II. Discussion
1. Students should identify:
1.macro and micro information to be rearched
2. objectives and targets to be achieved
3.strategies to be chon and agenda to be t
4. negotiation team members to be involved
5. locations where negotiations to be conducted
6. Adjusting bad on reality backed up by learning
1. macro and micro information to be rearched
1) Information on related environmental factors
The political state, Religious belief, The legal system, Business convention, Social customs,Financial state, Infrastructure and logistics system, Climate factor
2) Knowledge of the opponent
Nature of the company, Development history, Financial and credit status, Features of its products,
World market shares, Production and supply capacity, Price levels, Preferred payment terms,Negotiation targets or objectives, Nature of the company, Credit status and financial status,Individuals
3) Knowledge of competitors
Supply of and demand for the products, Information about similar products, Technological development trends, Production capacity, Operational states, Market shares of the major producers, Sales forces, Price levels, distribution channels, competition and relationship between or among rivals
4) Knowledge of onelf
capacities and abilities to supply, operational conditions
2. objectives and targets to be achieved
玩物丧志的意思1) Defining one’s interest
2) Clarifying objectives
Prioritizing one’s goals
Establishing goals
3)Building one’s BATNA
3.strategies to be chon and agenda to be t
跑赢通胀1) Choosing a strategy (5 types)
2) Setting an agenda (the order:1-4-3-2)
1) One-on-One vs Team Negotiation
Advantages and Disadvantages
2) The Leader
Obligations /responsibilities/ job description
General Characteristics/ How to choo the leader ?
3) Team Members
How to choo team members? (2 wrong choices)
Men vs. Women
Negotiating characters (5 types)
4) Teamwork
General Characteristics of effective teams
Seating Location
5. locations where negotiations to be conducted
home court /venue
6. Adjusting bad on reality backed up by learning
2. For example (students will find their own examples, but should identify:
A toy, cost 50 yuan
ideal target 90 yuan
minimum target or bottom line: 60 yuan
realistic target: 75 yuan
3.Students should identify:
Avoidance, Competition, Accommodation , Compromi, and Collaboration
Avoidance is non-negotiation.
Competition is also known as distributive or win-lo strategy.
Accommodation is “I lo you win” policy.
Compromi is a combination of competition and accommodation, two distributive strategies. Collaboration is also called integrative, or win-win strategy.
Ca one: Sino- Japane negotiations
1. What factor played an important role in concluding the deal at the figure given by the Chine side ? Preparation played an important role in concluding the deal at the figure given by the Chine side. Before the negotiation, the Chine side devoted much energy to preparation including doing market rearch, gathering information. During the negotiation, they still kept a clo look at the changing market, therefore they had a card up their sleeve from the beginning to the end of the negotiations that laid a foundation for further discussions, during which, a ries of tactics were wily ud.
2. What tactics did the Japane side u in the first round of negotiation?
The Japane side ud a tactic of trial balloon by making an offer at 10 million Japane yen. Their purpos are two fold: if the Chine side did not know the international market, they can take it as a basis, a starting point for their bargaining, then they can surely make large profits. If the Chine side won't accept it, they can justify themlves.
3. Why did the Japane side turn to introduction of their products?
By talking about performance, and high quality of their products, they wanted to justify their first offer in a round about way.
4. What tactics did the Chine side u in responding to their introduction of the product ?
Ask while knowing the answer.
They meant to show that the Chine side know quite clearly about the market, that the Japane are not the only supplier, and that the Chine side has the right to make a choice.
5. How do you look at the result of the negotiation to both parties?
To both parties the result of the negotiation is a win-win negotiation. The success of this negotiation r散文诗的特点
eflects both cooperation and competition between the two sides. The Chine side reached the goal of importing quality equipment with limited foreign exchange only after two rounds of talks. The Japane side apparently sold goods at a price lower than the price of sales sold to other countries. But their profits were not reduced becau of the short transportation distance, and their costs of transportation and risks were reduced. They adjusted their objective in good time, and cho to conclude the deal rather than leave this opportunity to rivals.
Ca two: Negotiating a better package when you start work (这⼀部分是修改过的,要认真看看)
You need to do your rearch before entering the negotiation so that you're supported by accurate, current information. Firstly, you need to get the general knowledge of the market price, that is the general wage level, of the labor like you, especially in the particular area where the company is located. Then you also should familiarize yourlf with the company itlf, as well as the range of salary and benefit options that are being offered. And as one of the applicants for the job, maybe you should be aware of other applicants’ asking price for the remuneration, that is the BATNA of the company.
If you are expecting better payment, knowing how to show your lling points or specialties which ar
e superior to other competitors is of great importance. You should match your advantages logically and cloly with the job description, thus the employer may be attracted and offer you higher pay.
