AOAC Official Method 930.15
Loss on Drying (Moisture)for Feeds
(at 135°C for 2Hours)
Dry Matter on Oven Drying for Feeds蝙蝠和雷达
(at 135°C for 2Hours)
First Action 1930
银氧化Final Action
offt函数(Not to be ud when fat determination is to be made on the test por-tion.The method is not applicable for feeds containing urea,high sugar contents,ensiled materials,milk products with sugar contents >4%,or feeds containing the products.)Regulate air oven to 135±2°C.Using low,covered Al dishes,934.01(e 4.1.03),weigh ca 2g test portion into each dish and shake until contents are evenly
distributed.With covers removed,place dishes and covers in oven as quickly as possible and dry 2h ±5min.Place covers on dishes and transfer to desiccator to cool.Weigh,and calculate loss in weight on drying (LOD)as estimate of H 2O.Calculations超级好看的美女
%(w/w)LOD =%(w/w)moisture =
100×wt loss on drying,g
wt test portion,g
%Dry matter =100–%LOD
References:JAOAC 13,173(1930);14,152(1931);
Revid:March 1999