AOA Angle―of―Attack 迎角
CDU Control and Display Unit 控制显示组件
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间
ETD Estimated Time of Departure 预计离场时间
QFE (Field Elevation Atmospheric Pressure) 场压
QNE (Sea Level Standard Atmosphere Pressure)标准气压
QNH (Sea Level Atmospheric Pressure) 修正海压
SID Standard Instrument Departure
STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route
UTC Universal Time Coordinated 世界协调时
V1 decision speed
早安问候语大全V2 Takeoff Safety Speed
Vr rotation speed
WXR Weather Radar 气象雷达
PIC pilot in command
A/C air conditioning
A/P autopilot 自动驾驶
A/S airspeed 空速
A/T autothrottle自动油门,
CG center of gravity
AC alternating current 交流电
ADC air data computer 大气数据计算机
ADF automatic direction finder
ADI attitude director indicator
ALT altitude 高度
APU auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置
ATC air traffic control 空中交通管制
CDU control display unit 控制显示器
CU control unit 控制组件
DH decision height决断高度
DME distance measuring equipment 测距仪
EEC electronic engine control
EFI electronic flight instruments 电子飞行仪表
EFIS electronic flight instrument system
EGT exhaust gas temperature 排气温度
ND navigation display 导航显示
EICAS engine indicating and crew alerting system 发动机显示与飞行警告系统
PFD primary flight display 主飞行显示
EPR engine pressure ratio发动机压力比
手抄报国庆F/D flight director 飞行指引仪
F/O first officer
FCC flight control computer 飞行控制计算机
FMC flight management computer 飞行管理计算机
FMS flight management system 飞行管理系统
G/S glide slope, ground slope 下滑道
GP glide path
GA go-around 复飞
GPWS ground proximity warning system 近地警告系统
GS ground speed 地速
HDG heading 航向
HF high frequency 高频
HSI horizontal situation indicator 水平状态指示器
IAS indicated airspeed 指示空速
ILS instrument landing system 盲降
INS inertial navigation system
IRS inertial reference system 惯性基准系统
CDI cour deviation indicator 航道偏离指示器
VSI vertical speed indicator
MCP mode control panel 模式控制面板
MDA minimum descent altitude 最低下降高度
NOTAM notices to airmen
NAV navigation 导航
PTU power transfer unit 动力转换装置
RA radio altimeter, radio altitude
RMI radio magnetic indicator
RMDI Radio Magnetic Direction Indicator 无线电磁指示器
RPM revolutions per minute
RTO rejected takeoff
SPD speed 速度
SPD BK speed brake
T/R thrust reverr 反推
TAS true airspeed 真空速
TE trailing edge
LE leading edge
V/S vertical speed
VHF very high frequency
VOR VHF omni-directional radio range
NSW no wheel steering
ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring 飞机电子集中监控(系统)
金钱片GPS:Global Positioning System全球定位系统
记载读音MEL:Minimum Equipment List 最低设备清单
TCAS:Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System 防撞系统;
VHF:Very High Frequency甚高频
POH pilot's operating handbook
NDB nondirectional finder
VFR visual flight regulation
VMC visual meteorology condition
IMC instrument meteorology condition
NM nautical mile
足球战术POB persons on board
MFP multifunction display 多功能显示器
EIS engine instrument system 发动机仪表系统
MAP misd approach procedure
FAF final approach fix
IAF initial approach fix
MAPt misd approach point 复飞点
RVR runway visual range
FIR flight information region 飞行情报区
SSR condary surveillance radar 二次监视雷达
婉约派诗人PSR primary surveillance radar
TA transition altitude笑涡
VASI - visual approach slope indicator
VASIS - visual approach slope indicator system