OUTLINE Abstract
Key Words
I. Introduction
II. The Definition and Classification of Color Words月下追韩信
2.1. The Definition of Color Words
2.2. The Classification of Color Words
III. The Comparative Study of the Color Words
3.1. The Similarities of Color Words
3.1.1. Red and 红色
3.1.2. Black and 黑色
3.2. The Differences of Color Words
3.2.1. Red and 红色
3.2.2. Black and 黑色
3.2.3. White and 白色
4. Yellow and 黄色
3.2.5. Blue and 蓝色
3.2.6. Green and 绿色
IV. The Translation Methods of Color Words
4.1. Literal Translation
4.1. Liberal Translation
4.2.1.Cultural Equivalence Translation
4.2.2.Functional Equivalence Translation V. Conclusion
On the English Translation of Chine Color Words
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Abstract: In the human’s language, the unique charm that color words shows and displays makes people impressive. In the two languages, English and Chine, there are so many expressions of color words. Maybe the same color has the same meanings. Maybe the same color has the different meanings, which is decided by the cultural factors. Therefore, in the process of translating Chine into English, translators should try to translate color words according to the deeper meaning of the relevant background k
nowledge rather than translate directly according to the literal meaning so that more mistakes could be avoided, be good at comparing meaning and connotation of common color words between Chine and English language to make every effort to make fewer mistakes in the translation process and to reduce mistranslation as far as possible. This paper tries to compare the meaning of color words commonly ud and then further to find out the differences and similarities in both English and Chine and to reach a conclusion about how to translate Chine color words into English in the end. In the translation of color words, translators must think of the cultural element in order that they can understand, translate and express color words accurately and properly communicate fluently.
Key Words: color words; translation; Chine; English; culture
I. Introduction
Color, an important field of mankind to understand the world, is cloly related to human life. Color not only has physical attributes, but also rich cultural connotation and extension
of meaning, thus color is an important subject in the study of language, culture and translation. Between Chine and English language, there are a lot of expressions of color that have special cultural connotations. As a result of the two different cultures of English and Chine, the expressions of the same color from the two peoples have generality and also have otherness. Sometimes, even the two are opposite. Thus, in the translation of the color words that express something, be sure to understand its real meaning. Usually, sometimes the color words do not mean the color but other special meanings which are extended or converted. This paper tries to find out the differences and similarities by the contrast of English and Chine color words, and discuss the translation of the kinds of words on the premi of deepening understanding.
II. The Definition and Classification of Color Words
There are a large number of color words in Chine and in English. But what human feel about color is consistent, including the two nations. Of cour, in different languages, how to classify or express for people is both consistent and different. The classification of color words in Chine and in English is not only the same in general but also different.
2.1. The Definition of Color Words
Color words, in whatever languages, are words ud to describe the colors of the different kinds of things. This definition is well known around the world, from the scientific definition, color is the visual phenomenon which is caud by the launch or reflects of objects, or the penetration of light waves. It is one kind of the basic characteristics of human’s vision. The material world is full of all sorts of colors, almost nothing the same. The visible light such as sunlight, lights, etc. irradiates the objects; the objects abort and reflect the light waves lectively. Then, colors appear. (He Guoxing, 2004: 1-2) Obviously, as a part of words, color words are ud in writing to transmit information. In physics, it stands for the color reflected objects.
2.2. The Classification of Color Words
The Chine and the English have a lot in common in the cognition of color words. Although great differences existed in the number of colors vocabulary, the classification of Chine and English color words is almost the same on the whole. English and Chine
Expressions on colors can be categorized into three kinds: basic color words, color words with colors of objects, color words in shades. (Jiang Feng & Ding Lijun, 2005; 86)
去公园2.2.1. Basic Color Words
In the late 1960s, two American scholars Brent Berlin and Paul Kay put forward a total universal inventory of eleven basic color words: white, black, red, yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, orange, gray, and purple, with the publication of Basic Color Terms, Their Universality and Evolution. According to John I. Saeed, there are six color words in Chine: black, white, red, yellow, blue and green. (Saeed, 1997: 74), That is to say that there are “黑, 白, 红, 黄, 蓝, 绿” in Chine.
Basic color words refers to red(红),yellow(黄),white(白), black(黑), green(绿),blue(蓝)in this article. In western painting, oil painters u the six colors to tone variety of colors.
2.2.2. Color Words with Colors of Objects
多姿多彩朝花夕拾好句赏析Color words with colors of objects refer to words with the natural color of the object to des
cribe the color. Like, gold/golden(金黄), silver(银白), orange(橘黄), lead-gray(铅灰), orange-red(橘红), peach-pink(桃红), and chestnut-brown(栗色), and so on. Such a kind of words is widely ud in life and literary works.
3. Color Words in Shades
Color words in shades means colors show their differences under the natural light from the sun or white light, which usually indicates color aberration to some degree. This kind of words in English includes (1) deep/dark; (2) light/pale; (3) bright/rich/vivid.