It’s quite important to t clear goals in the preparation. Bad on the above information, you need to t your three levels of goals. The goals should also be very comprehensive, in other words, it should includes both the salary and benefits. Maybe it is not easy to ask for higher pay, but you can ask for some housing allowance, telephone allowance, or travel allowance. You may be able to tinker with the combination of benefits, if the salary is fixed.
And the last point in the preparation is you’d better know clearly of the negotiating power of the company and yourlf. Combined with your career goals, you need to choo a wi strategy when negotiating with the company. That is to say, if it is a quite famous and powerful company, as an ordinary applicant, maybe you just want to have the chance to enter into the company to enrich your working experience and gain knowledge and ability. Therefore, you should choo a quite collaborating or even compromising strategy. And you should also know your BATNA clearly.
Ca two: The composition of American negotiating team
Cross-cultural negotiation requires very detailed preparation on cultural differences. Many negotiations failed not becau of lack of common ground but rather becau of ignorance of cultural differences.
Popular Chine values are: modesty, patience, respect for hierarchy, pride (no losing face), loyalty and tradition etc. All the show that in negotiations, there is something more important than the purely substantive matters for the Chine—the relationship. As a result, decisions have a long term orientation. Negotiations in China are important social events ud to foster relationships. The Chine generally negotiate in an unhurried manner. They usually opennegotiations with a discussion of general principles of mutual interests. They do not like the western eagerness to sign a contract and this typically means that you will be dealing with people who place values and principles above money and expediency.五和弦
There are two distinct phas of negotiating business deals in China—the technical and the commercial phas. There are usually two negotiating teams. The technical pha comes first and is very detailed. This is a stage where you need to nd someone reprentative and competent in technical issues. To the Chine, a contract is a commercial agreement, not a legal document and should be bad on friendship and goodwill. In this context, a lawyer would not be the most appropri
ate resource to conduct the negotiation. In China, whenever unexpected circumstances ari, they are typically sorted out through the strong relationship bonds that exist.
China is a one-leader oriented culture and Chine expect exactly the same approach from foreigners. During negotiation, a team of negotiators is welcomed but the Chine will look for the leader with authority to make decisions. It is definitely advisable to bring your technical experts to the negotiation table. Like in any negotiation you need to be sure that both substantive and relationship issues are considered in terms of negotiation goals. While composing your negotiation team, choo delegates who are competent in building relationships, creating and claiming value.
Ca three: Team members do not get on well together
A common question in business negotiation when determining whether someone will be a success is,“Can they pass muster(符合要求)?”. Members of a negotiating group are masters preparing to stitch together a successful negotiation. In this ca, we should avoid arranging the unfriendly persons in one negotiating team becau in such circumstances, their quarrel only brings up problems but never offers solutions, and the counterparts will make u of the disnsion (意见不同,纠纷, 争执)within the team. So they cannot be involved in the same group. A successful negotiating team needs tho who can get on well with each other.
II. Form Groups and Discuss
1.Principled negotiations reprent a higher level of negotiation strategy and tactics. They include focusing on interest, not position; parating the people from the problem; inventing options for mutual gains; and insisting on using objective criteria. (They can apply to negotiations involving various situations like politics,
diplomacy, trade, management, even everyday conflicts. The principles help negotiators jump out of the t pattern of positional bargaining, and help them to deal with complicated problems freely.)括号部分可以不⽤回答
2.American famous psychologist Maslow's hierarchy of human needs theory rves as a theory of negotiations. Bad on which, Gerard I. Nierenberg——an American famous negotiation expert points out that needs and satisfaction of the opponent's needs rve as the basis of a negotiation.
3 .ABC company wants to import a t of production line from Japan in order to increa productivity.
To buy a t of production line from Japan is the position of ABC company
In order to increa productivity is the interest of the company.
Ca one : Driving a bargain
1.Why did both the German and the Chine sides emphasize their own advantages?
Becau each of them adopted the tactic of forestalling their opponent by a show of strength. Both of them want to gain more negotiating power.The German side wanted to u its experience to influence the Chine side psychologically, gaining the negotiating power, and hoping that the Chine side would defer to them. The Chine side pushed the advantages of a host country in order to gain an equal position from which to negotiate with the opponent.
2.Why did the Chine side oppo the name of the joint venture given by the German side?
Becau the name firstly suggested denied the equal position of the two parties, instead the joint venture became a subsidiary of Baier.
3. On the whole, in what spirit or with what principle did the negotiations come to a successful agree
ment to mutual benefits? The principles ud are “focusing on interest, not position; inventing options for mutual gains; and insisting on using objective criteria”.(这三条原则具体体现在哪⾥,要结合⽂章⽤⾃⼰的语⾔简述) .
