摘要 .......................................................................................................................... III 绪论 (1)
(一)选题缘由 (1)
(二)文献综述 (3)
(三)概念界定 (8)
(四)理论基础 (10)
(五)研究设计 (11)
一小学随班就读学生课堂参与的现状调查 (15)
(一)调查方案 (15)
(二)调查结果及现状分析 (19)
二小学随班就读学生课堂参与存在的问题 (31)
(一)课堂参与水平较低 (31)
摄影师作品(二)课堂行为参与缺乏主动性且形式单一 (31)
(三)课堂认知参与缺乏深度性和独立性 (32)
(四)课堂情感参与消极情绪多于积极情绪 (32)
三小学随班就读学生课堂参与不力的原因分析 (35)
(一)学校对随班就读学生的课堂学习重视不够 (35)
(二)班级环境不利于随班就读学生课堂参与 (36)
(三)教师对随班就读学生的课堂支持不够 (37)
(四)随班就读学生的家庭关怀缺失 (38)
(五)随班就读学生自身的原因 (39)
四破解小学随班就读学生课堂参与不力的策略 (41)
(一)完善小学随班就读的相关制度 (41)
仁者乐山智者乐水(二)营造有利于随班就读学生学习的班级环境 (43)
(三)加强教师对随班就读学生课堂参与的支持 (44)
(四)加强与随班就读学生家长的合作 (46)
返乡记(五)开展活动提升随班就读学生的内在素养 (46)
五研究结论及不足 (47)
(一)研究结论 (47)
(二)研究的不足 (47)
参考文献 (49)
附录 (53)
致谢 (56)
Studying in class is the main form of inclusive education in our country and an important part of the development of special education in China. It plays an irreplaceable role in increasing the enrollment
rate of compulsory education for disabled children and promoting the integration of special education and general education. However, the current low quality of education and teaching in our country has become a bottleneck in the continuing development of education in class. In reality, studying in class has become "sitting in class" and "mixing in class". The quality of education is cloly related to the classroom participation of the students in the classroom. Primary school is the beginning stage of the integration of the students in the classroom into the general education. Therefore, understanding the classroom participation of the students in the primary school can improve the education in the classroom in China. Quality is especially critical. Bad on the literature survey, this paper takes randomly lected students and some teachers from 14 ordinary elementary schools in Chongqing as survey objects. Through questionnaires, classroom obrvations and interviews to understand students’ participation situation,which includes students’ behavior, cognition and emotion.Then find its problems and propo corresponding strategies.
There are six parts in this article:
Part 1: Introduction. This paper expounds the reasons for lecting the topic and combs the relevant literature, and defines the concepts involved in this article, and also propos the theoretical basis and rearch design of this article.
Part II: Status survey. To investigate the current situation of classroom participation of primary school students attending class, with 87 randomly lected students and 15 teachers in 14 ordinary primary schools in Chongqing as the survey objects, through questionnaire survey, classroom obrvation and interviews to understand the status of classroom participation of students attending class in elementary schools.
Part III: Problems analysis. According to the data of the current situation survey, the problems in classroom participation of primary school students attending class are sorted out from four aspects: overall classroom participation, behavioral participation, cognitive participation and emotional participation.
Part IV: Cau analysis. Combined with the results of some interviews, the internal and external reasons for the problems existing in classroom participation of primary school students are analyzed.
The fifth part: To put forward the dissolution strategies. Combined with the relevant literature and analysis of the reasons, put forward strategies to promote classroom participation of students attending class in elementary schools.
Part VI: Rearch conclusions and deficiencies. Summarize the rearch conclusion of this article and reflect on the shortcomings of this article.
This article finds that the following problems exist in classroom participation of primary school students: (1) The overall level of classroom participation is low, and the overall level and three dimensions of classroom participation have not reached the level of regular participation; (2) The lack of initiative in classroom behavior participation and the form is single; (3) The depth and independence of classroom cognitive participation are insufficient. Their classroom cognitive participation is mainly shallow-level cognition, which depends heavily on teachers; (4)The negative emotion in classroom participation are more than positive emotions.Students attending class in elementary schools have insufficient n of fun in the classroom, less experience of accomplishment, and more anxiety and boredom in the classroom. Bad on the survey results, the reasons for the problems are as follows: the school does not attach importance to classroom learning of students attending class; and the class environment is not conducive to classroom participation of students attending class.Teachers have insufficient classroom support for students attending class; and students attending class of family care is missing and their own physical defects. The suggestions and measures propod are: (1) Improve the relevance of studying in the p
rimary school; (2) Create a class environment that is conducive to the learning of students in the class; (3) Strengthen teachers ’support for the participati on of students in the class; (4 ) Strengthen cooperation with parents of students attending class; (5) Carry out activities to enhance the internal literacy of students attending class.
Key words:Primary school Attending class Students attending Class classroom participation