Asssment of reanalysis soil moisture products in the permafrost regions of the central of the
新概念第二册课文祭文怎么写Qinghai–Tibet Plateau
期刊名称: Hydrological Process
飞机不允许带的东西有哪些作者: Qin, Yanhui,Wu, Tonghua,Wu, Xiaodong,Li, Ren,Xie, Changwei,Qiao,
膝盖肿痛什么原因Yongping,Hu, Guojie,Zhu, Xiaofan,Wang, Weihua,Shang, Wen
年份: 2017年
关键词: asssment;in situ obrvations;permafrost;Qinghai–Tibet动物的舌头
雷雨公路Plateau;reanalysis soil moisture product
摘要:The long-term and large-scale soil moisture (SM) record is important for understanding land atmosphere interactions and their impacts on the weather, climate, and regional ecosystem. SM products are one of the parameters ud in some earth system models, but the records require eval
uation before u. The water resources on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) are important to the water curity of billions of people in Asia. Therefore, it is necessary to know the SM conditions on the QTP. In this study, the evaluation metrics of multilayer (0 - 10, 10 -40 and 40 - 100 cm) SM in different reanalysis datats of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts interim reanalysis (ERA), National Centers for Environmental Prediction Climate Forecast System and the Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2), and