We now have evidence of facial recognition’s harm. Time for lawmakers to act.
Defenders of unregulated facial recognition technology have always asked for concrete evidence of harm. Now they have it — and lawmakers in both chambers [ˈtʃeɪmbəz] of Congress have signaled a willingness to act.
unregulated 不受监管 ; 无规定的 ; 未调整的facial recognition 面孔识别;面部识别
concrete evidence 确凿的证据chambers 会议厅 ; 议院 ; 房间,室 ; chamber的复数
Congress 美国国会 ; 代表大会 ; 国会,议会
willingness 意愿 ; 乐意;心甘情愿Express willingness
采取行动take action; begin to act; Action; take an action; Taking Action
The New York Times reported last month that a man in Michigan named Robert Williams was wrongfully arrested early this year after an algorithm misidentified him, indicating to officers that he was a match for surveillance video of someone shoplifting小红细胞 $3,800 worth of watches.
∙wrongfully 不公正地 ; 不公平地
∙arrested 逮捕 ; 拘留 ; 阻止 ; 中止 ; 吸引 ; arrest的过去分词和过去式
∙surveillance 监控 ; 监视
宪法手抄报内容∙shoplifting 冒充顾客在商店行窃 ; 在商店行窃 ; shoplift的现在分词
《纽约时报》上个月报道称,密歇根州一名叫威廉姆斯(Robert Williams)的男子今年早些时候被错误地逮捕,原因算法错误识别了他的身份,该算法向警察表明,他与一个在商店盗窃价值3800美元手表的人的监控录像相匹配
Police showed up闫学 at his home, handcuffed [ˈhændkʌft] him in front of his wife and daughters and held 慈菇的家常做法him for 30 hours, during which time he demonstrated to detectives that he wasn’t the black man depicted [dɪˈpɪktɪd] in their grainy [ˈɡreɪni]image. Weeks later in court, the procutor moved to dismiss his ca.
show up 如约赶到 ; 出现 ; 露面 ; handcuffed 用手铐铐住 ; handcuff的过去分词和过去式
in front of 在前面 ; 在…前面detectives 侦探 ; 警探 ; 私人侦探 ; detective的复数
depicted 描绘 ; 描画 ; 描写 depict的过去分词和过去式grainy 表面粗糙的 ; 模糊的
dismiss (law 律) 驳回;不受理to say that a trial or legal ca should not continue
怪老头“How does one explain to two little girls that a computer got it wrong, but the police listened to it anyway?” Mr. Williams wrote in an op-ed [ˌɒp ˈed] for The Post.
op-ed西西弗斯神话 评论版(报章上与社论版位置相对的)评论版
How does the government explain the same to its citizens? Last week, Sens. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Reps. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) introduced legislation that would impo a moratorium on biometric surveillance technologies until rules to govern them are in place.
冬瓜的营养价值政府又如何向市民解释呢?上周,马萨诸塞州参议员爱德华·J·马基(Edward J.Markey)、杰夫·默克利(Jeff Merkley)和众议员普拉米拉·贾亚帕尔(Pramila Jayapal)、艾安娜·普雷斯利(Ayanna Pressley)提出了一项立法,规定暂停使用生物识别监视技术,直到管理这些技术的规则出台为止。
The proposal stops federal entities from using facial recognition, and it strips grant funding from state and local entities including law enforcement unless they, too, adopt te
mporary bans. Companies including Microsoft, IBM and Amazon, who CEO Jeff Bezos also owns The Post, recently pledged to stop marketing their systems to police departments — but departments often u tools developed by little-known and little-vetted firms缠绵悱恻.
facial recognition 面孔识别;面部识别
strip [VN] ~ sb of sth剥夺 [VN] ~ sth (down)拆卸;拆开[VN] ~ sth (off) | ~ A (off/from B)/~ B (of A)除去,剥去(一层);(尤指)剥光
vetted [ˈvetɪd] v.审查(某人过去的生活和职业);仔细检查,审查(内容、质量等)
law enforcement 法的实施,法的执行little-known 鲜为人知的
This lack of vetting is part of the problem that any future law will have to solve; recognition algorithms are known for failing to correctly identify people of color at disproportionate rates and ought to be audited [ˈɔːdɪtɪd] for accuracy and bias.
algorithms 算法 ; 计算程序 ; algorithm的复数known for 以…而闻名
audited 审计 ; 稽核 ; 旁听 ; audit的过去分词和过去式
bias 偏见 ; 偏心 ; 偏向 ; 偏爱 ; 特殊能力 ; 斜裁 ; 使有偏见 ;
The failures are particularly insidious [ɪnˈsɪdiəs] given that communities of color are disproportionately policed [pəˈliːst], which means the mug shot [mʌɡ ʃɑːt] repositories [rɪˈpɒzɪtəriz] officers draw from are disproportionately compod of black and brown faces.
insidious 阴险的 ; 隐伏的 ; 潜伏的 ; 隐袭的given that 考虑到 ; 鉴于
disproportionately 不成比例地mug shot (尤指警方拍摄的罪犯的)面部照片