I. Definition
1. Antonomasia
(1) Daniel:a person of great wisdom; a wi and fair judge
(2) Doubting Thomas: someone who tends not to believe things unless they can e the proof of them; who demands physical evidencein or not to be convinced, especially when this demands is out of place
(3) Judas: someone who betrays under the gui of friendship; traitor
Judas Kiss: a deceitful act of courtesy or a simulated act; insidious treachery
(4) The Tower of Babel: a fantasyplan; a castle in the air; confusion of tongues; a scene of confusion
(5) Trojan Hor: any person, group, or thing that eks to subvert a nation, an organization, etc. from within
(6) Watergate: scandal; illegal activities; charge or get sb. involved insth.
(7) Dunkirk: retreat in disorder; recession; grave crisis
(8) Waterloo: a vere and derved defeat after a time of unusual success
振奋近义词(9) Bastille: tyranny of prison; a symbol of tyranny
(10)Beauty and the Beast: a handsome woman with an uncouth or uncomely male companion
(11) The Lion's Share: the biggest part or the best part
(12)Gone with the Wind: be utterly helpless; have no way out
(13) The Grapes of Wrath: an explosive, dangerous situation resulting from the anger or distress of a group of people over a situation
(14) Tartuffe: a hypocrite, who pretends to religious piety
(15) Romeo and Juliet: ill-fated lovers
(16) Munich: policy of appeament
(17) Gatsby: upstart
(18) Holmes: a man of keen insight and reasoning
(19) Tess: a pure and innocentwoman
(20) The American Dream: a place where everyone has the chance of becoming rich and successful
(21) Beefeater: tho living off imperial-cereals or salary provided by the state
炒牛蒡子的功效与作用(22) The Iron Lady: a tough woman
(23) Foggy Bottom: Department of State; State Department
(24) Father of Lies: the devil; the enemy of mankind
(25) The Big Apple: a popular name for New York City
(26) Shangri-La: a hidden paradi; a cret military ba
(27) Downing Street: the British Government
2. Allusion
(1) Cry Wolf: give a fal alarm, risking the possibility that people will not believe that you need help later whenyou really do
(2) Cat's Paw: a person ud as tool by another; someone who does unpleasant or dangerous jobs on the orders of another person; tool
(3) Skeleton in the Cupboard: an unpleasant, often shocking event or fact from the past that a person or a family keeps cret
(4) Phoenix: a symbol of immorality; that which risfrom the ashes of its predecessor
(5) Peeping Tom: a man who furtively watches people's naked body or xual activities
(6) A Pandora's Box: source of evils
Open Pandora's Box: to do something that unexpectedly caus a lot of new problems that did not exist before
(7) An Apple of Discord: a cau of dispute; a root oftrouble朱丽华
(8) A Sword of Damocles: something bad that may happen at any time番号是什么
(9) Helen of Troy: the beautiful woman as a disaster; the face that launched a thousand ships
(10) Achilles' Heel: the only weak or vulnerable point or a single important weakness that can prevent you from being successful
(11) Siren: a dangerous beautiful woman; a woman who is considered to be dangerous
(12) Forbidden Fruit: a pleasure or enjoyment that is disapproved of or not allowed and perhaps therefore more enjoyable, especially a xual act or illegal xual relationship; having an affair
(13)Oliver Branch: some gesture to show that one wants to end a struggle against someone; a sign of peace
(14) A Garden of Eden: a place of innocent happiness
(15) Birthday Suit: theskin with no clothes on; complete nakedness
(16) Bite the Bullet: tide over a period of stress with one's teeth t; suffer bravely something very un-pleasant
(17) Waterloo: a vere or crushing defeat
Meet One's Waterloo: suffer a disastrous defeat; to be finally defeated after a long period of success
区域名称(18) Woodstein: a journalist who frequently lays bare an inside story of a plot
(19) Deep Throat: a cret giver of information
午餐吃什么好(20) Columbus's Egg: everything is hard in the beginning; an easy task once one knows the trick
(21) Frankenstein: anything that caus the ruin of its creator
(22) Rip Van Winkle: someone who is unaware of current events and conditions
(23) Uncle Tom: one who is slavish or obedient; a black person who is very friendly or respectful to the whitepeople