4 .What are the experiences reflected through the negotiations?
First, the two parties prepared well, reflected by their carrying out a feasibility study, and by forming a capable exploration team to collect information. During the opening stages, they dealt well with the degree of competition and cooperation, conducting the negotiations on an equal footing. During the bargaining stages, both parties competed and compromid, finding satisfactory solutions whenever they came across issues related with each other's interests, and they just follow the principle of CPN. Finally at the closing stage, they did well in drafting the contract, preventing further disputes from arising. Ca two: The unit price
The rule of thumb in this situation is to let your counterpart offer to split the difference. If you make the offer, your counterpart knows you are willing to accept the lower price. A good solution is to state, “We are only twenty dollars apart. What should we do?” If the buyer offers to split the difference, you know she is willing to accept $190. With this new information, you, as the ller, could counter, “You
have just stated that you are willing to take $185. I am willing to give you $195. That makes us only $10 apart. Why don't we split the difference and do the deal for $190?”
Ca three: Special pricing
The hurdle can be overcome. Victor is able to rai a cond possibility: to provide the Chine with some new equipment at a cost he thought they would appreciate. In return, the Chine agree to help him out with his regulatory mandate and agree to the pricing of the deal as originally stated. This satisfies Victor's own pricing problems and als the relationship of special friendship between his company and the Chine, and looks on his possible chips as needs-satisfiers. Nowadays, many American business persons have come to e the importance of relationship in Chine negotiation and adapt their style accordingly. Ca four : Phras sometimes heard
韭菜的种植Here are some key points to handle the scenarios:
Don't believe everything you e and hear.
Part of a good salesperson's skill is to learn to read people and situations very quickly. However, when it gets down to negotiating, you have to take everything you e and hear with a grain of salt. Buyers are
good negotiators, and thus they are good actors. You may be the only person who has what they need, but everything they do and say, from body language to the words they u, will be designed to lead you to believe that unless they get an extra 10% off or discount, they're going away. Be skeptical. Be suspicious. Test, probe, and e what happens.
Don't offer your bottom line early in the negotiation.
按摩手法教程How many times have you been asked to “give me your best price”? And have you ever given your best price only to discover that the buyer still wanted more? You have to play the game. It's expected. If you could drop your price by 10%, start out with 0%, or 2%, or 4%. Leave yourlf room to negotiate some more. Who knows—- you may get it for a 2% reduction. You might have to go all the way to 10%, but often you won’t. A little stubbor nness(倔强, 顽强)pays big dividends.
Get something in return for your added value.
Before you make concession, think about your options. You could throw it in as part of the package and try to build goodwill. Or you could take a deep breath and try something like, “That's a difficult problem that will require some effort on our part, but it's doable.” In the cond ca, you've told the buyer you definitely could do it, but you have not yet agreed to do it. You may not be able to get him t
o pay extra for it, but you may be able to u it as a bargaining chip in resisting price concessions. Which way you choo to go will depend on who your customer is and on the situation. However, you do have options.
Sell and negotiate simultaneously.
Think of lling and negotiating as two sides of the same coin. This is particularly true in your earliest contacts with the buyer. The face the buyer es is that of a salesperson demonstrating features and benefits. The hidden face is that of a negotiator probing and eking out information like price, terms, quality, delivery, etc. that may be invaluable later and have to be negotiated.
Be patient.
Finally, and most important, be patient. Sales are a high energy, fast moving business. Patience is one commodity that is in relatively short supply, but if you're impatient in a negotiation, you'll lo your shirt. Take the time that you need, don't rush to give in, don't show your anxiety, stay cool and don't get panicky. Negotiation is a process and a game. U the process and play the game. You'll be astonished at the difference that it makes!
Ca one: A last minute decision
If the deal sounds interesting it is suggested that you continue to negotiate. Do not give in to his threat or ultimatum. His tactic is designed to make you panic and not think carefully about your decision. If he refus to give you more time to examine the details of the offer you should get on the plane and leave. He would not prent the offer in such a way unless it gave him a big benefit to do so.
Ca two: Is that your best offer
A great way to practice our negotiation skills is to simply get in the habit of asking salespeople,“Is That Your Best Offer?”We would be amazed how many times they will lower their price or throw in an extra benefit in respon to this simple question. In this ca, the salesperson is honest and does the right thing. The effective counter to this tactic is to build up the value of the benefits that the product or rvice has to support the price. The salesperson could respond, “That is our best price on this model, but if you do not need DVD for your compact disc drive, we can ll you that model over there for four hundred Yuan less. Which would be better for you?”Ca four: You'll be sorry.