其次,研究比较了4种干燥方式对油茶籽中油脂储藏稳定性的影响,并利用扫描电镜观察了不同干燥方式对油茶籽微观结构的影响,考察了温度对油茶籽干燥特性的影响规律,并采用4种数学模型拟合描述油茶籽的热风干燥过程。电镜观察结果表明微波干燥和90 °C热风干燥具有最宽敞的水分转移通道,在50 °C、70 °C、90 °C下热风干燥处理油茶籽至目标水分含量9%(干基)时,分别需20 h、7.5 h、5 h,干燥后的油茶籽储藏稳定性好;非线性回归分析表明,Page模型能很好的表征油茶籽的热风干燥过程,预测油茶籽干燥过程中水分含量的变化。
最后,通过对蒸炒温度、蒸炒时间、压榨压力和仁中含壳率等因素的优化,确定了液压榨油机制取油茶籽的热榨工艺,结果表明,蒸炒温度为140 °C,蒸炒时间50 min,压榨压力10 Mpa,仁中含壳率为10%时,经过一次压榨的油茶籽具有最低的饼粕残油率9.15%。
Camellia oleifera, as Chine endemic woody plants oiled, was mainly ud in producing Camellia oleifera oil. In recent years, the Camellia oleifera industry is heating up year by year under the national policy support, and the ed output improved gradually. So, the requirements for technical and processing capacity were higher for Camellia oleifera processing plants. However, the existing pretreatment and squeezing technology was only suitable for small lot processing. The main contents of this paper were listed as follows: Moisture sorption isotherms of shelled and unshelled Camellia oleifera were determined by using a gravimetric static method at 20, 30 and 40 °C with water activity ranging from 0.111 to 0.976. Estimated parameters and fitting ability of ven models were evaluated, and the Peleg model provided the best description of the experimental sorption behaviour. The experimental data and the models were also ud t
o obtain thermodynamic functions. The differential enthalpy decread rapidly as the moisture content incread, when the moisture content exceeded 7% (dry basis) the value of differential enthalpy approached to zero. The differential entropy showed similar trends. Spreading pressure incread with increasing water activity and decread with increasing temperature at a given water activity. Net integral enthalpy incread slightly with moisture content to a maximum value, and thereafter decread with increasing moisture content. However, net integral entropy decread gradually with increasing moisture content to a minimum value, and then incread slightly with further increas in moisture content.
The storage stability of Camellia oleifera was studied by being stored at different water activity conditions, and then determined the Camellia oleifera oil quality to evaluate the effect. The results showed that: the Camellia oleifera didn’t appear mildew pest phenomenon after 7 months stored under a relative humidity lower than 75.5%, and the contained oil showed a low degree of oxidation, but declined in antioxidant capacity; when the relative humidity was over than 80%, the Camellia oleifera appear mildew phen
omenon, and the oil quality became bad, so the storage period should not exceed 5 months under this condition.
平面向量公式Four drying methods were lected and compared, and then the effect on the storage stability of the contained Camellia oleifera oil was evaluated. We obrved the microstructure of Camellia oleifera procesd by four drying methods. In order to establish the hot-air dying model, we cho four mathematic models to fitting the experimental data of hot-air drying at 50, 70, 90 °C. The results showed that: it’s best to adopt the hot-air drying method to process the Camellia olrifera, and the time needed to reach the goal moisture content 9% was 20, 7.5, 5 h at 50, 70, 90 °C, respectively. It’s proved that the Camellia oleifera procesd by hot-air drying had good storage stability. The obrving results of SEM showed that microwave drying and 90 °C hot-air drying method generated the vastest moisture transfer channel. The result of non-lineal regression analysis proved that the Page model provided the best fitting results and description of the hot-air drying procedure of Camellia oleifera.
Keywords: Camellia oleifera; moisture sorption; water activity; drying; storage stability; oiled squeezing
摘要.........................................................................................................................................II 1 绪论. (1)
1.1油茶籽及油茶籽油简介 (1)
1.1.1 油茶籽概况 (1)
1.1.2 油茶籽油简介 (1)
1.1.3 油茶籽油制取技术综述 (2)
嫦娥奔月读后感1.2 水分吸附等温线在食品加工和储藏中的实际意义 (3)
1.3干燥技术在农产品加工中研究进展 (5)
1.3.1 自然干燥 (5)
1.3.2 热风干燥技术 (5)咳嗽出血是什么原因
电锯开木头打一个成语1.3.3 微波干燥技术 (5)
1.3.4 真空干燥技术 (6)
1.4 立题意义及主要研究内容 (6)
2 材料与方法 (7)
2.1 材料与仪器 (7)
2.1.1主要试剂 (7)
2.1.2主要仪器 (7)
2.2实验方法 (7)
2.2.1油茶籽水分吸附等温线测定 (7)
2.2.2油茶籽水分吸附热力学性质分析 (8)
2.2.3 油茶籽的四种干燥方法 (9)
2.2.4干燥油茶籽微观结构的扫描电镜观察 (10)夫妻英文
2.2.5干燥油茶籽储藏后提取油脂的评价 (10)
2.2.6 新鲜油茶籽储藏稳定性研究 (10)