1 水位water level
2 设计水位design water level
3零点zero point
6潮位tide level
7平潮equilibrium tide, still tide
9回淤back ttling
11驳岸bank slope
2. 船台
13船台building berth, berth
14升船机ship lifter
15倾斜船台inclined building berth
16水平船台horizontal building berth
17半坞式船台mi-dock slipway
18露天船台expod berth
19室内船台covered berth
20单翼船台one-wing building berth
21双翼船台two-wing building berth
22放射式船台emanant building berth
23滑道launching way, slipway
24油脂滑道gread slipway
25机械化滑道mechanized slipway
26钢珠滑道slipway for steel roller launching
27纵向滑道longitudinal slipway
28横向滑道side slipway
29直线滑道straight slipway
30折线滑道knuckling line slipway
31弧形滑道cambered slipway
32船排滑道railway slip
33横向高低轨滑道side slipway with top and lower railways 34横向高低腿滑道side slipway with top and lower leg
35横向梳式滑道comb type side slipway
36滑板sliding way
37滑道末端凹口threshold hollow
38滑道间距增量slip spacing increment
39零轴线zero avail line
40过渡段transition ction
41横移区transition zone
42横移坑transition pit
43平均线负荷average linear load
44最大线负荷maximum linear load
45不平均系数non-uniform coefficient
46悬臂端负荷cantilever end load
49龙骨墩keel block
50边墩side keel block
51舭墩side block, bilge block
53砂箱墩blocks with sand box
54楔木timber wedge
55楔铁iron wedge
56拉桩land tie
57拉环pulling eye
58连续式拉桩long land-tie
59保险撑slip stopper
60船台中心线板center line strip on berth
61船台坡度slope of slipway
62船舶定位keeping in ship’s position
3. 船坞
63船坞dock, dry dock
64修船坞repairing dock
65造船坞building dock
66注水式船坞flooding dock
67串联式船坞tandem dock
68运河式船坞canalled dock
69坞首dock head
70坞口dock entrance
71引船驳岸ship-directional quay
72坞壁dock wall
我爱我校73坞底dock bottom
74坞坎dock sill
75门墩gate pier
76门槽dockgate channel
77坞门dockgate, caisson
78浮箱式坞门floating caisson, pontoon type gate 79横拉式坞门traversing dock-gate
80人字式坞门two-gate caisson
81卧倒式坞门flap gate
82插板式坞门plate gate
83迭梁式坞门beams gate
84推进式坞门propelling gate
85修理门槽gate channel for repairing
86门坑pit for gate
87门库gate chamber
89进坞重量docking weight
90搁墩负荷block load
91机械墩mechanical blocks, adjustable block
荷兰国立博物馆4. 码头
93趸船pontoon, wharfboat
94固定码头solid construction wharf
95顺岸码头marginal wharf
96突堤码头jetty, pier
97安装码头fitting-out quay
98试车码头quay for mooring trial
99材料码头quay for material transport
100 交通码头quay for traffic
101 靠船墩dolphin pier
102 缆车道wire-cable way
103 引桥bridge approach
104 固定引桥fixed foot bridge
105 活动引桥movable foot bridge
106 跳船boat tank
107 龙门架gantry
108 浮式护木floating spar fender
109 挤靠力berthing force
110 撞击力impact force
111 系船力mooring force
1. 一般
112 造船工艺shipbuilding technology
113 两段造船法two-part construction, method of building ship in two ctions 114 串联造船法tandem shipbuilding method
115 船体建造工艺technology of hull construction
116 放样lofting
117 号料marking off
118 金属船体加工hull steel fabrication
119 船体装配asmbly and erection
120 焊接welding
121 下水launching
122 船舶设备和系统安装outfitting and machinery installation
123 预安装pre-erection outfitting
124 船台安装outfitting and machinery installation on berth
125 码头安装quay outfitting and installation
126 船坞安装dock outfitting and installation
127 设备单元device cell
128 单元安装unit outfitting
129 单元预装unit pre-outfitting
130 装饰工艺decorating technology
131 系泊试验bollard test
132 航行试验a trial
133 建造开工日construction starting date
134 船台周期time on building berth
135 造船周期shipbuilding period
136 下水量launched displacement of ships
137 船舶产量ship output
138 交船ship delivery
139 工艺阶段operation stage
140 工艺项目operation items
141 工艺路线operational path
142 工艺过程technological process
143 工艺规程technological instruction
144 原则工艺method planning of ship construction
145 典型工艺standard technological procedure
146 预安装率pre-outfitting rate
147 船台技术完成量technology accomplishment at berth
148 工艺项目明细表operation items detail chart
149 工艺项目车间分配表operation items distribution chart in workshop 150 总工艺进度表master schedule
151 流水定位法positional flow method
152 流水定员法specialized gang method
2. 钢材预处理与除锈工艺
153 钢材预处理steel pretreatment
154 钢材矫正steel leveling and straightening
155 钢板矫平leveling of plates
156 辊式矫平机mangle, plate straightener
157 型钢矫直straightening of shapes
158 型钢矫直机shapes straightening machine
159 钢材预热steel preheating
160 钢材除锈rust removal of steel
161 喷射除锈abrasive blasting
162 磨料abrasive
163 抛丸除锈shot blasting
164 抛丸除锈机shot blasting machine
165 抛丸室shot blasting room
166 抛丸器abrasive impeller
167 自动喷涂底漆automatic primer spraying
168 化学除锈chemical cleaning
169 酸洗除锈acid cleaning of steel
170 酸洗处理pickling
171 浸渍酸洗dip pickling
172 喷淋酸洗spray pickling
173 中和处理neutralizing
174 钝化处理passivating
175 磷化处理phosphating
176 酸洗池pickling bath
177 废酸液处理pickling waste treatment
178 酸洗缓蚀剂acid pickling inhibitor
179 真空喷射除锈vacuum-blast cleaning
180 电火花除锈arc rust removal
181 机械除锈mechanical rust removal
182 二次除锈condary rust removal
183 喷丸除锈shot peening, shot blasting
184 喷砂除锈sand blasting
185 湿喷砂除锈wet sand blasting
186 循环喷射酸洗spray pickling in circulation
187 化学膏除锈acid paste pickling
188 高压水除锈hydroblasting
189 火焰除锈flame cleaning
190 遥控除锈机remote control descaling machine
191 针束除锈器adjusting needle cleaner
192 可剥性薄膜除锈stripping film cleaning
193 分段抛丸除锈ction shot blasting
194 分段喷丸除锈ction shot peening
195 分段酸洗除锈ction pickling
196 喷丸间shot peening room
197 刷涂brush painting
198 喷涂spray painting
艇妹2199 无空气喷涂airless spray painting
200 静电喷涂electrostatic spraying
201 静电喷涂助剂agent for electrostatic spraying
202 电泳涂漆electro-coating
203 酸洗磷化电泳涂漆流水线flow line of pickling, phosphating and electrocoating