诊断学 | Diagnostics |
问诊 | inquiry |
症状 | symptom |
体征 | sign |
体格检查 | physical examination |
实验室检查 | laboratory examination |
初步诊断 | primary diagnosis |
视诊 | inspection |
触诊 | palpation |
冲击触诊法 | ballottement |
清音 | resonance |
鼓音 | tympany |
过清音 | hyperresonance |
浊音 | dullness |
实音 | flatness |
听诊 | auscultation |
嗅诊 | smelling |
发热 | Fever |
稽留热 | continued fever |
弛张热 | remittent fever |
间歇热 | intermittent fever |
波状热 | undulant fever |
回归热 | recurrent fever |
不规则热 | irregular fever |
寒战 | rigor |
全身性水肿 | anasarca |
心源性水肿 | cardiac edema |
肾源性水肿 | renal edema |
肝源性水肿 | hepatic edema |
黏液性水肿 | myxedema |
特发性水肿 | idiopathic edema |
血管神经性水肿 | angioneurotic edema |
胸痛 | chest pain |
放射痛 | radiating pain |
发绀 | cyanosis |
心悸 | palpitation |
心包积液 | pericardial effusion |
充血性心力衰竭 | congestive heart failure |
咳嗽 | cough |
咳痰 | expectoration |
咯血 | hemoptysis |
呼吸困难 | dyspnea |
大叶性肺炎 | lobar pneumonia |
慢性阻塞性肺气肿 | chronic obstructive emphyma |
支气管哮喘 | bronchial asthma |
胸腔积液 | pleural effusion |
气胸 | pneumothorax |
恶心 | naua |
呕吐 | vomiting |
呕血 | hematemesis |
黑便 | melena |
便血 | hematochezia |
隐血 | occultblood |
里急后重 | tenesmus |
腹痛 | abdominal pain |
腹泻 | diarrhea |
便秘 | constipation |
黄疸 | jaundice |
血尿 | hematuria |
尿频 | frequentmicturition |
尿急 | urgent m]ctunt]on |
尿痛(排尿困难) | dysuria |
少尿 | oliguria |
多尿 | polyuria |
头痛 | headache |
昏厥 | syncope |
射手女的性格嗜睡 | somnolence |
意识模糊 | confusion |
昏睡 | stupor |
昏迷 | coma |
生命征 | vital sign |
恶病质 | cachexia |
肥胖 | obesiy |
意识障碍 | disturbance of consciousness |
瘀点 | petechia |
血肿 | hematoma |
肝掌 | liverpalms |
蜘蛛痣 | spiderangioma |
水肿 | edema |
淋巴结肿大 | lymphnodeenlargement |
胸骨角 | sternalangle |
胸壁 | chest waH |
皮下气肿 | subcutaneoumphyma |
扁平胸 | flatchest |
桶状胸 | barrelchest |
乳房 | breast |
包饺子的肉馅怎么调好吃三凹征 | threedepressionssign |
酸中毒呼吸 | kussmaulbreath |
潮式呼吸 | chevne-stokesbreath |
语音震颤 | vocaltremitus |
肺泡呼吸音 | vesicularbreathsounds |
支气管呼吸音 | bronchialbreathsounds |
啰音 | rale |
湿啰音 | moistrale |
干罗音 老人嗜睡 | rhonchi |
语音共振 | vocalresonance |
酒糟怎么做胸膜摩擦音 | pleuralfrictionrub |
心尖搏动 客户服务方案 | apicalimpul |
震颤 | thrill |
心房颤动 | atrial fibrillation |
心房扑动 | atrial flutter |
期前收缩 | premature beat |
心律 | cardiac rhythm |
大炮音 | cannon sound |
心音分裂 | splitting of heart sounds |
三音律 | triple rhythm |
四音律 | quadruple rhythm |
二联律 | bigeminy |
三联律 | trigeminy |
奔马律 | gallop rhythm |
开瓣音 | opening snap |
心包叩击音 依呀呀 | pericardial knock | 好听儿歌
肿瘤扑落音 | tumor plop |
喀喇音 | click |
收缩期杂音 | systolic murmur |
舒张期杂音 | diastolic murmur |
连续性杂音 | continuous murmur |
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