NOTE: The word lists are in alphabetical order, not in the order of the recording.
AGGREGATE — n. a sum, a total; a combination, a collection;
adj. entire, whole
ATTRITION — n. a gradual loss; natural or accepted decrea in number and size DEARTH — n. a lack, a scarcity
FRUGAL — adj. economical, penny-pinching
FRUGALITY — n. thriftiness
MINUSCULE — adj. tiny, very small
MUNIFICENT — adj. generous, lavish
MUNIFICENCE — n. generosity, charity
NOMINAL — adj. insignificant or small, in name only
袁隆平的两个梦想PARSIMONY — n. stinginess
PARSIMONIOUS — adj. stingy, mirly
PAUCITY — n. scarcity, insufficiency
PENURY —n. poverty
PLETHORA — n. a great deal, an excess
PRODIGIOUS —adj. enormous, extraordinary
PRODIGY — n. a gifted child
PROLIFERATE —v. to spread or grow rapidly
PROLIFERATION —n. an increa in number; a rapid spread PROLIFIC — adj. very productive, fruitful, fertile
SQUANDER — v. to waste
ACRID —adj. bitter; stinging, or caustic
ACRIMONIOUS —adj. bitter; hurtful and nasty
ACRIMONY —n. bitterness, harshness
ADULATION — n. wild or excessive admiration
AFFINITY — n. attraction; sympathy; kinship; similarity
ALACRITY —n. cheerful eagerness: briskness; readiness to respond ANTIPATHY — n. a firm dislike
ANTIPATHETIC —adj. hostile, antagonistic
BANE —n. poison; torment; cau of harm
BANEFUL — adj. destructive; poisonous
CONFLUENCE — n. a flowing together, a convergence
DERIDE — v. to ridicule or laugh at contemptuously
DERISION — n. contempt; mockery
DEROGATORY —adj. disapproving; degrading
蝎子简笔画NARCISSISM —n. an abiding love of onelf
NARCISSISTIC —adj. conceited, lf-centered
NIHILISM —n. a belief that there are no values, morals, or goodness in the world NIHILIST — n. someone who doesn't believe in any objective standards of right and wrong ANNIHILATE —v. to completely destroy
PREDILECTION —n. a natural preference
PRUDENT — adj. having foresight; being careful or wi
RANCOR — n. bitter, long-lasting ill will or rentment
RANCOROUS —adj. showing bitterness or animosity
REVERE —v. to respect highly, to honor
VILIFY —v. to say vile things about, to defame
VILIFICATION — n. denigration, slander
ACERBIC — adj. bitter, sour, vere
ACERB —adj. bitter, sour, vere (synonym of acerbic)
ACERBITY — n. bitterness
AFFABLE —adj. easy to talk to, pleasant
AFFABILITY —n. graciousness, friendliness
ALTRUISM —n. lflessness, generosity, rving others without expectation of person gain ALTRUISTIC — adj. charitable, lfless
ALTRUIST — n. a benefactor
AMIABLE — adj. friendly, genuinely likeable (often ud to describe a relationship) AVUNCULAR —adj. kindly, like an understanding uncle
BELLIGERENT —adj. combative, quarrelsome, warlike; n. a combatant BELLERIGERENCE — n. aggression, animosity
CAUSTIC —adj. corrosive, burning like acid
CHICANERY — n. deceitful, underhanded behavior (especially legal or political) CONGENIAL —adj. agreeably suitable, pleasant
GENIAL —adj. pleasing, kind, sympathetic, helpful
CONGENITAL — adj. hereditary, inborn, natural
CONTENTIOUS — adj. argumentative, quarrelsome
CYNIC —n. one who deeply distrusts human nature, pessimist
CYNICAL —adj. suspicious and negative
CYNICISM —n. distrust, grumpiness, pessimism
个中三昧GREGARIOUS —adj. sociable, outgoing, friendly
INSIDIOUS — adj. treacherous and sneaky
LARGESS — n. generosity on a big scale, as well as the gift itlf
PEJORATIVE —adj. negative and disparaging
PHILANTHROPY —n. love of humankind as expresd by the willingness to do good deeds PHILANTHROPIC —adj. benevolent, charitable, generous
PHILANTHROPIST — n. humanitarian
MISANTHROPY —n. a hatred or distrust of humankind
MISANTHROPI—adj. hatred; dislike, or distrust of humankind
VITRIOL — n. sulfuric acid; something caustic or vere in effect
VITRIOLIC —adj. nasty; burning like acid
ABRIDGE — v. to shorten, to conden
ABRIDGED —adj. shortened, condend
ABRIDGMENT —n. a shortened or condend form of a book, speech, etc.
