1. 前言 1. Foreword
这本小册子提供了 FRIANYL®尼龙性能、材料使用和注射成型加工方面的相关信息. This booklet gives an overview of the properties, handling and injection moulding of FRIANYL®-Polyamides. 请参考我们技术参数表中,就个别牌号所列明的工程数据,加工以及预处理、后处理方面的信息。这些 资料可以在我们的互联网主页上查到: www.fritta-polymer.de For information on processing as well as the pre- and post-treatment of individual FRIANYL®-grades plea refer to the appropriate data sheets and "technical information" which are available on our website. www.fritta-polymer.de
1.1 FRISETTA Polymer 聚酰胺家族 聚酰胺家族 1.1 Polyamide groups available from FRISETTA-Polymer
FRIANYL® A-尼龙 6.6 FRIANYL® B-尼龙 6 FRIANYL® C-共聚尼龙 6.6/6 FRIANYL® A - Polyamide 6.6 FRIANYL® B - Polyamide 6 FRIANYL® C - Co-polyamide 6, 6.6
2. 熔体性质 2. Melt properties 2.1 结晶性 2.1 Crystallinity
电话卡丢了怎么办FRIANYL®-尼龙是半结晶结构,一部分聚合物在固化时形成特定和规整的晶体结构,其它部分在固化时 是杂乱的非结晶状态。 FRIANYL®-Polyamides have a partially crystalline structure which means that p
art of the polymer solidifies in a certain and regular crystalline structure. The remainder solidifies in an amorphous state without a higher structure. 在固态时,尼龙的结晶度在 40%到 60%之间。FRIANYL® A63 的结晶度最高。结晶度会影响最终产品 的性能,比如机械性能,吸水性和耐化学性等等。 In the solidified stale, polyamides show a degree of crystalline between 40% and 60%. FRIANYL® A 63 has the highest degree of crystallinity. The mechanical properties, moisture absorption and chemical resistance are properties, which are influenced within the finished part.正义的眼睛
2.2 熔体粘度 2.2 Melt viscosity
FRIANYL® 的粘性等级是用数字来表示,比如 63 表示普通粘度,73 表示中粘,83 表示高粘。低粘在命 名法中以 N 表示。 The level of viscosity of FRIANYL® is indicated by the initial number of the grade. Therefore 63 is normal viscosity, 73 has medium viscosity and 83 is highly viscous. Grades with low viscosity have the letter N in the nomenclature. 熔体粘度决定了模具填充和部分力学性能。高粘意味着低流动性,当然流动性也由其它因素影响,比如 颗粒的水分含量,剪切速率和熔体温度等。 Melt viscosity is responsible for the mould filling and the mechanical properties of the moulded part. High viscosity contributes to low flow properties, which is also influenced by other factors such as the moisture content of the pellet, the shear rate and the melt temperature.
2.3 流动长度 2.3 Flow path length
熔体的流动性决定了材料的注塑加工性能。 The ability of the melt to flow is very decisive when injection moulding. 为了比较不同材料的流动性,有一种非常接近生产实际情况的测试方法叫做“螺旋流动测试” 。这里的流 动长度取决于给定材料在测试时的压力,流道的横截面积(长方形)和模温。 In order to compare the flow ability of different materials a very clo-to-practice measurement technique, the "spiral flow test", is ud. With this test the flow length is given as a function of pressure, the cross-ction of the flow channel (rectangular) and the mould temperature for a given material. FRIANYL®尼龙填充或改性的程度越高,流动长度越短。 The higher the amount of filler or the amount of modification of the FRIANYL®-Grades the shorter the flow path.
2.4 FRIANYL®-材料的流动性能对照表-螺旋流动测试 螺旋流动测试 2.4 Table showing the flow ratios of FRIANYL®-Grades using the FRISETTA spiral flow test.
A63 GV30
A63 NS10 9005/X A63 NV2
A63 SGGV2010
A63 V0
A63 V2
A63 WGV30 9005/Y B63 F
B63 FK1020
B63 GV30
B63 KV30
B63 V0
B63 V2
护牙B73 HS28
2.5 水解 2.5 Hydrolytic degradation
在注塑模具中,压力,水份,温度和加工时间会造成尼龙发生缩聚或水解。分子量和粘度会随着上述因 素发生改变。异常干燥的颗粒在加工过程中,缩聚作用使粘度上升。相反,过高的水分含量会使粘度下 降。 Post condensation and hydrolysis can be found in injection-moulded parts due to pressure, moisture content, temperature and the residence time in the barrel. During the moulding process the molecular weight and thus the melt viscosity changes depending upon the parameters mentioned above. This means that no polycondensation takes place if extremely dry granules are ud, and the melt viscosity ris. If granules are too wet this will lead to hydrolytic damage and reduced viscosity.
2.6 热降解 2.6 Thermal degradation
FRIANYL®尼龙也会热降解。下面几个因素会导致材料热降解,当然还有其他因素。 It is also possible for FRIANYL grades to be subject to thermal degradation. There are veral possibilities for this: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 材料在螺杆和热流道中停留时间太长。 Excessive residence time in the injection cylinder or hot runner 熔体温度过高 Melt temperature is too high 注塑机或热流道的喷嘴太小 Openings in the machine or hot runner nozzles are too small 流道系统或者热流道歧管尺寸太细 Cross-ctions of runner systems or manifolds are too small.
在这些情况下,热降解会导致分子量下降。 Should this happen there is a reduction in the thermal molecular weight. 为了避免热降解,熔体温度越高,在螺杆里面的停留时间就应该越短。尤其是,加工时对于含有热敏感 颜料的材料,阻燃材料或者其它特别规格,加工时需要特别注意。 The higher the melt temperature then the shorter the residence time in the barrel should be to avoid thermal degradation. Particular care should be taken when processing materials with nsitive colour pigments, flame retardant and specialist grades.
3. 材料 3. Material handling 3.1 粒子形状 粒子形状 3.1 Shape of raw material
大部分 FRIANYL®-粒料是圆柱状粒子,偶有椭圆柱状。样品按常规都是细圆柱状粒子。 Most FRIANYL®-pellets are cylindrical but they may be oval. Trial samples are however supplied as smaller cylindrical granules. Furthermore silo-filling by tanker is also possible.
步雪3.2 包装 3.2 Packing
FRIANYL®-尼龙有以下不同包装。 FRIANYL®-Polyamides are available in different packs.
铝塑袋真空包装 25 kg 带单向向外排气气阀 395 x 880 x 110 mm
托盘-纸板箱 2x 250 kg 780 x 560 x 850 mm + PE-LD 衬膜
八角箱 1000 kg Octabin 1000 kg 1100 x 1100 x 1550 mm + 铝箔内衬或者 PE-LD 衬膜 + Alu-Inliner or PE-LD Tubular Film PE 袋 PE Sack 25 kg 480 x 840 x 0.300 mm 单边托盘 One-way Palett