English swine term: 英文养猪术语 | Chine name: 中文名 | 沉香作用 Definition: 定义 |
Abortion | 流产 | The premature expulsion of dead or nonviable fetus. |
Afterbirth | 胎衣 | Placenta |
All-in, All-out production | 全进全出 | A production system whereby animals are moved into and out of facilities in distinct groups. |
Animal Welfare | 动物福利 | The ethical treatment of animals. |
AI, Artificial Inmination | 人工授精 | Impregnation by artificial means. |
Average Daily Gain (ADG) | 平均日增重 | The average weight that a pig gains per day. |
Backfill | 回填 | To move sows/gilts back in the flow to fill empty crates |
Barrow | 阉公猪 | A neutered male is a barrow and the adult male is a boar. |
Behavior | 行为 | Actions done by pigs, which can be ud to e normal or abnormal actions. |
Biocurity | 生物安全 | 发青Prevention of spreading and getting dias into the herd |
Boar | 公猪 | A term for a male domestic swine suitable for breeding. |
Body Condition Score | 体况评分 | Scoring of a sow/gilt bad on her body condition. |
Breed | 配种 | To impregnate/mate |
Brooder | 暖风机 | A supplemental heat source ud in wean pig facilities, for the pigs benefit. |
Catheter | 输精管 | A “straw” ud to artificially inminate a sow or gilt. |
Castrate | 去势 | To surgically remove a male hog’s testicles. |
Cervix | 宫颈 | The lower narrow portion of the uterus, where it joins the vagina. |
Colostrum | 初乳 | Milk produced by the mammary glands in late pregnancy which contains antibodies to protect the newborn pig. |
Collect | 采精 | To “harvest” men from a boar. |
Conception Rate | 受胎率 | The percentage of a breeding group that became pregnant. |
Cooling | 冷却 | Cooling systems normally involve evaporating water to lower the temperature of the pigs. Generally ud only for the breeding-gestation herd. Cooling also takes place by air movement in hot weather. |
Cool Cells | 冷却水帘 | See Cooling. |
Corn Belt | 玉米带 | The area of the United States where corn is a principal cash crop, including Iowa, Indiana, most of Illinois, and parts of Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. |
Crate | 限位栏 | A steel “stall” where an individual animal is houd. |
Cull | 淘猪 | An animal that is unfit to stay in the breeding herd and is nt to market. |
Denitrification | 去硝化 | The biochemical reduction of nitrate or nitrite to gaous nitrogen, either as molecular nitrogen or as an oxide of nitrogen. |
Discharge | 恶露 | The sow’s system clearing the uterus. Some discharges are normal and some are ridding infection, etc. |
Disinfect | 消毒 | To sterilize and kill all bacteria, virus and fungus. |
Dock Tail | 剪尾 | To remove most of the pig’s tail at processing to reduce welfare issues in later life. |
Dump | 清空猪舍 | To empty a hog room or barn. |
Ear Notch | 耳缺 | A “V” shape notched on a pig’s ear as a form of identification. |
Ear Tag | 耳标 | A tag placed in a pig’s ear as a method of identification. |
Estimated Breed Value (EBV) 东周列国志读后感 | 估计育种值 | A prediction of a pig’s genetic merit relative to other pigs in the same herd, bad on certain data collected. |
Extender | 稀释液 | A liquid diluent added to men to prerve it’s fertilizing ability. |
Estrous | 发情 | See Heat |
Euthanasia | 安乐死约克夏好养吗 | Painless killing to relieve suffering. |
Estimated Progeny Difference (EPD) | 后裔差异评估 | An evaluation of an animal’s genetic worth as a parent. |
Fallback | 落后猪 | A pig that becomes physically challenged and falls behind its pen mates. |
Fallout | 妊娠失败 | A pregnant female that falls out of its breeding group by no longer being pregnant or dying. |
Farrowing | 分娩 | The period from birth to weaning. |
Farrowing crate | 分娩栏 | A metal enclosure that a sow is put into before farrowing and stays for 3-4 weeks. |
Farrowing Rate | 分娩率 | Percent/females that farrow in a group. |