AUGMENT — v. to make bigger, to add to, to increa
AUGMENTATION — n. an enlargement, an expansion
BREVITY — n. briefness
CHRONIC —adj. constant; lasting a long time (usually associated with something negative and undesirable)
CIRCUITOUS — adj. roundabout, rambling, indirect
CIRCUMLOCUTION — n. an indirect or evasive expression; wordiness CIRCUMLOCUTORY — adj. indirect, wordy, vague单向好友什么意思
CONCISE — adj. brief and to the point
CONCISION — n. briefness, succinctness
COPIOUS — adj. abundant, plentiful
CURTAIL —v. to shorten, to cut short
LACONIC — adj. using few words (almost to the point of rudeness)
PERFUNCTORY —adj. careless and without enthusiasm
PONDEROUS — adj. so massive as to be clumsy or heavy; so long as to be dull (speeches, ideas) PROFUSE —adj. flowing; extravagant
PROFUSION —n. an excess, an abundance
PROTRACT — v. to prolong, to lengthen
PROTRACTED — adj. extended, prolonged
PROVISIONAL —adj. conditional, temporary, tentative
TERSE —adj. using no unnecessary words, very succinct
TERSENESS — n. briefness, succinctness
ACQUIESCE — v. to comply passively; to asnt quietly; to agree
ACQUIESCENCE —n. connt, submission
ALLOCATE —v. to distribute; to assign; to allot
APPREHENSIVE — adj. anxious or worried (from feeling powerless) APPREHENSION —n. a n of fear or hesitation
ASCENDANCY — n. supremacy, domination
ASCENDANT —adj. superior, dominant
AUTOCRATIC —adj. ruling with absolute authority; extremely bossy
AUTOCRACY —n. a system run by a person with absolute authority
CAPITULATE — v. to give up or give in, to surrender
CHAGRIN — n. humiliation; embarrasd disappointment
CHAGRINED — adj. mortified, humiliated
CHASTISE — v. to punish, to discipline
DAUNT —v. to make fearful, to intimidate
DAUNTING —adj. intimidating
UNDAUNTED, DAUNTLESS — adj. confident; fearless courageous; determined, resolute DEFERENCE — n. submissiveness to another's will
DEFER —v. to submit, to refer; to detain, to postpone
DEFERENTIAL — adj. considerate, respectful
DEMAGOGUE — n. a manipulative leader, a rabble-rour
DIFFIDENT — adj. timid, lacking lf-confidence, shy, unassuming
IMPERIAL — adj. regal, stately (like an emperor or empire)
IMPERIOUS —adj. bossy, arrogant, overbearing
SERVILE —adj. submissive, like a rvant, slavish
SERVILITY — n. submissiveness
SUPERCILIOUS — adj. haughty and patronizing
美国音乐电影SYCOPHANT — n. a lf-rving flatterer, one who is rvile to people with power SYCOPHANTIC —adj. fawning, ingratiating
ADMONISH — v. to warn; to express disapproval
ADMONISHMENT —n. warning, caution, censure
ALLEVIATE —v. to relieve (usually temporarily or incompletely)
AMELIORATE — v. to improve, to make more tolerable
ANGUISH —n. agonizing physical, mental, or emotional pain; v. to suffer
APPEASE —v. to soothe or pacify by giving in
APPROBATION — n. approval, prai
DISAPPROBATION — n. disapproval, objection
概念书籍CONTRITE —adj. admitting guilt, remorful
CONTRITION — n. guilt, regret, repentance
DEBILITATE —v. to weaken, to cripple
DEBILITY —n. weakness, disability
DEBILITATING — adj. weakening, injurious
REPARATION —n. compensation, a payback
REPRISAL — n. military action taken in revenge for another; the act of taking "an eye for an eye" RE
PROACH — v. to scold (usually from disappointment), to blame, to disgrace IRREPROACHABLE — adj. blameless; flawless, impeccable
RESPITE — n. a period of rest or relief
SALUTARY — adj. healthful, curative, remedial
SANGUINE — adj. cheerful; optimistic, hopeful
SANGUINARY — adj. bloodthirsty; bloody
SUBJUGATE —v. to subdue; to dominate, to enslave
VENERATE —v. to revere, to treat as holy (especially becau of great age) VENERABLE —adj. worthy of being esteemed, praiworthy
VEX —v. to annoy, to pester; to confu
VEXATION — n. aggravation, nuisance, annoying puzzlement
APOCRYPHAL — adj. of doubtful authenticity; fictitious, mythical
ARTIFICE — n. a clever trick; cunning, guile