1.Be knowledgeable and well prepared;
deliver a good message to the audience 2.Engage the audience by maintaining clo eye contact with them
3.Be loud, slow and articulate
4.Be confident and relaxed国防科技大学毕业去向
5.Be humorous
6.Be passionate and aggressive
7.Be direct
8.Be good at acting
9.Think in English
10. Forget about your pronunciation!
11. Keep improving delivery; don't underestimate your potential!
Key message: Arou public interest
Remarks at the Opening of the Chine Dinosaurs Exhibition At the Otago Muum in Dunedin, August 29, 2003
My wife and I are delighted to come to Dunedin for the opening of the Chine dinosaurs exhibition, and I wish to thank you, Mr. Paul, for your kind invitation.
I first visited the Otago Muum during my trip to Dunedin last year and I was greatly impresd by its rich collection, particularly the ction about the geological evolution of the Otago region. And I think it is just fitting that this wonderful exhibition on Chine dinosaurs has its New Zealand opening at the Otago Muum.
Some of you may know that the journey of the Chine dinosaurs to New Zealand was not all smooth sailing. A burglar in Newcastle, Australia not only stole a precious dinosaur, but almost killed this exhibition. People in China became concerned about whether the exhibition should continue. But I believed that this exhibition should come to New Zealand. First, I have every confidence in the curity for the exhibition in New公文写作格式要求
Zealand. Secondly, this exhibition will provide a rare educational opportunity, and I believe that the New Zealand public and particularly the children should have that opportunity. So we intervened and made sure that the Chine dinosaurs continued their journey to New Zealand. And I am so glad the exhibition is opening as scheduled.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
When we watch the towering and awe inspiring prehistoric animals, we cannot but marvel at the nature’s incredible power of creation that brought them into being. And I think that we the human race are lucky that we came to this world in a much later stage. As we pass along the dinosaurs, we are taken on a journey to the past, a journey that will greatly enrich our understanding of the evolution of life on this planet. More importantly, when we stand face to face with the extinct creatu
res, we are acutely reminded of the need to protect the endangered species that are disappearing at an alarming rate and to live in harmony with nature. I am sure you will agree with me that here lies the value of this exhibition.
I hope you will enjoy visiting this exciting exhibition, and I am sure it will be remembered as a very successful and memorable event in the cultural exchanges between China and New Zealand.
III. 中国驻新西兰⼤使陈明明2002年3⽉
Remarks at China Tourism Promotion Fair, March 5, 2002
Key message: promote China’s image
I am very happy to address this audience as the Chine Ambassador to your beautiful country, New Zealand. But today, I also speak to you in another capacity, as an unpaid marketing manager for China’s national tourist agency and the Chine airlines reprented here today.
For all of you who are interested in China, today’s reception prents a rare opportunity to explore this ultimate tourist destination.
Now why China? What special appeal does it hold? Well, China is special in veral ways.
First, it has breathtaking landscape not found elwhere.
Second, the hospitality of its people is renowned.
But more importantly, China has a rich and splendid historical and cultural heritage blended with its enchanting scenery, and that is truly unique.
Another equally important thing about China is that it is safe. It is just like New Zealand. No terrorist threats.
So when you visit China, you will have a unique cultural experience. I promi it will be an enjoyable, relaxing, rewarding and exciting trip. You
will not be disappointed by what you experience in China. Or your money back.
Today, I have brought with me a charming young lady from the Chine Embassy. She is a very capable visa officer at the Embassy, and she is more than happy to facilitate your travel to China. I guarantee prompt and efficient visa rvice and 100% approval rate. No application will be turned down.
So I think all that is left for you to do is to start planning your travel to China, now. Spring is coming back to China, the country is full of life and vitality, and it is really a good time to go. Don’t miss the opportunity, and I do hope that you will have a great visit in China.