The Year 2050
• No new international effort has been made to overcome the worst of poverty and under- development. Economic marginalization has been allowed to continue and the inequalities of the 20th century have deepened. Continued malnutrition and poor health care have left child death rates at relatively high levels for large numbers of people. Little has been done to achieve equality between the xes. More than 100 million primary school age children, two thirds of them girls, are not in school.
• 国际社会没有付出新的努力来在改变极端贫困和落后状况。经济贫困化依然存在并继续发展,同时,20世纪就存在的不平等现象变得更为严重。持续的营养不良和较差的卫生保健工作使大量人口中的儿童死亡率居高不下(大量人口,营养持续不良,卫生保健差,使儿童死亡率居高不下)。实现男女平的进程步履维艰(国际社会几乎没有采取任何措施来实现男女平等/在争取男女性别平等待遇方面几乎没有采取任何措施)。超过一亿多的学龄儿童,无法入校学习,其中2/3为女童。
• Secondary school remains the prerve of a minority, and average age at marriage has rin only marginally. Many of the poor have therefore continued to have large families to compensate for high death rates, to ensure surviving sons, and to try to insure themlves against destitution. Women still do not have the power to control their own fertility, and many families who want fewer children still do not have access to high-quality family planning.
• 中学仍然只为少数人敞开大门(只有少数人才能上得了中学),同时,平均结婚年龄稍有提高。因此,许多穷人家庭继续保持较多的人口以补偿高死亡率带来的损失,从而确保男童的存活(能够延续香火),以期与极端贫困进行抗争。妇女仍然无权掌握自己的生育状况,同时,许多家庭虽然不想多要孩子,但仍然无法获得高质量的计划生育服务。
• The late 1990s and the early part of the 21st century saw a new international effort to overcome the worst of poverty and underdevelopment. Government expenditures and aid programmers were substantially restructured to invest in jobs and basic social rvices, including nutrition, health, and education. Governments also confronted the challenge of l
and tenure reform, training, and credit for small farmers, making major investments in environmentally sustainable increas in small-farm productivity. The surplus generated have helped to create downstream employment, and most families have gained the means of meeting their basic needs.
• 20世纪90年代后期和涩女人21世纪前叶,国际社会付出了新的努力来在改变极端贫困和落后状况。政府的开支和对外援助项目的结构进行了重大的重新调整,以便对就业机会和包括营养、卫生和教育这些基础社会服务进行投资。政府还成功地应对了土地使用权的改革、对小农场主培训和贷款的挑战,并进行了重大的投资,在改善环境的同时,持续提高了小农场的生产力。由此所创造的剩余物资为这些产品的深加工提供了(一系列的)就业机会。同时,使大多数家庭掌握了解决其基本需求的必要手段。
• Governments also took a strong lead in promoting more rapid progress towards gender equality by giving special emphasis to female education, improving family planning rvices, technologies to lesn women's workloads, and equal opportunity legislation.
As a result of all the measures, and of slowly rising incomes, child death rates have fa
llen steeply, average age at marriage has rin, opportunities for women have incread, having sons has become less important, and small families have become the norm. Population growth has peaked at about 8 billion people, and is t to decline.
• 政府还发挥了强有力的领导作用以加速促进男女平等进程,特别强调对妇女的教育、改善计划生育服务、提高技术来减轻妇女工作量、完善(强化)机会均等的立法。
• Investments in small landholdings and new agricultural technologies have prevented worning erosion and slowed the drift to the cities. As a result of slowly improving educational standards and increasing economic curity, civilian governments have become established and various forms of participatory democracy have become normal. The benefits of growth are now being shared reasonably equitably, people feel less alienated from their institutions, and the voice of the poor is no longer ignored in the alloc
ation of public resources.大学必备
● 对小规模土地和新兴农业技术的投资有效地阻止了土壤继续流失并减缓了人口向城市的流动。由于教育水准的逐渐提高以及经济保障程度的改善,民选政府已为公众接受,而且各种类型的民主参与已被视为正常。发展带来的好处人们合理而均等地分享,人民不再觉得与他们的制度那么格格不入(人民觉得与政府的关系越来越近),同时,在分配公共资源时,穷人的声音不再被忽视(已经考虑到了穷人的利益)。
As the year 2050 approaches, total world population is nearing the 12 billion mark and continuing to ri. The population of Africa has trebled to approximately 2 billion people. Vastly greater numbers of the poor are working ever more marginal lands. The cutting of forests and the erosion of hillsides have accelerated, resulting in scarcity of food and fuel. Rivers, dams and irrigation systems are silting up, much of the best farm land has become saline or waterlogged, and lowland areas are subject to increasingly frequent and disastrous floods.
• 随着2050伤心的英语年的临近,全世界人口总数已接近120手机被偷了浪淘风簸自天涯上一句是什么亿并在继续增长。非洲人口已增加了两倍,
• Millions have migrated to urban slums, where poverty, overcrowding, and poor sanitation make life almost unbearable and where the chief form of entertainment involves sophisticated communications technologies constantly parading the images of wealth before the realities of poverty. Traditional community structures and values have long since broken down, and a significant proportion of the desperate have turned to crime, or are eking relief in alcohol and drugs.
• 成千上万的人迁移到大都市边缘的贫民窟。在那里,贫困、过分拥挤和很差的卫生环境使生活变得几乎无法忍受;那里主要的娱乐形式是通过先进的传播技术,不断地向生活在贫困之中的人们展示富有的美梦。传统的社区结构和价值观早已荡然无存,而且处于万般无奈(绝望)的人群中有相当大比例的人走上了犯罪的道路,或是通过酗酒和吸毒寻求解脱。
女人艺术照• 外开头的成语Social divisions and old ethnic tensions have incread and, in the resulting political turmoil, democracies have faltered, leaving the way open for demagogues and dictators who have grown like weeds in such soil. More resources are being devoted to the military, and to the curity forces on whom they depend.