Farrow to Finish Operation | 自繁自育场 | A production system that contains all production phas, from breeding to gestation to farrowing to nurry to grow-finishing to market. |
Feed Back | 返饲 | A composition gathered from farrowing hou and fed to pregnant sows before farrowing to help maximize piglet health and minimize piglet death loss. |
Feed Conversion | 饲料转化率 | 地藏菩萨本愿经完整版How many pounds of feed a pig must consume to gain one pound of body weight. |
Feeder | 料槽 | A piece of equipment that stores and dispens feed. |
Feed Mat | 饲料垫板 | A mat with a lip around the edge to keep feed from being wasted while pigs are being started in a nurry or wean to finish facility. |
Feeder Pig Operation | 育肥场 | Breeder lls pigs out of the nurry pha to a finishing operation to grow them out to market weight. |
Feed Mixture | 饲料配比 | Ingredients of a feed ration. |
Finisher | 育肥舍 | A facility where pigs are grown and nt to market from. |
Finisher Pig | 育肥猪 | Production pha between the nurry and market. |
Finishing Operation | 育肥场 | A facility where pigs are grown and nt to market from. |
Finishing Unit | 育肥单元 | A facility where pigs are grown for market |
Flushing | 短期优饲(促进排卵) | Feeding a female full feed in an attempt to cau her ovaries to produce more reproductive eggs. |
Foster | 寄养 | Taking a piglet from or adding a piglet to a sow. |
Full Feed (Ad Lib) | 自由采食 | Unrestricted feed. |
Gestation | 怀孕/妊娠 | The 113 to 116 day period when the sow is pregnant from breeding until farrowing. |
Gilt | 后备母猪 | Young female, until first rvice/mating. |
Gilt Development Unit | 后备母猪舍 | A facility for the growth and development of suitable replacement females for a swine herd. |
Grow-Finish | 育成-育肥 | Pig between nurry and market, usually takes14-16 weeks. |
Gruel Feeding | 流食 | Feed mixed with water and fed to small or fallback pigs. |
Hand Mating | 人工辅助配种 | An individual female that is ready to be bred is expod to an individual boar in a small pen for a few minutes, under the supervision of the producer. |
Herd Health | 猪群健康 | The health status of the swine herd. |
Heat | 发情 | Refers to the estrous period for the sow. The first estrous normally occurs 3 to 5 days after the pigs are weaned. |
Heat Check | 查情 | To place a boar in front of a female hog and e if she is in standing heat. |
Heat Lamp | 保温灯 | A lamp that rves as a supplemental heat source. |
Heat No Serve (HNS) | 发情未配种 | A gilt that is found to be in standing heat, but is intentionally not rviced. |
Heat Pad | 保温垫 | A pig pad that gives off heat. |
石榴花语 Herdsman | 饲养员 | One who monitors and cares for a herd of livestock. |
High Pressure Cleaning | 高压清洗 | Washing with a high pressure washer. |
Hog | 猪 | Generic term, usually applied to growing swine. |
Hoop Structure | 简易猪舍 | A low cost, uninsulated and naturally ventilated building ud for older swine. The floor is mostly earthen and typically bedded with straw. |
Index | 指标 | A method of grading pig carcass, and the genetic value of the pig. |
电脑卡怎么办Induce | 诱导分娩 | To inject a pregnant hog with an agent that promotes the ont of labor. |
Infertile | 不孕 | Incapable of causing pregnancy or of becoming pregnant. |
In Vitro | 体外 | Of a biological process made to occur in a controlled environment (Laboratory) rather than within a living organism or a natural tting. |
Irradiation | 放射消毒 | Process of exposing food to radiation to destroy bacteria and improve shelf life. |
Isolation Barn | 隔离舍 | Barn where replacement animals are kept for biocurity purpos, before being introduced into the herd. |
Lactating | 哺乳 | Period when a sow is providing milk to her pigs. |
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