面转动型再生式空气预热器 rotating-plate type regenerative air heater
风罩转动型再生式空气预热器 stationary-plate type regenerative air heater
板式空气预热器 plate type recuperative air heater
铸铁肋片管式空气预热器 cast-iron gilled tube air heater
暖风机 steam air heater
锅炉构架 boiler structure
支承式锅炉构架 bottom-supported structure
悬吊式锅炉构架 top-supported structure by hangers
框架式锅炉构架 frame type boiler structure
桁架式锅炉构架 trusd type boiler structure
刚性架 buckstay
锅炉水动力计算 hydrodynamic calculation for boilers
锅炉烟风阻力计算 flue-gas and air resistance calulation for boilers
锅炉受压元件强度计算 strength calculation of pressure parts for boilers
锅炉水循环 boiler circulation
循环回路 circulation circuit
蒸汽品质 steam quality
蒸汽污染 steam contamination
机械携带 mechanical carry-over
七棵树 溶解携带 vaporous carry-over
蒸汽净化 steam purification
蒸汽湿度 moisture in steam
分段蒸发 stage evaporation
气温调节 steam temperature control
给水 feed water
补给水 make-up water
锅水 boiler water
给水品质 feedwater condition
锅水浓度 boiler water concentration
总硬度 total hardness
总碱度 total alkalinity
悬浮固形物 suspended solid matter
溶解固形物 dissolved solid matter
相对碱度 relative alkalinity
负压燃烧 negative-pressure firing
压力燃烧 pressurized firing
自然通风 natural draft 机械通风 mechanical draft
平衡通风 balanced draft相机单反
分段送风 zone control draft
燃料消耗量 fuel consumption
计算燃料消耗量 calculated fuel consumption
理论空气量 theoretical air
过量空气系数 excess air ratio
理论燃烧温度 theoretical combustion temperature
炉膛出口烟气温度 furnace outlet gas temperature
排烟温度 exhaust gas temperature
许用应力 allowable stress
理论计算壁厚 theoretical calculated thickness
最小需要壁厚 minimum required thickness
公称壁厚(名义壁厚) nominal thickness
有效壁厚 effective thickness假如我是语文老师
应力集中系数 stress concentration factor
孔桥减弱系数 ligament efficiency
焊缝减弱系数 weld efficiency
开孔补强 reinforcement of openings
表面清理 surface cleaning
喷丸(砂)处理 shot-rain cleaning