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ISO/TC 22/SC 3 N
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Road vehicles - Diagnostic systems - Keyword Protocol 2000 - Part 4 : Requirements for emission related systems
Partie 4 :
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Introductory note
网络安全评估FORM 7 (ISO)
F ICHIER :C:\XDOM001\ISO\14230-4E.DOC    VERSION DU :07/01/9717:01N OMBRE DE PAGE(S):8 PAGE(S)
Page 2
ISO/CD 14230-4:1997(E)
Foreword (3)
0 Introduction (4)
1 Scope (4)
references (4)
2 Normative
layer (5)
3 Physical
4 Data link layer (5)
structure (5)
4.1 Message
4.2 Timing (5)
rvice (6)
4.3 StartCommunication
4.4 Stop communication rvice (6)
rvice (6)
4.5 AccessTimingParameter
rvices (6)
5 Diagnostic
5.1 Emission related rvices (6)
rvice (6)
5.2 TesterPrent生地熟地
5.3 Other diagnostic rvices (6)
respons (7)
5.4 Negative
Annex A (informative) - Bibliography (8)
Page 3
ISO/CD 14230-4:1997(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be reprented on that committee. International organisations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates cloly with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
- Part 1: Physical layer
- Part 2: Data link layer
- Part 3: Application layer
- Part 4: KWP 2000 requirements for emission related systems.
Annex A of this International Standard is for information only.
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ISO/CD 14230-4:1997(E)
0 Introduction
This International Standard contains references to SAE publications, which are regularly amended/updated without any visible change (neither in the numbering, nor any additive letter, etc.). To ensure precily to which particular edition this International Standard refers to, Annex A gives the preci dates of the SAE publications.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the requirements for the Keyword protocol 2000
(KWP 2000) data link and connected vehicle and scan tool when ud to comply with On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) requirements for emission related test data.
This International Standard only specifies restrictions to Keyword protocol 2000 for OBD purpo. Complete specification can be found in ISO/DIS 14230 Parts 1 to 3 (KWP 2000) and in
ISO/DIS 14229.
Only tho ctions of ISO/DIS 14230-1, ISO/DIS 14230-2 and ISO/DIS 14230-3 explicitely referenced in this standard are applicable for OBD purpos.
2 Normative
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of the publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements bad on the International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO/DIS 14229: 1996, Road vehicles - Diagnostic systems - Diagnostic rvices specification.
ISO/DIS 14230-1: 1996, Road vehicles - Diagnostic systems - Keyword protocol 2000
- Part 1: Physical layer.
ISO/DIS 14230-2: 1996, Road vehicles - Diagnostic Systems - Keyword protocol 2000
- Part 2: Data link layer.
ISO/DIS 14230-3: 1996, Road vehicles - Diagnostic systems - Keyword Protocol 2000
- Part 3: Application layer.
ISO 9141-2: 1994, Road vehicles - Diagnostic systems - Part 2: CARB-requirements for interchange of digital information.
ISO/WD 15031-5: Road vehicles - Emission related diagnostic system - Communication between vehicle and external equipment - Part 5: Emission related diagnostic rvices
Page 5
ISO/CD 14230-4:1997(E) layer
3 Physical
All ctions of ISO/DIS 14230-1 are applicable for OBD purpos, except for the restrictions defined below.
There is no restriction for the physical layer. It should be noticed that ISO/DIS 14230-1 and
ISO 9141-2 physical layers are fully compatible. The only difference between the two standards is that ISO/DIS 14230-1 additionally supports 24 V systems. Testers meeting this standard are not required to support communications with 24 V systems.
The baud rate is specified by the protocol and shall not be determined by measurement.
4 Data link layer
All ctions of ISO/DIS 14230-2 are applicable for OBD purpos, except for the restrictions defined below.
致病微生物4.1 Message structure
The header shall always consist of three bytes.
An optional length byte shall not be ud. Data length shall be limited to 7 bytes for compatibility with J 1979 - (and/or ISO/WD 15031-5).
Bits A1A0 of format byte = 11, with address information and functional addressing shall be ud for request messages.轮滑鞋哪个牌子好
Bits A1A0 of format byte = 10, with address information and physical addressing shall be ud for respon messages.
Functional address 33 H shall be ud as target address for messages nt to the vehicle.
Target address of the respons shall be the source address included in the request.
Source address of the respons shall be the physical address of the ECUs.
4.2 Timing
Only the normal timing parameter t with default values shall be ud for both the vehicle and the scan tool. Timing exceptions as described in ISO/DIS 14230-2 are not allowed.
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ISO/CD 14230-4:1997(E)
4.3 StartCommunication rvice
ECU(s) (OBD related) shall only support one of the two following methods of initialisation :
- 5 baud initialisation;
- fast initialisation.
The scan tool shall support both methods:
- 5 baud initialisation;
- fast initialisation.
Keywords received by the scan tool can be 2025, 2027, 2029 and 2031. In any ca, the scan tool and the vehicle shall only u the functionality of keyword 2025 (ie. 3 byte header, no additionnal length byte, normal timing).
In ca 5 baud initialisation is ud, then 5 bauds address shall be 33H and subquent communicat
ion shall take place at 10 400 bauds.
4.4 Stop communication rvice
This rvice may be ud by the the scan tool to stop the communication but shall be supported by the vehicule.
4.5 AccessTimingParameter rvice
The scan tool shall not support this rvice.
5 Diagnostic
All ctions of ISO/DIS 14229 and ISO/DIS 14230-3 are applicable for OBD purpos, except for the restrictions below.
5.1 Emission related rvices
Specification and implementation of emission related diagnostic rvices are specified in
SAE J1979.
5.2 TesterPrent rvice
The vehicle shall support the testerPrent rvice to keep the communication active. This rvice shall be ud within P3 by the scan tool to maintain communication with the vehicle in ca no test mode request is needed at this moment. No optional parameter shall be ud, meaning that there shall always be a respon to a request. The scan tool may support the testerPrent rvice or u another method to keep communication active.
5.3 Other diagnostic rvices
Support of the other diagnostic rvices is not required by this standard.

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