Play songs
1-1Welcom, welcome
welcome welcome everyone
now you’re here let’s have some fun
first we will clap our hands so
then we will touch our toes
welcome welcome everyone
now you’re here let’s have some fun
1-2Come along and play with me
Come along and play with me, play with me, play with me
Come along and play with me, here at Gymboree.
1-3Tummy Time
Tummy time, tummy time, tummy time
爱的教育精彩句段 Gather around the babies, it is tummy tummy time. (2x)
1-4 I have a friend
I have a little friend and Gymbo is his name O
G-Y-M-B-O (3x)
And Gymbo is his name O.
1-5 Gymbo Dance
Gymbo the clown goes up and down, up and down, upand down.
Gymbo the clown goes up and down then he turns around
( side to side , twist )
1-6 Bye Bye
Bye bye Tina ( 3x) and e you here next time
2-1 Bells are ringing
Bells are ringing, bells are ringing
Here them chime, here them chime
Calling all the adults, calling all the children
It’s parachute time, it’s parachute time
2-2 There’re bubbles
There’re bubbles in the air, in the air (2x)
There’re bubbles in the air, there’re bubbles everywhere
There’re bubbles in the air, in the air.
2-3 Bubbles for
Bubbles for A, bubbles for B
Bubbles for C, bubbles for everyone
2-4 One little, two little, three little bubbles
One little, two little, three little bubbles
Four little, five little, six little bubbles
Seven little, eight little, nine little bubbles
超级好牙刷打一成语 Ten little bubbles and pop pop pop
2-5 Everyone finds a lap to ride
Everyone finds a lap to ride, lap to ride, lap to ride
Everyone finds a lap to ride, here at Gymboree管理学是什么>问卷设计模板
2-6 Rock rock to Gymboree
Rock rock to Gymboree, rock rock to Gym
You’d better watch out, or you might fall in.
2-7 Everybody off
Everybody off and let’s go under (3x)
Under the parachute
2-8 Up up up to the top
Up up up to the very top
Down down down to the head it stops
Up up up to the very top
Down down down till the head ker-plops
2-9 Up up up we go
Up up up we go, down down down so low
Rai the color to the sky, count to three and watch them fly
2-10 Where is Gymbo
Where is Gymbo (2x)
Here I am (2x)
How are you today Gymbo , Gymbo is feeling well
Come and play ( 2x)
2-11 Let’s take our little hands
Let’s take our little hands and clap clap clap
Clap clap clap , clap clap clap
Let’s take our little hands and clap clap clap
And e you here next time
3-1 Let’s all make a circle
Let’s all make a circle, a circle , a circle
Let’s all make a circle, so big and so round
A circle, a circle, a Gymboree circle
Let’s all make a circle, so big and so round
3-2 Bounce and bounce and bounce
Bounce and bounce and bounce
Bounce here at Gymboree
Bounce and bounce and bounce
As happy as we can be
La la la la la la la la la la (4x)
3-3 What’s in my busy box?
Oh,what’s in my busy box? Oh, what’s in my busy box?
Oh, what could it be? Come look and come e
Oh, what’s in my busy box?
3-4 Sitting in my high chair
Sitting in my high chair, my chair, high chair
Sitting in my high chair, banging with my spoon
Bring out the carrot, bring out the peas
Somebody feed this baby plea
Sitting in my high chair, my chair, high chair
Sitting in my high chair, banging with my spoon
Bring out the jelly, bring out the bread
Somebody get this baby fed
3-5 We’re going for a ride
We’re going for a ride ( 2x)
So sit right down and buckle up
We’re going for a ride
3-6 Round and round and round
Round and round and round (2x)
Round and round and round and round and round and round and stop
3-7 Gymbo scale
Gymbo the clown goes up for you
Then he comes back down for peek-a-boo
3-8 Gymbo Gymbo little clown
Gymbo Gymbo little clown
First you’re up and then you’re down
Tucked inside your little hou
Quiet as a little mou
Gymbo Gymbo little clown
First you’re up and then you’re down
4-1 Come on Everybody
Come on everybody it’s parachute time, parachute time, parachute time
Come on everybody it’s parachute time, here at Gymboree
4-2 The noble duke of york
The noble duke of york
He had ten thousand man
He marched them up to the top of the hill
And marched them down again
He marched them over left
He marched them over right