The OctaneSdk Quick Reference Guide is organized into tables covering Properties, Methods, and Callbacks for the main class in the OctaneSdk. See the OctaneSdk Tutorial Workbook or Online Reference Guide for complete class descriptions and detailed programming information.五行
Speedway Reader Class
The Speedway Reader class is the main class in the OctaneSdk. Create instances of this class for eac
h Reader you wish to control. Inherit from this class to add reader functionality to your program.
TagReport Class
The TagReport class contains tag information obtained by the Reader. Access TagReport instances through the SpeedwayReader class methods, callbacks, and events.
Tag Class
The Tag class contains the information obtained by the Reader for a specific EPC value. Access Tag instances through the TagReport class.你的名字2
Settings Class
家庭电话>语文词语The Settings class carries the information on the readers RFID ttings (configuration). Access Settings class instances through the SpeedwayReader class methods.